forum Kill The Prince, Steal The Crown // Private rp
Started by @croccin-champagne

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Lily's cheeks warmed, a product of his words and the kiss, and mainly the feeling of his lip ring on her mouth. It really did make kissing him even more intoxicating. She leaned int his touch, chewing her bottom lip as she pretended to think. "Hmm…I don't know. I could instead spend some time with Nevarrah. Have some girl time."

@ElderGod-kirky group

He stuck his bottom lip out in a pout, leaning back as if forbidding her from giving him anymore kisses. "But I want Lily time. I like being next to you when I'm sleeping. You're comfy." He tapped Lily's nose with a soft smile, the fake pout gone. "And it just… I dunno… Keeps me calm? If that makes sense? I'm not alone when I've got you with me."


She sighed, scrunching up her nose at him tapping it. "Damn you. Making me feel bad for teasing you." She complained, leaning in to press her forehead to his. "I'll lay next to you. I still don't see how I'm comfy, but if you really think I am, then I can't exactly deny us both that comfort, can I?"

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar grinned like a kid in a candy store, pressing a full kiss to her lips before breaking it to exclaim happily, "Lily, my flower, my dearest, I thank you for this honor." He laughed quietly at himself, then kissed her again quickly. "But in all seriousness, thank you. You will be free to leave if you want, but at least give me five minutes."


Lily blinked at the sudden kiss, a shy but slightly goofy(at least as goofy as Lily could look) smile brightening her expression. "I can do five minutes. I can probably stick around for more, too." She said, pressing a hand to his cheek before cupping it. "You act like me laying next to you while you nap is something incredible."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"You are incredible, so therefore it is," he said with a grin, loving her smile and leaning into her hand. He turned his head into her hand, kissing her palm. "And I love you, so why not enjoy spending time with you?" He visibly brightened at his own words, still overjoyed at the sharing of those three words between them.


“Mm, I guess those are alright reasons. Even if I don’t quite agree with me being amazing.” She said, biting her lip for a moment as though attempting to hide her smile. Releasing her lip, she pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Shall we then? Your nap awaits, my dear.”

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar hummed in acknowledgment, the corner of his lips twitching up as she kissed his cheek. "Indeed it does." He lightly nudged her hips, signaling that she had to let him get up if they were to go to the barn. "Though, the only reason why I need a nap is because of someone messing with me."


“It’s very rude to blame people for things they aren’t at fault for, love.” Lily admonished playfully, reluctantly releasing him. Carefully, she removed herself from his lap, standing from the swing and offering her hand to help him up.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"You are very much at fault, Lily darling," he said, curling his nose slightly. He shifted and stretched a bit, then released a breath, eyes fluttering slightly. Curse her and her playing with his hair. He still loved the woman, though—and having his hair played with. He reached out and took her hand, letting her help him up as he got off the swing.


She shook her head with a laugh, standing on her toes to kiss his cheek as she gave his hand a squeeze. “I have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about. How could this possibly be my fault?”

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Mmhmm. You're lucky you're cute," he said, leaning down to press a teasing kiss to her neck, right underneath her ear. "Come on, Miss Innocent." He kept a hold of her hand and lightly tugged, guiding her to his side as he started to get off the porch and head towards the barn. The rain was letting up, but a quick glance at the sky told him it wasn't yet finished with its weeping. It only needed to take a breath, and the fall would begin again.


She flushed at the kiss to her neck, eyes widening slightly as he spoke. Well, that had backfired very quickly. Except, when something she did backfired with Rhydar, all he did was tease her. He never raised his hands or demanded she 'learn a lesson'. Shaking off the thoughts that had flickered into her mind, she let him tug her along, following him as she held her hand over her eyes to see in the rain better.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar chuckled and leaned his head against Lily's tipping his chin down slightly so the rain didn't get into his eyes. Instead, he glanced up every now and again, mostly traversing using instinct and his surroundings like the good little thief he was. He was careful to not close his eyes too much for fear of falling asleep. Gods, he didn't realize how tired he was until now. Royal life sure took a lot out of you.


“Rain really does make seeing even harder. Someone should make something to keep the water out of our eyes.” Lily mused, blinking a few times to get the water out of her eyes. She tucked herself into Rhydar’s side, making a face, but happy to be by his side, even if it was while trying to make their way through the rain.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar chuckled and pulled her into the barn once they made it, leading her to the ladder that would bring them up to the loft. Their mare was too busy munching on some hay and grain to bother with them, so Rhydar just guided Lily to the ladder and let her go. "Ladies first," he said with a dramatic bow.


“How chivalrous of you.” Lily cooed, pressing a kiss to his cheek before turning to climb up the ladder. She climbed quickly, with a sort of ease originating from practice climbing things, and peaked over the edge of the loft once she was up. “Hurry up, slow poke! It’s a little chilly in here.”

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar laughed and stuck his tongue out at Lily right before he scrambled up the ladder, barely losing his breath. He was constantly climbing things when he was off on his thieving way, or sometimes he just felt like climbing trees. When he got to the top of the ladder, he grinned and snuck a kiss on Lily's lips right before he pulled himself into the loft. "There, I'm here."


"It's about time." Lily joked, nose scrunched happily at the stolen kiss. "For someone who wanted so badly to cuddle, you sure took your time." She shifted, sitting cross legged and looking around the loft curiously. "It reminds me of my family's loft, almost. Our barn was much smaller, though."

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar wandered around the loft, grabbing a few blankets he found and lying them down on a bed of hay. He then came up behind Lily and sat down, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and gently pulling her back so he could look down at her face with a warm smile. "Well," he mused softly, "once we get our barn, it can be however you want it to be, big or small."


Lily watched him gather things, lips quirking up in a small smile that brightened when he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back. "I'd say I want the biggest barn we can get, but then we'd have to fill it with so many animals we might not be able to take care of them. How about a medium sized barn? Gearing towards smaller?" She asked, arching a brow at him.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He chuckled and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck, lip ring brushing against her skin. "Works for me, as long as Kaspa has enough room to not get cranky," he murmured. This was a perfect moment, one of the many perfect moments between them. He thought he'd never fall in love, and yet here he was, with someone he adored and cherished more than anything and anyone in the world. This was a one in a million—no, an even unlikelier chance.


She closed her eyes, giggling softly at the feel of his lips ring on her neck. Her cheeks seemed permanently slightly pink right now, but she was more comfortable than flustered. "Of course. We can turn two stalls into one for him. Maybe even add a door leading out into a paddock, though we'll be able to lock it at night. And Danzing can have the stall next to him." It was still sort of unbelievable, just how comfortable she was with him, despite everything. Rhydar eased her fears, chasing away the darkness of her past without even trying.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Perfect," he mumbled, closing his eyes briefly as he breathed in Lily's scent. "And that plan sounds great," he added, lips quirking up into a smirk at the flirty implication of his words. He allowed himself a moment of just holding Lily before he lifted his head and pressed a kiss to the side of her head. "C'mon. I'm tired and you promised me a nap with cuddles." He was looking forward to it, he wasn't going to lie. She was perhaps the number one person he'd want to wake up to.


"Ah, yes. I did in fact." She said with a small laugh, carefully pulling herself from his arms as she sat up. She stood, taking the few steps to the makeshift bed before plopping down gracefully, shooting him a small smile. "You need sleep, so scootch over here." Lifting her arms, she made grabby motions with her hands, biting her lip to try and hide her amusement at herself. "And now I want cuddles too."