forum Crystal Constellations Hotel // CLOSED
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Adelia West-Phillips had dreamed for many years of opening a hotel in the stars. Then, when she was 19, she made her dream come true. And Crystal Constellations Hotel was born. People flock from all over the world just to get a room at the hotel. Reservations are backed up for years and a shuttle rocket only leaves once a month to go to the hotel. Now she’s 105, still healthy and still greets every guest at the door.

No plan yet, basically our characters are guests at the hotel and such.

-No IRL hate.
-No swearing. If your character needs to swear, censor it.
-Humans only. They are from Earth, nowhere else.
-Don't make it all about your character. It frustrates me when people make it about themselves.
-Ask to join first before posting your character
-If it says closed, don't ask for it. Just don't.
-Wait for ME (@MaddieHatter) to accept your character, not anyone else.
-All kinds of characters are accepted, just make them unique.
-Don't include personal drama.
-1 character ONLY
-LGBTQA is allowed. Just don't make all characters straight.

1 - Brooklynn West-Phillips (@MaddieHatter)
2 - Orion Pollux Tapps (@Ca1iCa1)
3 - Ava Abernathy (@spider-man)
4 - Akyra Enderas (@Skylark)
5 - Liam Wisp (@StarkSpangledBanner)
6 - Caleb Combs (@OneMilk)
7 - Nyx Popoli (@DuskTilDawnz)
8 - Kaitlyn Towers (@Carrots)
9 - Astra Liddell (@ImWithYouUntilTheEndOfTheLine)
10 - Dylan Baker (@EmptyNebula)

Power/s: (preferably only one)
Background: (optional)

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Name: Brooklynn “Brooke” West-Phillips
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual, but leans a lot more towards boys)
Appearance: Tanned skin with a few freckles. Bright blue eyes with a slightly darker rim around them and small white dots that isn’t noticeable unless you’re looking really close into them. Waist-length medium brown hair with a few pale blue streaks, always straight and in a ponytail unless she’s doing something special. She was born with her left arm missing from just below the armpit down, so she wears a prosthetic arm.
Style: Her uniform, the long sleeved version, with the gloves that they have to wear. When not working, she typically wears things that cover her arm + gloves, as she doesn’t like people knowing she doesn’t have a left arm. She always wears the bracelet Adelia gave her (, whether it can be seen or not.
Personality: Kind, energetic, bubbly, rarely says no, great with kids
Likes: Her family, working for her grandmother, the stars. She also plays piano and sings but few people see/hear her.
Dislikes: People who try (and fail) to con her grandmother into giving them the hotel, rude people
Power/s: Crystals of any type. The colour of the crystal is typically a pale blue, but changes colours depending on what emotion she is feeling. She’s good at hiding her emotions, but if you know what the colour of the crystal means, you know what she is really feeling.
Background: Her grandmother is Adelia. Her father is Adelia’s son. She is the second oldest of 7 siblings (although one of them isn’t in the world yet): The eldest, Jaydee (21), is one of the hotel’s singers; then herself; Nathaniel (13), who likes to invent; Charisse (8), who is very crafty; her twin Carlos (8), who likes to play pranks; Skye (3), who is just fine being adorable; and Malachite, who isn’t born. Her father is the hotel’s head doctor, her mother the head chef.

Deleted user

(what i mean by that is don't bring things/problems from your life into the story/chat unless it involves your character. Even then, don't turn it to yourself)

Deleted user

(yeah you can. Many people have asked to join but no one's actually put a character down)


Name: Orion Pollux Tapps
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: Vibrant blue eyes, framed by mussy russet hair, a kind smile, tanned skin, tall, near 6'2"
Style: Wears loose and functional clothing, loves beanies and oversized sweaters. Always has small trinkets in his pockets.
Personality: Happy-go-lucky, bleeding heart, loves animals and people, protective of those he deems need protecting
Likes: Singing, playing the guitar, caring for others, his job on Earth as a vetrinarian
Dislikes: Braggarts and narrcissists
Power/s: Intuition - He always seems to know what to say or do to calm an animal or patient down
Background: Born to a pair of NASA scientists, he has a deep appreciation for the stars, and was named for two of them. He is on the trip to do some soul searching and to let himself relax, as he always puts others before himself.
Other: A huge fan of music, and will sing his heart out.


Name: Ava Abernathy
Age: 16
Gender: female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Appearance: long black hair that ends at her lower back. grey eyes. pale skin.
Style: a cold shoulder white shirt, ripped jeans and heels
Personality: shes really outgoing and extroverted. people sometimes think she's a spoiled brat but she really isn't. she can be short-tempered and her powers go out of control when she's mad.
Likes: parties, the smell of a campfire, attention, playing the guitar
Dislikes: her parents, losing control, people hating her, being ignored
Power/s: controls fire
Background: Both of her parents are famous actors/directors. they ignore her a lot and just buy her things instead of actually spending time with them. she was practically raised by nannies.
Other: she acts out a lot to try and get her parents attention. they dropped her at the hotel so that they can shoot a movie and not worry about her ruining it.


Name: Akyra Enderas
Age: 19
Gender: female
Sexuality: heterosexual, biromantic
Appearance:, white scar running along the left side of her jaw,
Style: ^^ + knee-high boots, two silver lobe piercings, and dangling silver star earrings
Personality: sarcastic, restless, passionate, has a soft side. literally a Scorpio
Likes: hot tea, anything sweet, flying, acrobatics, her triplets Alistar and Sarai
Dislikes: being in one place too long, secrets, fake people, anyone who would hurt her siblings
Power: control over any liquid
Background: her parents died when she was 11 and she took responsibility for her two triplets, finally got time off and booked a room for her and her siblings at the hotel

(sorry mine's shorter than y'all's)

Deleted user

(your characters are all good!
And yes, you may @StarkSpangledBanner)


Name: Liam Wisp
Age: 17
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Style: or or
Personality: usually calm and collected, but if he gets mad… lets just say tht gravity will be very different for you
Likes: many things. most things artsy, music, cooking, singing, writing
Dislikes: You'll see (Meaning I cant think of any)
Power/s: (preferably only one) ability to manipulate gravity
Background: (optional)
Other: has a dog named Cas

Deleted user

(can you please have at least 2 personality aspects? You can have tbd after)