forum Elemental Training School - CLOSED (Co Owner: Aurei)
Started by @Norepinephrinxx

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4 teenagers enter into a school to train their elemental powers, In this school their are teams that are chosen by the headmasters no matter their level they will train together and eventually fight together. Our characters are placed into a team together and have to learn to get along and work as a team.

How the world works: Children age 12-14 can develop powers randomly if at all, anyone can form them although it's quite rare to form powers
How the school works: Teenagers age 15-18 can enter into the school to train their powers and become the world's protectors. The teenagers are strategically placed into groups who they will train with later fight with. For the most part they train together but their are a few classes for specific powers

Water: Riverpaw
Fire: Aurei
Air: Blue_Flames_
Earth: Norepinephrinxx


  • LGBTQ+ is welcome
  • Try to make contrasting characters to one another
  • Be original, try not to make any mary/gary sues
  • Share your ideas, we are very open to suggestion here
  • Swearing and gore is allowed here
  • One liners are fine just try not to do them all the time
  • We're okay with OP's but just try not to make them too OP
  • Try to be creative with personalities and don't make your character too perfect
  • Don't control others characters unless they give you permission to do so
  • Have fun!


(Okay, here's the template)
Age: (16 since they're in the same grade, but you can be younger/older)
Personality: (brief so it can develop)
Element: (and amount of power)
Looks: (diverse!)


Name: Andras Hilde
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pan (but not really interested)
Personality: Passionate(about some things), a bit shy but easily comes out of shell, socially awkward, kind, supportive, a bit sarcastic, and generally a warm personality (lol).
Element: Fire, 7.5/10
Looks: Dark brown(almost black) up-tilted eyes, tan skin with freckles dotted all around his body, decent build, wavy black hair thats short on the sides but long in the middle, and has a few scars from when he's accidentally burned himself.
Backstory: He grew up near the ocean, so naturally he loved swimming. The water was second nature to him, and his parents were convinced that he'd get a water Elemental when the time came. That's why they were so surprised when he started spewing fire from his body once he turned 12. It was hard for him to control at first, making him burn more than a few things to a crisp. Eventually he got ahold of using and controlling it, but he'd done a lot of damage get to that point. Other children tended to stay farther away than necessary, to which he doesn't blame them for. Although he resents his power slightly, he's learned to deal with it.
Extra: He can cook really well, not great grades but he's excellent at math, good with children, loves the water, envies the water Elemental, sore loser(but acts graciously), likes to daydream, his parents were the ones who made him sign up for the school, and when he's with friends he's like a completely different person.

(I'll take suggestions)


Name: Eli Olmstead
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Personality: Kind of emotionless, More of serious person, kind of lives in his own head, very calm, struggles with giving sympathy/empathy, actually really cares about his friends and although he has troubles showing it he would do anything for them
Element: Earth 6.5/10
Looks: Emerald green coloured thick curly hair that kind of hangs over his forehead, Pale skin, full lips, strong cheekbones, on the skinnier side but still athletic, Usually has eyebags from lack of sleep
Backstory: Eli grew up in a famliy of 7 sibilings, From youngest to oldest it's Finley, Eli, Micheal, Ryan, Bennett, Daisey and Lilith. He was teased a lot by his older sibilings growing up and the only one who was actually pretty nice to him was Ryan. No one expected it when Eli developed powers since none of his other sibilings had. They teased him for that too but Ryan ended up helping Eli to learn to control his powers until he went off to the training school.
Extra: Loves astronomy and photography, Not a competitive person, Has a really small appetite, Has insomnia, Has a black newfoundland dog named Whiskey


Name: Halo Starr
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Personality: Halo is a gentle and kind soul. He'd never hurt a fly and is always there when people need him. He's gentle and quiet, never really raising his voice. He hates seeing his teammates/friends hurt, so he will do everything in his power to love and protect those who can't. He is a loving soul with basically a laid back attitude. If you punched this kid, he'll just let you. He won't fight back unless he absolutely has to. But when it comes to protecting his friends, he snaps and will literally kick your ass to kingdom come if you mess with the people he cares for. But, on the inside he's really hurting. What seems like a child that always smiles, he's broken. Oh, so very broken. He doesn't dare let anyone see his tears though, he doesn't want others to take his burden.
Element: Air- 6.75/10
Looks: Halo has pure white hair that swirls around his neck and sweeps into his eyes, his eyes are a clear color, you would think they're made of glass. He has snow white skin that burns relatively easily. He doesn't exactly have any birthmarks, blemishes, only scars on his back, chest and a few on his arms from shattered glass. Halo normally wears white related colors, such as white, cream, snow colored, stuff like that. The darkest he'll go is a grey, and a light grey at that. He also wears a light jacket, finger-less gloves and a simple combat boots. He has dog tags, but who they belong to is a mystery to everyone but him. He is a fair height of 5'10 but is on the leaner side. He has basically no muscles, and is mostly just skin and bone since he never eats.
Backstory: There's a reason why Halo is so quiet and reserved. From a young age, he was taught to never speak his mind, and to never fight back. He was always hit for it if he did. His parents hated him, his brother abandoned him in his time of need. He was a burden to everyone that crossed his path, at least, that was what he believes. He's never had a true friend before, and he's always only given. He never asks for anything in return when he helps someone and he takes others burdens, loading them on his own back. He fears his gift, since he was unable to control it. He hates using it and is always filled with fear that he's going to be rejected… by everyone.
Extra: Halo will welcome you and talk to you, but if you ever try getting close to him, he will only push you away. He also has a small black dog, a Japanese spitz breed, named Glitch, his only companion.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Name: Riverpaw Wolfe
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Personality: Riverpaw doesn't talk much, but when she does, she is very soft-spoken. She stutters quite a bit, only because as she's speaking, she's arguing with herself about what to say or if she should say anything at all. She doesn't trust easily, heck, even if she trusts you, she'll probably still be scared of you, but once you get through to her, she's very loyal, and maybe even a bit clingy. She doesn't like when others, especially those that are close to her, think she's upset in any way, but she's easy to break, so hiding it never really works. Riverpaw's not a natural fighter, but she will go to the ends of he earth and back for her loved ones.
Element: Water - 6.1/10
Looks: Tan skin, wavy brown hair that stops mid-back and is dyed mint green at the end, and emerald green eyes. Her hair is usually down, part of the front covering her right eye, but she pulls it up into a ponytail when she practices her magic. There's also a small scar above her right eye. She wears a plain blue shirt with a ruffled bottom, almost like a skirt, her favorite green jacket that has a light green paw print on the back, blue skinny jeans, and black and blue Vans. She has a small red crystal on a silver string around her neck, and often wears a brown wolf-ears headband.
Backstory: Riverpaw's life had been pretty normal for a while, but she first showed signs of her powers when she was 12. Her mother, who she idolized, had passed when she was 4, and Riverpaw hated talking or even thinking about it. Her father and sister were devastated, but even after they'd moved on, she was still having trouble accepting that her mother was gone. One day, her school's biggest bullies found her alone by the lake outside of their neighborhood and began harassing her. One of them went over the line by making an inappropriate comment about her mother, and long story short, those kids were lucky her sister had arrived just in time to save them from drowning. Riverpaw's aunt came to help her learn to control it, but other kids started bullying her when they found out about her power and she had to be pulled from school out of fear that she'd snap again and hurt someone. She started getting better a while after that, and when her aunt moved away years later, her father decided to put her into training school.
Extra: She has an Alaskan husky puppy named Tsunami, and she loves to sing, especially when she practices her power.
(sorry that took so long, I'm on school hours right now)


Eli stood amongst the crown of teenager filling the auditorium, he looked around wondering who he would be paired with and decided to try and guess who had what element while he waited. Eventually the headmaster of the school walked on stage to the mic and began speaking
"Attention students, I welcome you to our school. We have carefully selected teams of 4 for all of you, and no you may not switch teams this is all final. I won't waste to much time now since I'm sure you are all eager to meet your teammates"
He began calling out names in groups of 4 followed by a dorm number, students shuffled out as he did so. Eli calmly yet eagerly waited to hear his name
"Riverpaw Wolfe, Andras Hilde, Halo Starr and Eli Olmstead. Dorm #132"
Eli made his way out the door and began his search for his dorm, he shifted his duffle bag on his shoulder as he walked the halls reading the numbers on the doors. He hoped he would get along with his roommates, he didn't tend to make friends very easy. 128, 129, 130, 131, 132! He opened the door with the key he was given while leaving the auditorium and entered into a living space, witch had a small living room and kitchen. He looked around and it seemed he was the first one there. He looked down a hall which contained 4 coloured doors Blue, White, Red and Green, I suppose your supposed to take the one corresponding to your element? He thought as he walked to the green door at the end and put his stuff on the bed.


Andras walks into the room, it was a good size for a dorm. He walks through the living space, opening the door on the other side after he got a good look at everything. The door let to 4 rooms, he assumed he had the room with the red door, typical. He opens the door to a basically empty room beside the bed and a desk. His things would be coming later so it looked a lot bigger than it was.
He flops onto the bed and instantly regret it, the bed wasn’t as comfortable as it looked. This was going to be a long 3 years.


Halo shyly enters the door, his eyes darting around nervously. He gulps softly, looking down at his shoes then towards his bag. "Here we are, Glitch." He says softly. Glitch barks in response as he sets his bag down. Glitch jump out, wagging his puffy tail as he jumps on the bed and making it comfortable. He sighs softly, shaking his head. He looks down at Glitch. "I never wanted to go here…" He says softly.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Riverpaw took a deep breath and opened the door to the dorm. She looked around cautiously, taking in the new living space as she walked across the room. She peeked down the next hall and saw four different colored doors. Huh. I guess they color-coded. Neat.
She went straight for the blue door. When she closed it behind her, she went over to the bed and placed her largest bag down, opening it and smiling at the tiny puppy that immediately poked its head out. "Hey, Tsuna." She said quietly, letting the pup jump out of the bag and walk around the bed curiously. Riverpaw finally took a look at her new room. She didn't have much stuff to put in it yet, only a large beanbag chair and a picture of her and her family. This'll be…fine.


Eli didn't have much to unpack, just a few things until the rest of his stuff was dropped off including his dog. He heard shuffling outside his room and assumed some of his roommates had arrived


Halo exits his room cautiously. Glitch at his heels like usual. He was so nervous about his room mates, since he wasn't sure what to expect. He takes a breath and sits down, creating a small tornado in his hand. Glitch barks softly and curls up on his lap. He smiles softly and pets him, the tornado disappearing. He hums softly, a little song to remind him that he was safe and that there was nothing to worry about.


Andras looks out the window onto the seemingly endless terrain, he was definitely a long way from home if he couldn't even see the ocean. It had only been a few days and he's already missing the sea breeze… and the mild temperatures.

"It's only the start of the school year and it's already this hot?" He mumbles to himself. Everything was much different than it was back home, maybe it was a good thing? One could never be sure, but it'll be an adjustment from the lackadaisical days he was used to. Perhaps he should start studying a bit before he went out, the other people were probably out there already… Or maybe he'll just take a nap.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Riverpaw pulled Tsunami's food and water bowls from her bag first, placing them by the desk already in the room. She took a water bottle and small bag of dog food and filled them, and Tsunami was quick to run over and start eating. Riverpaw went back to the bed and pulled out her picture, which was carefully and tightly wrapped in layers of cloth, and placed it on the desk. Okay…my beanbag isn't up here yet, but.. She could go out and take a better look at the dorm, but her roommates could be out there, and she wasn't sure she wanted to meet them just yet. She sat on her bed and took out her phone, checking some texts from her dad and sister.


Glitch barks, and begins sniffing around the dorm. Halo looks down, "Yes, boy?" He calls softly. Glitch barks again before wandering back to Halo's lap. Halo picks up the small but fluffy dog and gently pets him, his clear eyes gazing around the room. His foot tapped nervously on the floor as he waited and he nibbled on his bottom lip for a little while.