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Started by @KalamariCakes

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I'm sure we could squeeze in a third. One of the rprs is my bf, he works a lot so he'll not be super active, so come on in! Post a bio pls & thanks

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Name: James
Gender: Male (Gay)
Species: Blue dragon
Appearance: Blue scaly dragon with golden yellow eyes.
Persona: Protective and territorial
Age: 65
(They’re siblings oof)
Name: Darky
Gender: Female
Species: Blue Dragon
Appearance: Blue dragon with golden yellow eyes.
Persona: Sweet and gentle, never ruff with anyone
Age: 43

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Sorry if they’re boring, I don’t want to list TOO much, you know?


Oh oof sorry lmao )

Camille perched on the balcony of her family's home. Like all the middle-class homes of the Kingdom, they clung to towering, pole-like structures. The homes were, for lack of a better description, stone or wood igloos. Before this place had become so populate—before her time—the redwood trees were tall enough to support enough homes, but over time, inevitably, the Kingdom had become more industrious.
Far below her, on the ground, was the lower class slums where the slicks—slang for the small black dragon males, lived, and the very few city Greys as well.
In the center if this nation, the Oolong Palace, or "The Hub", if you're more hip. That's where the royal family lived.


"Camille," her mother called from behind inside the house.

She turned her head, "Yeah, mum?"

"Go find your father, he was supposed to be back by now," the full-grown white dragon sighed. Camille's father had gone to the open-air market—the traditional setup for buying, selling, bargaining. Her father was a prude entrepreneur of grapes; he owned a plot of land just beyond the kingdom's border where they grew.

"Will do, mum," Camille replied cordially. Flying off into the clear sky—pleasantly warm temperature— she felt a twinge of gratitude that she wasn't bon a Grey or a Black female. She couldn't imagine walking everywhere.

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James was resting inside his own home, small but fittable for his large size. His wings covered his lower back, his tail wrapped around his left side, his mouth open, dripping some drool as he slept there, silently.


Camille landed a little less than gracefully, stirring up some dust in her wake. Black and white dragons moved past her, some walking on hind legs, some on all fours. She bounded past the adult dragons to find her father among the vending booths.

@OhBoiWhatsNext public

Edmund arrived in the less crowded area of the market, heading towards the middle and glancing at the different products on his left and right, trying to decide what to buy.