forum Kill The Prince, Steal The Crown // Private rp
Started by @croccin-champagne

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@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar hefted the saddle onto Kaspa while the stallion grazed, being as obedient as he could for the moment. He did move around a few steps to get some good grass patches, but Rhydar didn't mind it that much. He redid the straps and made sure they were secure, then pulled himself up and clicked his tongue, following Lily.


Lily stuck her hands in her pockets as she watched, flickering a glance back to check on Rhydar. They reached Danzing quickly, finding the stallion in essentially the same spot, munching peacefully. His ears flicked up as they approached, followed by his head, as he snorted a greeting to Lily.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"I'm still trying to figure out how you managed to get that grump to like you," Rhydar said, pulling Kaspa to a halt as he waited for Lily to get ready. "Then again, you just seem to have this thing about you that makes you naturally alluring," he mused, tilting his head.


"He just needed a friend." Lily said, huffing a small laugh as she cupped Danzing's face for a moment before slipping around to untie him from the tree. "How exactly am I 'naturally alluring'?" She asked, raising an eyebrow over at him in curiosity and confusion.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He shrugged, unable to explain it, and rubbed the back of his neck. "It's just…I don't know. I was drawn to you just from a single conversation. You seemed interesting and we got along relatively well." He blew out a breath. "Okay, I have no clue. It's just a feeling I've got."


She blinked, tilting her head. "Drawn to me? That-that suggest there's something special about me to catch your attention." She said, disbelief making her tone soft. For all her insisting that he wasn't just the thief he saw himself as, her own view of herself tended to fall about the same.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He chuckled at her disbelief, shooting her a knowing smirk. "You say that as if you don't believe yourself to be capable of being something special," he said, tilting his head slightly. "But of course, with all of your insistence that I'm not allowed to have a low opinion of myself, then surely you follow your own rule as well."


"That's because I'm not capable of being anything special." She said, shaking her head as she finished untying Danzing. The stallion continued his grazing, standing still as she pulled herself up into the saddle with slight difficulty, if only because of her height in comparison. "You've barely followed my 'rule', anyway." She pointed out, raising an eyebrow.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Sure you are," he said sincerely, watching her mount Danzing and still silently miffed that the stallion was so well-behaved in comparison to Kaspa. Why did I have to rub off on the darn beast? "And what have I done to not follow your rule after you set it?" he asked with an arched brow.


"It was only recently set into place, but before that. And you can't honestly sit there and tell me you wouldn't say the same things you had been, if I lifted the rule." She said, and as an afterthought before they got going, quickly undid the braids in her hair to hide the brand once more.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He just shrugged in answer, neither denying nor confirming it. He turned towards the palace and clicked his tongue, making Kaspa turn towards it as well. The stubborn stallion huffed in protest but did it anyways when Rhydar mentioned getting sugar cubes later if he was good.


She sighed, shaking her head as she urged Danzing along. The stallion snorted, taking a moment before starting off after Kaspa. Once on their way, Lily once again turned her face up to the sky, soaking in the warm sunlight. She'd spent so many years barely leaving the same building, and wasn't in any rush to take her access to the sun for granted.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar glanced behind him and smiled as he watched Lily. She looked so happy and peaceful out here; she almost seemed to belong out here, in the mysterious but beautiful great outdoors. He turned back around so as not be caught staring, but his teeth tapped on his ring as his thoughts were consumed by Lily and what she might be hiding. What had caused her to dislike touch so much? And he knew that girls were slightly panicked when drunken men seemed to want only their bodies for some nightly "fun," but she had a full-on panic attack. It was strange, and he wanted to help her, but he knew that she'd open up to him when she felt the time was right—at least, he hoped.


Safe. Something Lily hadn't felt in forever, a word she'd almost forgotten existed. And yet, here she was. Free. She owed that to a small selection of people, herself included, though she certainly didn't think so, but Rhydar…in a short few days, he'd managed to clear away so many of the shadows still clinging to her. She had thanked him plenty of times already, but it still didn't feel like enough. Slowly, she opened her eyes and turned her gaze back to Rhydar, that familiar smile in place, though this one seemed more…hopeful, somehow.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar felt eyes on him and turned around. He blinked when he saw that it was Lily, smiling that smile he loved with a hint of hope in it. He returned her smile with one of his own, happy that she seemed so bright and carefree—at least as carefree as she could be. His heart warmed at the hope in her smile and eyes, hoping that that meant she was facing her demons with a bright gaze.


Wonderful, amazing, great. His smile made her heart flutter slightly, and a light blush returned to her cheeks as she was caught looking at him. Gods, she could get used to a smile like that. She reached up, tucking her hair behind her ear as her smile grew slightly in response to his. "Your smile is really nice."

@ElderGod-kirky group

His smile turned to a slight smirk as he noticed her blush and she complimented his smile. "Why thank you. I made it myself." His sarcastic and slightly cocky words were softened by the look in his eyes. They were bright with happiness as he gazed at her.


She pressed a hand to her mouth as she huffed a laugh, shaking her head. "Hilarious." She joked, quirking an eyebrow at him. "You can be sarcastic all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that I like your smile."


((See you! Have fun man))

"Well I would hope not. I wouldn't want to have to put yet another rule in place." She scrunched up her nose playfully.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rhydar chuckled, shaking his head and pulling Kaspa back so that he was right next to Lily. "Wouldn't want another rule," he said sarcastically, then got slightly more serious. "But thank you, for the compliment. It's not…" he tilted his head as he looked off to the distance, "It's not really something people notice, being a thief and all." He smiled as he said without looking at her. "I love your smile. Your real one, not the one that looks like your hiding."


"You've…mentioned that, before." Lily said quietly, looking off to the side as she twisted the ring around her finger. Was her smile really that great? She couldn't imagine it being anything like his, for sure. She looked back over at him, chewing on her lip in thought.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He tilted his head. "It's worth mentioning," he said simply, watching her seemingly get lost in thought. Her lip biting didn't go unnoticed on his part, but he did his best to not directly look at her lips.


"Can I ask you a question?" She spoke finally, after a few minutes of quiet thought and lip biting. Her eyes returned to his, as she arched an eyebrow slightly in question.

@ElderGod-kirky group

He hummed in acknowledgment and nodded, looking up at her eyes. He had failed miserably at not looking at her lips. Her actions just brought too much attention to them. He wasn't sure what sort of question she wanted to ask, but he answered pretty much anything with truth—however sarcastic he might say it.