forum Voltron RP(Open) * NEEDED - THREE CREW MEMBERS
Started by @Natasha

people_alt 4 followers


New generation of Voltron defenders, new rising villain, blah blah blah you get the gist. Let's start, shall we?
-No swearing
-This RP is PG people. Keep all content at that level.
-Romance and shipping is okay, just keep it PG
-No LGTB+ please
-Don't be rude. Okay? Just don't. Be considerate to all other rpers.
-No Mary/Gary Sues or OP characters.
-Have fun!
Character roles
Paladin of:
Black Lion - Natasha
Red Lion - @ShadeStar
Blue lion - @Nerd
Yellow lion - @writelikeyourerunningoutoftime
Green lion - @Skitaliton
Crew member:
Crew member:
Crew member:
(Crew members are not paladins but still important like Coran and Allura.)
Character template
Paladin of:
Talents: (Up to 3 major and 4 minor)
Random facts: (Not too many)
Other important information:


Name: Astra Chayara Mialavo
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human/Altean
Paladin of: Black lion
Appearance: Shoulder-length white hair that is in a high ponytail, Altean markings, Blue eyes flecked with gold and silver, 5'5, slim and fit, looks pretty fragile but I assure you, she's anything BUT.
Wearing: A black sweater, a jean jacket, dark skinny jeans, black combat boots.
Personality: Born leader, loyal, noble, brave, trust-worthy, protective, kind, friendly, serious most of the time, extremely hard to anger, patient, can be sarcastic which can sometimes be scary.
Flaws: Is too serious for her own good, pushes herself too hard and doesn’t know her own limits, can be a little cold sometimes, doesn't trust that easily.
Talents: Is a trained fighter, has heightened senses, is good at calming people down, giving advice, and keeping her head in times of crisis.
Hobbies: You'll see…(mostly because I have no idea)
Random facts: Is terrified of crowbars(you'll find out why) and glitter(don't ask), she's very agile
Other important information: Is a Princess but has no knowledge of this being as she was raised on Earth


(No it's okay. I actively search for spoilers. The problem is I SEE THE EXACT SAME THING FIVE BAJILLION TIMES!)


Name: Zanna Storm
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human/Galra
Paladin of: Red lion
Appearance: Long black hair with dark purple tips in a high ponytail, violet eyes, light brown skin, dark purple cat Galra ears that have light purple tuffs at the top, a dark purple lion tail with lilac tuft, stands at 5', wears a black and purple prosthetic on her full right arm, and a prosthetic on the bottom half of her left leg.
Wearing: A dark purple tank top, black choker, a short sleeved black jacket, a boot that mirrors her prosthetic, a fingerless glove on her non prosthetic hand, and gray leggings.
Personality: Reckless, hot headed, PTSD, to her actions speak louder than words, closed off, however not aggressive at first sight, unless your a Galra, then no questions asked she just attacks.
Flaws: Holds grudges way too easily, holds her emotions in.
Talents: Heightened senses, Hand to Hand combat, Manipulating Quintessence, being a butt, and memorization.
Hobbies: Evading
Random facts: Hates druids with a passion, starts shaking whenever she enters a Galra ship, and is utterly terrified of the word Storm.
Other important information: As a child she was captured by the Galra and experimented on. The experiments were called Project Storm, for simple purposes that became her last name. The Galra essentially pumped her full of quintessence to how much the body could handle before it broke. Turns out, get to a certain point and that person becomes able to control it. The side effects however were a bit to great, random releases of pure energy and it takes a lot of focus to do anything large with it, and Zanna was a tad too rebellious so they sent her off to the arena. (If that's okay with you.)


(he's perfect for this)

Name: Azul Lore
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Paladin of: Blue lion
Appearance: blue eyes, olive skin, short black wavy hair, 5'11"
Wearing: light blue cardigan, white t-shirt, black leggings, white shoes, round glasses (Harry Potter glasses)
Personality: INFJ, Chill, funny, likes to smile, dead inside, nice, friendly, protective, wise, old soul, listens, understands, loves others, always there for others,
Flaws: "I feel as if I'm made to understand, but not to be understood.", doesn't love himself, pushes himself away, no self-worth, "Sometimes you don't realize you're drowning when you're trying to be everyone's anchor."
Talents: Painting, playing the violin, figure skating
Hobbies: Same as talents, reading, writing poems
Random facts: If he was a song, he'd be "Icarus" by Bastille
Other important information: he likes chocolate, can make friends with anyone, really


(time to use my favorite boy)
Name: Daso Dashing (Obviously he made up the last name)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: He believes he's 100% human. Is he? Hmm…
Paladin of: Yellow Lion
Appearance: Dark, neat cornrows that are about shoulder length, deep skin with golden undertones, dark brown eyes, a flirty smirk, tall with broad shoulders, thin, Instagram eyebrows
Wearing: He wears preppy stuff. Cuffed white blouse-y shirt, high-end jeans, gucci belt, and pristine adidas
Personality: Showy and flirty, overdramatic to hide insecurities, wants to experience life, makes jokes a lot (both good and bad), caring, kind, and compassionate. Can be serious when the situation calls for it, and he has a lot of empathy.
Flaws: A self-doubting narcissist, can be a bit reckless, desperate to please, terrible at talking about his own emotions, secretive, distant in an unusual way where he seems like he's opening up and talking a lot, but if you really listen, he's not saying much at all.
Talents: Sharpshooter (yeah, i know, he was kinda loosely based off of Lance but he's different I swear), can sing and dance, mediocre pilot, fast
Hobbies: Loves to sing, dance, entertain others, talk, and flirt.
Random facts: Wears a bracelet around his wrist that his sister made him, ran away from home, his family doesn't know where he is. Can prepare any sort of meat and make it…somewhat edible.
Other important information: He's pansexual.