forum Elemental Training School - CLOSED (Co Owner: Aurei)
Started by @Norepinephrinxx

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@TinyMagicWolf pets

Tsunami yipped, and Riverpaw looked up from her phone to see the pup pawing at the door. "What's wrong, Tsuna?" She stood up and went to the door, opening it slightly to peek out, and Tsunami squeezed through. "Wh-hey! No!" Riverpaw whispered frantically, but the pup ran out into the main room, looking around for the other dog she was certain she heard.


Glitch sees the other dog from Halo's lap and barks softly, growling a little. Halo chuckles and scratches behind his ear. Glitch stiffens then falls over on his side, kicking his leg. Halo chuckles and looks at the other dog. "Hello there." he says, offering his hand to the dog. "You're very pretty." he says softly.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Tsunami nudged into his hand, her tail wagging, and she barked in greeting at the other dog. Riverpaw walked in, and froze when she saw the other person in the room. Tsunami barked at her and sat, still nosing at the boy's hand.


Halo chuckles softly, gently petting the dog. Glitch hops down from the couch and curiously sniffs the other dog, his fluffy tail wagging. Halo hums softly, not realizing there was another person in the room.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Riverpaw took a step back, hiding behind the wall. Dang it, Tsunami. W-why must you do this to me? She watched for a moment as her pup yipped playfully as she and the other dog sniffed around each other. They seem fine. I-I guess I can leave her.. Tsunami suddenly ran over, barking at jumping at her feet, so she sighed and picked the pup up.


Halo starts, watching the dog run off to their master. His eyes wide and he stiffens, his wings fluttering nervously as he stands, "S-sorry." he mutters softly.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Riverpaw shook her head, holding Tsunami to her chest. "I-it's…fine. She, uh…I-I guess she likes you.." She looked at the floor, petting her pup's back absentmindedly.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

She smiled and bent down to gently pet between the dog's ears, setting Tsunami down next to them. "Hi, Glitch." She said quietly. She looked up at the boy. "U-um, her name is Tsunami, b-by the way. I'm Riverpaw."


"Halo." He says softly, his wings fluttering a little bit and sighs quietly. Glitch barks and wags his tail trotting over to his master. He smiles.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

"Nice to meet you. I, uh..I-I like your wings. D-do you know if anyone else is here yet?" Tsunami followed Glitch, probably hoping to play a little.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Riverpaw's phone chimed, and she checked it, seeing another message from her sister. 'What about Tsuna? 'cause you know neither of you will be comfortable if the other isn't.' Riverpaw glanced at Halo and Glitch, then at Tsunami, who apparently wanted to be picked up as well if the way she barked and stood on her hind legs at Halo's feet was any indication. 'I think she's fine, there's another dog here so maybe she'll have a friend :)'


He checked his phone and realized it was nearing the time that he was told to go and pick up the rest of his things I guess I should head down he thought, he was excited to have his dog Whiskey with him, He may be a large dog but hes a big teddy bear. Eli left his room to see 2 others in the living room I guess these are my roommates he thought "Hi, I'm Eli" he introduced himself calmly


"You both have dogs? I do too he's pretty big but very friendly around other dogs" He said, understanding that they seemed shy he thought hed find some common ground between them like dogs

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Tsunami stopped playing with Glitch, running up to Eli to sniff at his pants. Riverpaw froze, usually her pup jumps at someone in a 'pick me up' kind of manner, but only sniffs them first if she thinks she can't trust them. Fortunately, Tsunami sat down and barked up at Eli, her tail wagging. Okay, that's good.


Glitch barks at Halo who at the moment was frozen with panic. He eases when his dog barks at him and calls Glitch to him. The dog happily obliges and jumps into his lap.