forum Kill The Prince, Steal The Crown // Private rp
Started by @croccin-champagne

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@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar tipped his head back as he grinned over at her, not moving just yet. She looked so adorable, beckoning for him like that. He was once again struck by how lucky he was to be able to be with a girl like Lily—to be with Lily. There was no one else like her. "I knew it—I'm irresistible," he said, dramatically fist-pumping before laughing at himself. He lazily crawled over to Lily, not feeling like getting up, and pulled off his wet shirt before lying down on his stomach, one arm draped across Lily's lap as he laid his head on her stomach, pressing a light and thankful kiss to her belly.


Lily flushed at the kiss pressed to her belly, turning a bright red and losing her ability to hide her smile, though now it was less amused and more un-hideably happy. "Very irresistible, dear. Your cuddles are what keep me going." Even if they had only just reached that stage, it wasn't quite a lie. Being able to make that progress with Rhydar's help was something she loved. "Hey, Rhydar?"

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Hmmm?" he hummed, not moving from where he was half-way sprawled over her lap and using her as a pillow. He did look up at her the best he could, the emerald of his eyes shining from the light filtering in through the slight cracks between the boards of the barn and the high window. He noticed how red she was and that to-die-for smile, and he couldn't help the matching smile that bloomed over his lips. Gods, I love this woman.


"I just-wanted to thank you, again." She said, smiling down at him. Her hand found it's way to the top of his head, not quite petting him yet. "For everything. Being so amazing, and patient with me. I don't know what I'd do without you, and you've helped me so much. So, yeah….thank you." She traced the lines of his face gently, smile softening some as she looked down at him.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar smiled and absolutely melted at that. He curled the hand draped over her lap around her lower back, holding her as he kissed her belly once more before he pushed himself up on his other arm and leaned forward. His lips met her cheek, and he smiled as he said quietly, "I'd do everything in the world for you, Lily. You have no idea how special you are to me, and I'd do anything to keep the privilege of having you by my side."


Lily's blush returned just as strong, her nose crinkling as she pressed her forehead to his. "You don't really have to do much, dear. I'm fully attached to you now." She was special to him. That's what he had said. And as far fetched as that seemed, him saying it was incredible. "Everything in the world? That's a lot of things, Rhydar. Some things I'd really rather you didn't do for me. Just staying around is enough for me."

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar smiled and winked. "Alright, anything. And if it's staying around, then I can do that." He kissed her blushing cheek again, then gently, oh so gently, guided her down so they were both lying down. He went back to using her stomach as a pillow, though he wouldn't be opposed to them switching it up, with Rhydar acting as the pillow for Lily. "I love you, Lily darling," he murmured, "but I'm kinda craving some sleep and cuddles right about now."


Lily huffed a soft laugh, working her fingers into his hair now that both of them were laying down. "Right, of course. Have a good rest, my love." She murmured, closing her eyes as she lay there. There was something so comfortably warm about cuddling with him, something safe. She was happy, which was such a strange thing for her.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar hummed, eyes already slipping closed. He could honestly cuddle with Lily all the time, fall asleep next to her anytime. Her mere presence was comforting and warm, adding onto the warmth he sapped off of from her as he slowly drifted away. Those fingers in his hair were working wonders on his comfort and drowsiness, making him practically melt under her touch. Soon enough, any unnoticed tension unwound and relaxed, his shoulders dropping as if a heavy weight was lifted from them.


Yvonne moved silently through the palace halls, a bundle of fabric held carefully in her arms as she made her way towards her destination. She had learned early on never to make a sound while working, to remain faceless and unnoticed. Servants weren't supposed to be seen. They were just supposed to get their work done.

And her job right now was a delivery. Uri, the head of staff, had summoned her to give her the job, handing her the dress she'd been ordered to pick up by the Queen before sending her off. It really was a gorgeous dress, the red fabric soft and silky in her arms. But somehow, it didn't quite seem like something the small woman it was meant for would wear. From what Yvonne had seen, she preferred blending in, not standing out, no matter the fact that it didn't seem very easy for her to here. Hopefully, she would like it, though- "Oh, dear! I am so sorry! I wasn't looking where I-your Highness, please, forgive me."


Lily hummed happily as she fiddled with the flowers in the vase on the nightstand in her room, a soft smile gracing her lips, which was somewhat of a rarity. Already, the servants had apparently picked up on her love of flowers. Ever since she and Rhydar had gotten back, she'd been buzzing with a strange sort of warmth at something like that being noticed, and further given to her. It was such a strange occurrence, but it made her happy.

The song she hummed filled the room with a particular energy, a charged but serene feeling like that of a cool breeze, or the water of a small stream lapping at one's feet. If someone looked close enough, they could almost see it. Little thin ribbons of color in the air, barely even visible, but shimmering as the flowers in front of her shifted, petals folding a little and opening again, along with her song.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Wolf was strolling through the palace, searching for his twin so they could match outfits. It was a thing they liked to do, especially for big events like this ball. Though it made them stand out a little more, it also kept them safe from people trying to sweep them off to the dance floor, as it gave them an excuse to stick together. They'd usually hang around the concession stand, Cinthia swiping sweets and Wolf nursing a drink or two…or three. He glanced around the hallway and, upon seeing no one, stopped and peeked into the future, momentarily going blind. In his mind's eye, he saw Cinthia putting a green dress on, her hair straightened with the help of some magic.

A small body hit him, and he blinked, his eyes going back to normal—as normal as possible, as he had green colored contacts in. He grabbed onto the person that had bumped into him, and he smiled softly at the female servant furiously apologizing. "No forgiveness needed, hun. We were both to blame for the simple mistake." He glanced down at the bundle in the woman's arms and tilted his head to the side. "Who's that for, might I ask?"


"Oh, um, it's for Ms. Song, your Highness. One of the Crown Prince's 'guests'." Yvonne stuttered out, carefully avoiding actually looking Wolf in the eyes. She wasn't supposed to talk to anyone that high up. She did, however, keep her gaze on his face, which might have been pushing it a bit. But she was talking to a prince, and there was something weirdly exciting about that to her. "The Queen ordered the dress to be delivered, so I was on my way to do so."

@ElderGod-kirky group

Wolf tilted his head to the other side like a curious puppy, letting go of the servant girl after knowing she was steady. "Ah, in that case, I can deliver them. I was just about to go on my way to my twin's room, and they're not that far apart. That is, if you don't mind. I can escort you there if you'd rather." His lips twitched up in amusement and appreciation at the girl's boldness as she spoke to him with her gaze on his face. He wasn't used to it, and it was a nice breath of fresh air. He might keep an eye out for this girl. He opened his mouth when he realized something, smiling softly. "I don't believe I caught your name."


Yvonne arched a brow, for a moment forgetting her place as she met his eyes, considering. It was her job, and she was supposed to follow orders. But he was a prince, and didn't that mean he had the right to give her orders? "If you would like to, you may." She said after a moment, holding out the dress somewhat. "What does my name matter? No offense, of course, your Highness. I'm just not exactly someone who's name matters much to anyone."

@ElderGod-kirky group

Wolf smiled and took the dress, careful of the fabric, as he's grown to know how women treated their clothing—not from Cinthia, of course. "No need for formalities, miss. And I might be a prince, but I'm still a simple man, and it'd be rude of me to not ask for your name." He smiled kindly and met her gaze, not discouraging her from treating him like an equal. Ranks didn't matter to him in the slightest.


"Yvonne, then." She said, tilting her head in greeting. Much easier than bowing, she had to admit. Preferable even. "Though, I find it very hard to believe the words 'simple man' could ever be used to describe you. In any context." Yvonne said, shaking her head and fighting a smile. "You know Ms. Song, then? What is she like?"

@ElderGod-kirky group

Wolf chuckled and ran his free hand through his hair absentmindedly. "Trust me, I'm not a very elaborate person, however my mother would love to make you believe. Same goes for…most…of my siblings." He shifted and bit the corner of his bottom lip, thinking over Yvonne's question. "She's a sweet thing. Not very outspoken, but kind and considerate. Cute, I suppose." He shrugged.


"A very specific type of person." Yvonne commented with a nod, folding her hands in front of her as she shifted on her feet, into a more comfortable stance. "She is the one who's been spending some time with the Crown Prince, yes? Another servant told me he's been avoiding the other guests." She wasn't much one for gossip, but it was kind of romantic, to her. "Pardon the question, but have you not yet found someone to court? And would that mean you would be partaking in an event like this at some point?" Maybe not a gossip, but curious.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Wolf laughed slightly, clearly amused by that. "Ah, if my mother were to throw an event such as this for me, she would be on her death bed before it would be effective. Besides," he added with an indifferent shrug, "having me wed might be ideal as a prince, but I'm the last in the line for the throne. It'd be pointless to waste her efforts on me." He rolled his eyes and made a sour face. "That is, pointless unless it was for some sort of political gain. If that's the case, you'd be seeing even less of me, even more so than my brother."


“So that makes you safe, then. From the pressure of marriage, for now.” She said, tilting her head as though asking for confirmation. Reaching up, she swept her reddish brown locks from her face, the strands coming loose from the bun she kept her hair in most times. “Do you ever wish to marry? Most people do, at some point.” Not herself. Marriage was something far from her mind, and she would much rather bring herself to a better financial situation before even thinking of such things.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He nodded in response to her first statement, then shrugged and shifted a bit awkwardly. "Perhaps, though that'd be a bit difficult." He smiled, though it held a tinge of sadness. "If I ever find the right person, I'll let you know how I feel about it then." The likelihood of him ever getting a love life was slim to nothing, and gaining approval from the masses would be even more difficult—if it was even possible. It was a hard thing to accept, but it is what it is, and there's nothing he can do to change that. He couldn't even fake it, either.