forum Crystal Constellations Hotel // CLOSED
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Deleted user

"Yeah. Dapper Day's tomorrow, and then the Dapper Night festivities. Didn't you listen to the morning announcements?" Brooke asked, not noticing that she was blushing slightly.


Kaitlin looked back down at her page when the guy turned up. Stupid, why did she think she could talk? She mental slapped herself multiple times before picking up her pencil and drawing again.

Deleted user

"Oh, um, yeah there is. I just, um, wear the long-sleeved version," Brooke replied. She was happy to be distracted by Skye.

Deleted user

"Tomorrow night," Brooke answered, picking Skye up and resting her on her hip.

Deleted user

"I'm Brooke. This is Skye, in case you were wondering."


"Yeah, there is no problem. I wasn't waiting for anyone." Caleb says while getting up. "I forgot to go get my breakfast." He said while looking at her plate. He was used to people having to do things for him. But only occasionally he did things on his own. It was one of his many flaws. He was way too dependent.

"Great, thanks," Akyra said with relief. She sat down and picked up her muffin while pulling out her data pad.

@EmptyNebula group

Name: Dylan Baker
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Personality: Nice, quick to help, understands, clumsy.
Likes: Space, is a space geek but doesn't show it at first.
Dislikes: Rushing, pressure
Power/s: Shapeshifting
Background: His parents didn't really care about him and just wanted him away from their business. He wasn't really planned so they neglected him. Only giving him things he needed. (clothes, shelter, food, water, money, car, etc.) Some people would call him spoiled because they didn't know him but on thee inside he was hurt.
Other: Im so serious about the space geek. He also wears glasses.

@EmptyNebula group

Dylan heads to the buffet and gets some food. The place looks seemingly full and it's a bit hard to finding a seat but he ends up finding an empty booth. He takes out his phone and starts reading through articles of space and black holes while eating his bacon.


"Great, thanks," Akyra said with relief. She sat down and picked up her muffin while pulling out her data pad.
"I'm Caleb" He says while trying to get some interaction. He didn't really have friends so this was a nice start.


With a smile, Orion finds his way into the dining room for breakfast, blue eyes scanning the crowd for a place to sit. Spotting one, he walks over to the man, and smiles brightly. "By any chance, is the seat across from you taken? There aren't any single tables left." Patiently, he waits for an answer.

(@EmptyNebula, Orion is asking Dylan)