forum Kill The Prince, Steal The Crown // Private rp
Started by @croccin-champagne

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She huffed a laugh, reaching down, her fingertips brushing the surface of the water. "If we're being honest, it's a slight possibility. Though I'm not sure many of those women get up at four in the morning." She said quietly, before growing silent again as she smiled down at the fish.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"True true," he said with a soft laugh, then hummed to himself and tilted his head. Eh, screw it. I got extra clothes in Kaspa's saddle anyway. He started to pull off his shirt, standing up slightly as he did so. There were some faint scars on his back from the lashes he had gotten from stealing—when he had gotten, caught, that is. His birthmark on his shoulder blade, which looked more like a strange grouping of dark splotches, could also be seen.


Her gaze flickered up from the water to Rhydar, and she was immediately torn between flushing a bright red and panicking. Her brain seemed inclined to the latter, but she managed to squash it down, reassuring herself with the fact that it was just Rhydar. The only problem was, that left her with a deep blush as she looked back down at the water hurriedly.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Welp, I'm going in," he said, taking off his shoes and socks and leaving on his pants for Lily's sake. He didn't seem to notice her blush or inner panic as he lowered himself into the water, causing the fish around him to scatter. He came back up and shook his head to rid himself of most of the water droplets falling over his face, swimming around to the other side of the pond.


She covered the lower half of her face with a hand, some small attempt at hiding her blush, as she shifted to sit cross legged on the ground. She carefully kept her eyes away from Rhydar as best she could, though her eyes did occasionally flicker to his swimming figure. What the hell…? Confusion at her own reaction swamped any lingering panic as she shook her head.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He happened to see her in his peripheral vision, and he turned to fully face her with an arched brow and slight smirk. "My, is someone blushing?" he teased, eyes sparkling. He remained on the other side of the pond, dipping down low enough that the water lapped against his chin.


"Not at all." She answered, shaking her head once more. Her hand remained firmly in place over her face, though she wasn't exactly doing the best job of covering her blush. "What would possibly make you think that?"

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Your face is a little red, hun," Rhydar said, his grin slowly growing. She looked cute right then. So damn cute. "So either you're blushing, or both of us need to be a little concerned for your health." He slowly started to swim just a tad closer to her, taking the long way around.


"I'm hoping it's the latter." Lily muttered, audible enough for Rhydar to hear. She didn't seem to notice him moving closer, her eyes on a tree on the other side of the pond to avoid accidentally making eye contact. She let her hand drop, fiddling with the ring as she tried to will her blush down.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He swam just a bit closer, now about halfway through the pond. "Now now, is it so awful to be blushing?" he said in a teasing tone, enjoying this rare moment. He noticed the ring she was fiddling with and felt a small smile bloom on his lips.


"Yes, it is." She said with a nod, hunching her shoulders slightly. Not out of fear or anxiety this time, but more a way to attempt to hide just how flustered she was. She pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth, chewing on it once again.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He swam up to her and crossed his arms on the edge of the pond right in front of her, resting his chin on them as he peered up at her. This was as close as he dared to get to her, and he felt his heart flutter slightly in anticipation of what she'd do.


She blinked, a small and startled noise escaping her as she realized he was right in front of her. When had that happened? She met his gaze, staying quiet for a few moments, unsure what all was supposed to happen next. And then, before she could even stop to think, the words were slipping quietly from her mouth. "Would you…be entirely opposed to kissing me?"

@ElderGod-kirky group

His eyes flashed open and his lips parted in surprise. It wasn't an unwelcome surprise, just…not something he had expected her to say. No, of course he wasn't opposed. In fact, he was ecstatic when she had asked him to help her off of Danzing. This strange, beautiful, incredible, and fascinating girl…

He licked his lip ring as his eyes flicked down to her own lips. "No…No I wouldn't be opposed…" he murmured.


She bit down on her bottom lip, that damn red painting her cheeks deepening just slightly as his eyes flickered to her lips. She'd shocked herself with her own question, but his answer had managed to one up that by just a bit. Releasing her lip, she leaned forward just a bit, closing the distance by about halfway and leaving him to finish, as though expecting him to change his mind.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He pushed himself up farther out of the water to meet her halfway. He lightly brushed his lips over hers, still perfectly understanding if she decided to back out. It might hurt just a tad, but he'd respect her wishes nevertheless. With just that small brush, he could feel how soft her lips were.


Lily's hesitation began to evaporate as the initial worry did, the panic surprisingly absent from her mind. Though it hovered in the background, threatening to expand if things suddenly took a turn for the worse, it seemed to stay dormant. Shifting her hands to either side of her legs to sort of brace herself, she leaned forward a bit more to show she was alright.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He took the green light and pressed his lips to hers, eyes fluttering closed. Though he was still half in and half out of the water, he didn't seem to notice. His entire world narrowed in on Lily and the feeling of her soft lips against his. The taste of her like no other. There was no denying it now. He had fallen for her—hard.


She couldn't remember a time she'd been kissed like this. Rhydar was gentle, and willing to go slow as she worked through her issues. And that, she was pretty sure, was exactly what had led to her maybe, possibly falling in love with him. The panic that had been waiting impatiently was completely shoved away as she kissed him, absolutely not wanting this moment to end.

@ElderGod-kirky group

(I've been slowly realizing, with all the roleplays I've used him for, that Rhydar is secretly a feminist. Like, he doesn't agree with any restrictions women have that men don't have, and some other minor details))

After a few seconds, which felt like an eternity to him, Rhydar pulled back. He opened his eyes and silently scanned Lily's face, still making absolute sure that she was okay with all of this. His tongue flicked out to brush against his ring.


((Y'know, I could totally see him at a rally or something, waving around a sign that's got some pun involving equal rights on it, or some not-so-subtle roast @ the patriarchy))

Lily was slower to open her eyes, meeting his without hesitation this time. And then an admittedly small and slightly shy, but happy, smile flickered into place. Her eyes were drawn to his lip ring as he licked it, for just a split second, before they were back on his.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He sunk back down into the water, as his arms were getting tired of holding him up. But his eyes never left hers as he did so. A matching smile flickered over his lips as he rested his chin on his arms. He didn't have anything to say, but his focus was still solely on Lily as he looked up at her.


She stayed in about the same position, reaching up with one hand to rub the back of her neck. Her eyes searched his, a small part of her expecting a sudden change in reaction, and the rest of her just not wanting to look away.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He wanted to kiss her again. He wanted to just hold her and relish in the absolute honor she's given him by lowering her walls this much for him. But he wouldn't force her. Not now, not ever. So he just swam a little bit off to the side to pull himself back onto the earth next to her.


She was quiet, thinking as he pulled himself up next to her. Hesitantly, she leaned against his shoulder, just slightly. She trusted him, that much was obvious to both herself and anyone that knew she avoided contact like the plague. She opened her mouth, an apology forming on the tip of her tongue, likely for something along the lines of 'not being very open.'