forum Kill The Prince, Steal The Crown // Private rp
Started by @croccin-champagne

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Something warm bloomed in her chest at the sight of his smile, and her fiddling with the ring was less anxious and worried now as they fell into a comfortable silence. Cute?

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar stood up in the stirrups to get a better look at how far they had to go to the pond. It wasn't much farther now, he could see, just another one or two minutes of steady riding. From the snorting and huffing coming from Kaspa, who was now throwing a childish tantrum, Rhydar would have to let the stallion loose for a bit while they stopped at the pond. Remember to take off his saddle. You've learned your lesson from the last time.


"We getting close?" Lily asked, tilting her head as she watched Rhydar stand. Kaspa's fit hadn't gone unnoticed, but she managed to shove done the small spark of guilt threatening to return.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"One or two minutes," Rhydar said, sitting back down and looking over his shoulder to look at Lily as he spoke. He patted Kaspa's side as he said, "I'm gonna let Cranky here run around for a bit when we get there." Kaspa turned his head to playfully nip at Rhydar. Rhydar stuck his tongue out.


Lily pressed a hand to her mouth, muffling the quiet laughter bubbling up at the two's antics. Danzing even seemed slightly amused, snorting softly. "That would probably be best. Does he get…cranky often, when unable to run?"

@ElderGod-kirky group

"He gets cranky when he can't do what he wants, just like a child," Rhydar explained, lightly batting at Kaspa's muzzle to get him to turn back around. It didn't work, and Kaspa then proceeded to yank on Rhydar's shirt playfully. Rhydar sighed and left the horse be as he leaned back to talk to Lily. "He's just a big baby if I'm being honest."


"I think he's adorable." Lily said, eyes crinkling slightly with her smile as she shook her head. "Just like a child." Watching Rhydar and Kaspa goof off was somewhat entertaining, as she'd never seen anyone bond with a horse quite like that.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar chuckled, then grinned when he saw her smile once more. Atta girl… "He's cute when he's not throwing a tantrum and trying to bite my hand off when I'm not giving him his treats within 5 seconds." He scoffed. "And I thought the twins were bad when it came to sweets."


"Ah, yes. Your fingers are quite important, right?" Lily teased, quirking an eyebrow slightly as her smile widened just a bit. "You just have to hope the twins and Kaspa don't figure out a way to team up."

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Yes, yes they are. How else am I supposed to steal stuff?" he said with a smile, his eyes brightening just a tad. He then scrunched his nose at the thought of the twins and Kaspa teaming up. "That would both be interesting and a nightmare on my part."


"There would be nothing sweet left in the entire palace by the time they were done." She said, shaking her head. "The entire city, if they had enough time and energy." She huffed a soft laugh, brushing her hair away from her face.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Exactly. It'd be like an epidemic. All the sweets—gone by the end of the week." He laughed slightly, then lightly batted Kaspa's muzzle to get him to let go of his shirt. The stallion huffed in annoyance, but let go and turned back around, head bobbing with each step he took.


"There would have to be an entire group dedicated to collecting and protecting sweets from them." She said, nose scrunched up in a playful and slightly adorable expression. "I'm somewhat surprised they haven't already."

@ElderGod-kirky group

His gaze bounced around her face as he replied. "What, formed a group or created a sweets drought?" he asked with a small laugh. How is she so adorable? he thought with a hint of something warm in his chest as he enjoyed their playful banter.


"Both." She answered, her smile growing into something like a half-grin. His laugh is nice. The thought was slightly startling, though not as unwelcome as she thought it would be.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He beamed at the improvement with her smile. He, for some reason, liked seeing her smile and hearing her laugh—however rare it was. "Well, I think we should start on that group before they get any ideas on the sweet drought," he said.


"We'll need a name, you know." She pointed out, shaking her head. "And meeting times, likely." She looked off into the distance, nose scrunching up as she pretended to think.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He tilted his head, tapping his lips thoughtfully. "Hmm, let's see. What about the Cookie Crusaders?" He couldn't help his laugh bubbling out as he continued on. "And I'd say we meet up at… noon? No one really does anything at noon, do they?"


"I don't think anyone really does, minus having lunch." She agreed, biting her bottom lip. "Cookie Crusaders. It sounds official, I like it." That drew an actual laugh from her, a light and musical sound as her eyes sparkled. "We should get badges."

@ElderGod-kirky group

He licked his lip ring as he fought to keep from staring, though his silence was probably indication enough. He's only heard it once, but he was already enthralled with her laugh. It brought something warm and fluttering inside his chest.

He shook his head slightly, smiling. "We should totally get badges. A cookie protected by some forks and knives, you think? Spoons are useless in this fight."


She clapped her hands together, nodding. "Brilliant! Quite the visionary mind you've got there." She'd noticed the silent moments, but hadn't thought too much of it beyond him thinking. "Spoons tend to be useless in general though."

@ElderGod-kirky group

He shrugged but was grinning nevertheless. "Nah, I'm just thinking on the spot at the moment." He tilted his head as he looked back ahead of them, noticing that they were just outside of the clearing where the pond was. "We're basically here," he said.


She tilted her head curiously, arching an eyebrow. "That was quicker than I assumed it would be." She resumed fiddling with the ring, her smile still very much in place. She followed his gaze, a small spark of something like excitement making itself known in her mind.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Yeah, it's surprising how no one's managed to figure out that I come here almost all the time." He slid off of Kaspa, then took off his saddle and let the antsy stallion run around the area freely. "The pond's just through these trees," he said, coming up to Lily once Kaspa had galloped away.


"A closely guarded secret, understood." She said with a nod, smiling down at him. After a moment of thought, she looked to Danzing for a moment, before looking back at Rhydar. "Do you think you could help me down? To give Danzing a break."