forum Something Wicked This Way Comes // Private rp w/ Circe
Started by @croccin-champagne

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"No judging." Kesari warned playfully, popping another shrimp in her mouth. "I don't get cocktail shrimp all that often. I'm making the best of an opportunity. You find your duck?"


"Those are the best kind." Kesari grumbled, nodding. "Somewhere private, though. Until then, I believe we're supposed to be getting to know each other."

@ElderGod-kirky group

Asha nodded. "After the party," she said, talking about the visions. "And I do believe that's what we're supposed to do. Not that I've seen many Witches and Guardians interact much at these things."


"I've been to one of these, before now." Kesari said, looking around. "So I wouldn't know. Do you want to break that commonality of yours, or should we stick to it?"


"Actually, I'm a bigger fan of roasted vegetables." Kesari said, eyes flickering down to her plate. "Shrimp are just a rare treat for me."


"Alright, alright, you win." Kesari said, huffing a laugh. Something told her that was exactly how most of their interactions would be from then on. "Music. You more of an upbeat dancing type-or the slow, soulful lament deal?"