forum Voltron RP(Open) * NEEDED - THREE CREW MEMBERS
Started by @Natasha

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After a moment of staring at the lion, Astra walked up to her. "Hey." She whispered. "You ready for a new paladin?" She asked. Five minutes later she was sitting inside Black. I wonder how Troy's doing.
Troy was already flying with Blue, having a blast.

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Minutes later, she was inside Green, relaxing in the chair. This was easier than I expected.


Zanna pressed her hand and watched as the shield fell. She smiled as her ears raised and she stepped inside. Her heart was pounding as she sat down in the chair and watched the control board light up.


Hmm, the chair was surprisingly comfy. The controls looked easy enough too. Daso was no pilot, not really, but he figured even he should be able to figure it out. He looked around the cockpit, smiling.


(Sure yeah absolutely let's meet at the castle of lions)
Troy was waiting for Astra when she got to the castle. "Hey Astra!"
"Hey Troy! Wassup?" Astra asked as they did their handshake.
"Eh, nothing much, just waiting for you slowpokes to get here." He joked.


Daso strolled into the castle of lions. Wow. It was even more majestic and beautiful in person. He spotted two other paladins conversing near the entrance so he headed over.


Zanna let the lion lead her to a large castle. She had never really seen it before. She hesitantly landed and got out of the lion.


"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," Daso interrupted just as a girl started talking about Hunk's protege. "Yellow paladin, at your service."

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Aileen met the other paladins in the castle. "Hey!" she waved.


Astra gave a light laugh. "Black paladin. The name's Astra." Astra replied, holding out her hand.
Troy lifted his head in greeting. "Blue paladin." He said, giving a funny bow. "Name's Troy."

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"I'm the green paladin," she continued, having no idea what she was doing.


Zanna stepped off of the lion and spotted the four other paladins conversing. For the one with the fastest lion she got there last. She took a deep breath and approached them.

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Shoot. She forgot her name. "It's Aileen," she blurted.


Zanna mixed herself into the group. She felt a bit weird with her Galra heritage imminent. The other's seemed to be human.