forum Elemental Training School - CLOSED (Co Owner: Aurei)
Started by @Norepinephrinxx

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Eli checked the time again then turned his attention back to the 2 "I have to go pick up my things, its great meeting you both" He said while walking to the door


Andras blinks sleepily, rolling over to look at the time. Dammit! Only 30 minutes! He was hoping to sleep for at least an hour, but at least he’s not as tired as before. Wait. A string of curses go through his head as he actually reads the time after staring at it blankly for a few minutes. He was supposed to get his things.. actually probably when he fell asleep he should’ve been going. The door slams open as he starts running out, his clothes and hair in dissaray. There were two people who he assumed to be his dorm mates engaging in conversation along with their two dogs.

“HI, BYE” Andras says as he steps on and over the coffee table, vaulting over the couch and opening the door. Waving slightly as he slams the door behind him and continuing his sprint. The people said that anything not taken within 40 minutes would be shipped back! What sorta shipping company IS this??


Eli made it down to the pick up area and found his things along with his giant dog Whiskey, tail wagging and a huge excited grin on the fluffy dogs face when he saw Eli. Eli went over and greeted his dog, scratching him behind the ears and then started gathering his things to take them up to the room

@TinyMagicWolf pets

(hardcore parkour)
Riverpaw squealed when the new person jumped the couch and table and ran out of the dorm. She looked at Halo, who she guessed was equally as surprised. "I-I guess that was our o-other roommate?"


(I’m surprised he didn’t slip)

Andras slips down the railing to the front of the school, screaming curses as he’d never say in front of his family. As he makes it to outside where the luggage was, he slips on the gravel and rolls a few meters.
Brushing the stray rocks off of himself, he stands up to grab his suitcases. Looking back, he sees a few teachers leering at him, but he continues to pick up his stuff.


He laughs and nods his head, looking down at his huge fluffy dog. “Aww, whats his name?” He says offering his hand for the dog to sniff.


Looking up to smile at the boy he says, “And I guess I should ask your name?” Whiskey nudges his hand with his nose, so he pets his head a little.


(Oh it would’ve been funny if they kept on following each other for a while not knowing)

“I guess I’m the only one without a pet in the dorm then!” He laughs slightly, while picking up his bags and heading inside.


They walk back to the dorm in silence, with the occasional bark from Whiskey. The way there felt a lot shorter than the way back, maybe because of the growingly awkward silence, maybe because he ran the whole way there? One will never know.


They eventually walked back into the dorm to their other 2 roommates, Whiskey perked up and panted happily, tail wagging when he saw the other dogs

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Tsunami looked up at the bigger dog, immediately running over to meet him. Riverpaw sighed. The pup loved other dogs her own size, but bigger dogs seemed to be much more fun to her.