forum Elemental kingdoms (STILL OPEN 2/4/24) Large group.3/?
Started by @CaseyJ group

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@CaseyJ group

(Im lost…and its my rp…but I did leave dev in the building so that the earth heir could be there-)

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

( ciana and ginger are going to dress Ciana's wounds in the building, Elias is hopefully going to grab Ciana's stuff back at the lunch place, and I think that's all…))


*Okey, Imma spawn.)

A top hat flies through an open window (or door, if there are no windows), skidding onto the floor…

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Leo had been in this room for what he thinks is at least a week. Normally he doesn't complain, but this was getting annoying. Suddenly, he heard a commotion from outside his door. Could it be his kingdom coming to find him?

Standing up, he dusted the dirt off his black slacks and white frock. His crown, which was made out of thorns, was lopsided and he had a bruise on his cheek. The bruise he had after using his powers to trap one of the men in caked dirt. He pounded on the door and screamed, "Help! I'm in here!"

@CaseyJ group

Devon stood up shakily and went to the door, it was also locked, he didnt have the lockpicking skills of Elias. "Back up" He told the person, giving them a moment before kicking open the door.

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Leo backed up as the person kicked open the door. Once he saw it wasn't his guards, he frowned, "Who are you?" He saw the person was hurt and immediately went towards them, "Please, sit down and allow me to heal you."

@CaseyJ group

Devon sat back down, shaking his head as he put the mask back over his face, not liking strangers to see his scars.

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Leo smiled and bowed, "My name is Leo. I am the Earth Kingdom Heir." He turned towards Devon and smiled softly as his golden-brown hair flopped into his face, "Thank you for letting me out. You must be a very kind person since you didn't have to do that."
He looked back Ciana and knelt down next to her, "My magic allows me to heal people. It takes a lot of energy out of me for bigger wounds but you guys just saved me. I promise, I come in peace."

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Ciana frowned. "My magic allows me to heal myself, I'll be fine.." She winced as she started moving. "… Could you just make it stop bleeding? I'm worried about how much blood I've lost."


The top hat gets lifted by a gust of wind, nearly getting flung out the window…

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Leo nodded and pulled out a herb from his pocket. Holding it up, he whispered a few words and then held it out for Ciana, "Here, it'll taste weird but it should stop the bleeding."

With a smile on his face, he crouched next to Devon, "And what's wrong with you? You seem hurt." Leo giggled, "I'm sorry. I don't know your name. What is your name, my savior?"

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Ciana took the herb, glancing at Devon. If it was poison, she'd have more to heal, but if it was something that could help her, she'd be better much quicker. She ate it, grimacing at the taste a little.

@CaseyJ group

"Im fine, used more of a power than I expected, taking out those guys. Are you from the earth kingdom or something?" Devon said plainly, ignoring the savior part.