Started by @KalamariCakes

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@OhBoiWhatsNext public

"Well I think it is, i'm going to take some and we can take it to the market and ask a geologist." He broke a couple pieces off and set them aside. "Don't tell anyone about it, we could make money from this if it is precious."


Her mouth hung open for a while, til she noticed and clamped it shut with a sheepish smile. "This is.. really cool." She laughed, craning her neck to get a closer look at the bioluminescent rocks.

@OhBoiWhatsNext public

"Yeah." Edmund got close to one of the mosses and lightly touched it. The moss lit up for a second where he had touched it and the brightness spread out in what seemed like veins. The new brightness slowly faded. He turned to see Camille's face.