forum Voltron RP(Open) * NEEDED - THREE CREW MEMBERS
Started by @Natasha

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(Oh. My. Fuzz. Y'all's characters are glorious. I love them already. Astra's going to be soooooo protective of them…..)


(Coran Coran, the gorgeous man)

(glorious. I literally fell off the couch when he said that, I laughed harder than my siblings, if that's even possible.)


(aw thanks Nat, Astra's great as well)

(Thanks! I created her last night(It took me TWENTY MINUTES) but then stopped working and I lost her template so I had to create her all over again this afternoon.)


Starting tomorrow, I'll be gone for two weeks because I'm going on a trip. Feel free to move around my characters, but don't kill them or anything, okay? Don't let the rp die while I'm gone. Thanks and adios! And I probably shouldn't have joined this rp. . . 'cuz I leave tomorrow . . Feel free to refill the blue lion spot.


(……………cries But I don't want to find a new blue paladin…..I like your character as the blue paladin….hey what if we put in a character to fill the blue paladin's spot temporarily then when you get back she or he would die so they would need a replacement? Idk)


(Okay so here's the paladin of the blue lion until @Nerd gets back. He can be controlled by anyone. He's definitely not perfect, but I made him up on the spot so yeah. Also his death will add tension to the team so that'll be…interesting….)
Name: Troy Tadashi Scott
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Paladin of: Blue lion
Appearance: Blond hair, Brown eyes, 6'0, more or less muscular
Wearing: A blue hoodie, dark jeans, and black tennis shoes.
Personality: Sweet, friendly, protective, resourceful, understanding, accepting, funny
Flaws: Jokes a bit too much, has zero self-esteem, he can sometimes miss important information, is too carefree.
Talents: Hacking, he has good aim with his (gun? or sword? whatever his weapon is.), he has a good eye for small details, he knows several different languages.
Hobbies: Knitting(don't ask) cooking, playing video games, learning about different planets and species.
Random facts: He's basically what you'd get if you crossed Hunk with Lance.
Other important information: He. Is. A. Nerd. And a big softy.