forum Crystal Constellations Hotel // CLOSED
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Name: Caleb Combs
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pan
Style: Black boots, white ripped jeans, and a white hoodie. Always has a shark tooth necklace around his neck.
Personality: Outgoing, very social, jokes around maybe a bit too much
Likes: Playing games, riding some type of vehicle very fast
Dislikes: Nothing( it's hard for him to not like something)
Power/s: Telekinesis
Background: Nothing important
Other: Has a very big obsession with plush toys

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Name:Nyx Popoli
Appearance:raven hair, brown eyes
Style: sweatshirts , jeans and beanies
Personality: polite, artistic and kinda akward
Likes:books, astronomy, writing
Dislikes:ducks, the color burnt orange
Power/s: (preferably only one) darkness
Background: (optional)
Other:always has art suplies on hand and has many tattoos


Name: Kaitlin Towers
Age: 16
Gender: female
Sexuality: pan-sexual
Style: shorts, crop tops dainty glasses
Personality: INFJ, is a calm and quiet person, doesn’t like to talk much, anxious
Likes: peace and quiet, being alone, writing, reading, drawing, cartography
Dislikes: being lonely, the dark, terrible books, people
Power/s: able to mind control/read
Background: her parents died when she was very little and she never knew that much. Her older brother, Kane, looked after her until he was murdered last year. She doesn’t like to talk about it, and has become a very reserved person, barely speaking and drawing attention to herself, lest something like Kane’s death would happen to herself.
Other: She has a tattoo of her brothers name on her wrist, along with a heart to remember him by.

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(k imma gonna start and if people want to join after they can)

Brooke skated through the people starting to appear in the lobby and around the hotel. One part of the hotel's uniform was to wear rollerskates all the time. Classic Adelia. "Attention all guests, attention all guests," Brooke said over the loudspeaker. "The restaurant is now open for the Breakfast Buffet. The time is currently 7:02 am Australian Eastern Standard Time and the temperature is currently 23 degrees Celsius. Happy Birthday to America Chavez and Happy Anniversary to Grace and Henry West-Phillips. Tomorrow is our monthly Dapper Day. Please wear appropriate attire. The ballroom will open at 4:30 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time for the start of festivities. Thank you."

(there is a reference in there.
and i only used brooke's parents bc i couldnt think of any names)


Kaitlin pushed her glasses a little further up her nose as she walked into the dining room, trying to avoid eye contact with everyone. She held her sketch book in one hand and placed it down on a table near the back as she quickly headed for the buffet, grabbing a piece of toast before heading to her seat. Sighing, she took a bite and opened the book, beginning to draw idly.

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Brooke skated into the restaurant saying a quick hello to her mother and then skating around, asking if people's meals were ok and such. She spotted a girl in glasses sketching and skated over. "Hi, is your meal goi-whoa! Your drawings are really good!"


Kaitlin looked up a little and blushed slightly, “T-Thanks…” She said quietly, still not making eye contact with the girl who had skated over. She should say something more but being who she was, speaking wasn’t her strong suit.

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"I'm Brooke," Brooke said, sticking out her right gloved hand. "My grandma Adelia started this hotel."

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"Nice to meet you too, Kaitlin," Brooke answered. "Enjoying your stay?"


Kaitlin nodded, “Y-Yes, I am, thanks. It’s nice to get away.” She replied quietly, giving a small smile. Why are you so awkward? She thought.


“I-I’m not sure…” She admitted, frowning at the page in front of her, “I-I’m not really a people person… anymore. What about you?”

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"I always get the night off. It's nice to enjoy it and have fun rollerskating for myself once in a while. You should come."

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"Come on! It'll be fun! No one ever doesn't have fun on Dapper Night!"


Ava walked into the restaurant. she was still a little mad about her parents dumping her here, but she decided to make the most out of it. she stacked her plate with food hen went to sit at a random table. she scanned the room to see if there was anyone she can talk to.

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Nyx stayed in his room listening to music and writing, he lost track of thime