@spacebluelily language
(It isn't too late to join.)
(It isn't too late to join.)
(ok well i guess i'll have to go find her and then post her in here)
(also since you said that the ogs will still have their miraculous, can i take mullo/mouse?)
(Yeah, sure.)
(cool thanks! i'll try to work on her as soon as i can)
(You're welcome. Take all the time you need, there's no rush.)
(haha i found her and was reminded that i deleted my account for like a week haha)
Name: Aurelie Couffaine
Nicknames: Lie, Aura
Parents: Luka Couffaine and Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual biromantic
Appearance: Aurelie takes a lot after her father, and a little bit after her mother. Aurelie’s skin is pale but slightly tanned, and she has a few freckles on the bridge of her nose. She was blessed with heterochromia iridum: her left eye is blue, and her right eye is green. Jesse has straight, elbow length hair. It is black with green tips that go around halfway up her hair. It also has blue streaks and is layered onto the left side.
It has a hidden undercut as well as a hidden rose tattoo, both hidden by her hair. Only family knows about the tattoo.
Aurelie has a total of seven piercings: her firsts, her seconds, industrial, helix, rook, septum and snake bites. Her father has never been affected by the piercings, and always says that she can get whatever she wants. Her mother isn't so for them, but she's not gonna stop Aurelie from getting them. She wears very little makeup, but always has a strong cat eye game going.
She’s also relatively tall, around 6’2”, and of average build.
Style: https://shoplook.io/outfit-preview/2450236
Personality: Aurelie is kind and caring. She has a slightly sassy side, and can be quite sarcastic when annoyed. She stands up for what is right in any situation, no matter is she’s Aurelie or Petite Souris. She is confident and defiant, and she will always do what she can do right her wrongs, even if they aren’t her own. She also has a very strange sense of humour. If she's laughing super hard, something may be wrong.
Likes: Mullo, her family, music, Viperion, her friends, being Petite Souris
Dislikes: Hawk Moth (idk who this will be, I remember that it was supposed to be Lila in the future? (based on Timetagger)) akumas, people who can’t help themselves when they should be able to, being unable to do music
Background: Aurelie is the middle of three, and she is the only girl. Her brother Oscar is older than her by five minutes, and takes after Marinette. Noah is three, and currently looks like Luka but acts like Marinette.
From a young age, Aurelie loved music. It was an attribute that she could have only inherited from Luka, and she really looks up to him for it. She typically does covers on songs, but she’s recently started to write her own songs. She takes a lot of inspiration from Anna Blue and other artists, and she typically does acoustic guitars covers.
Aurelie loves Viperion. She loves watching him fight, and loves being able to fight alongside him, and she loves everything about him really. To this day, she still has no idea that her dad is Viperion. Even if she did, it probably wouldn’t change her admiration for the hero. She also doesn't know that her mum is Ladybug.
She knows FSL (French Sign Language) fluently, as Oscar has been deaf for roughly 5 years. She was learning it before the family discovered it, as she just wanted to learn it in general. She is the most fluent in the family.
Kwami: Mullo
Miraculous: Mouse
Activated: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/lady-bug/images/6/64/Mouse_Miraculous_Charged.png/revision/latest?cb=20191026181021
Hidden: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/lady-bug/images/e/ee/Mouse_Miraculous_Camouflaged.png/revision/latest?cb=20191026181133
Name: Petite Souris
Weapon: Aurelie has a whip that wraps around her waist. It's fairly 'fluid' when not in use but becomes more 'solid' when used as a whip. It can also serve the same function of Ladybug's yoyo if it catches and wraps around an item.
Ability: Aurelie is able to divide herself into multiple small Aurelies and then become a big version again.
Transforming words: "Mullo, Get Squeaky!" and "Mullo, Get Quiet!"
Appearance: Aurelie's suit is quite different to Multimouse's, being a lot more practical and with little details. Her hair is pulled into a plait and has grey ribbon running through it. The blue and green turns into various shades of pink.
(is she ok? she's different to her original version but i can make that work)
(She's fine. The only thing I can't see is the suit, but that's fine. I think I might close this, I'll decide this later in the day.)
(I remember Aurelie! :D So two of our heroes are siblings and the other is their cousin. Neat.)
(Mhm, and Taehyungie gave us permission to use Lucas.)
(She's fine. The only thing I can't see is the suit, but that's fine. I think I might close this, I'll decide this later in the day.)
(oh, if you just search up 'miraculous redesigns lunibean' it should come up. i didn't realise that it couldn't be seen)
(Alright, I found it. I'm going to close this then, and I'll post a starter later.)
(ok cool)
Rebbeca was awakened by her phone alarm. She groggily picked up her phone and turned off the alarm. She yawned as she stretched and stood up from her bed. "I hate waking up early in the morning." She said with a sigh.
Barkk floated around her, happily munching a pretzel. "Is it just for school or in general?"
"Hm, maybe both. I should probably go wake up Juliette, just in case she accidentally presses the snooze button again." She responded as she exited her bedroom and made her way to her sister's.
Aurelie stood in front of her bedroom mirror, changing her piercings around. She was getting pink vibes from today, so all her piercings involved pink jewels where possible. Once she was changed, she walked into Oscar's room and shook him awake.
Five more minutes? He signed, staring at her through groggy eyes.
No, Oscar. You have a project due at school today, remember? You have to get up and get ready.
(Ooo quick thing we probably should've established beforehand but it's not a big deal: do Juliette and Rebecca know about each other being Miraculous holders?)
Juliette was rolling over and snuggling further under the covers when her alarm started going off. She could mostly ignore it, but the sound was grating her sleepy ears even after she pulled the blanket up over her head. She briefly thought about asking Ziggy to get it, but that little goat could sleep like a log and it was unlikely she'd be woken by Juliette, seeing as the vibrations from the phone were probably much louder from inside the nightstand drawer and that wasn't waking her. She huffed and rolled back, reaching to her nightstand to blindly pat at the surface for her phone.
(They don't.)
Barkk followed her, making sure to stay out of sight of anybody. When they arrived, Rebbeca knocked loudly on Juliette's door. "Juliette, time to wake up. You don't want to be late to school like the last time." She said.
When she received no response, she briefly thought about barging inside, but then she heard an alarm going off and decided not to. She walked back to her own room and opened her closet. "What to wear. Any suggestions Barkk?"
She shook her head as she sat down on Rebbecca's shoulder. She looked around her closet before deciding on an outfit.
(Good to know. c:)
When she finally located her phone and turned the alarm off, Juliette went back under the covers with a relieved sigh. In the back of her head, she knew she needed to get up, but the bed was just so warm and comfortable. She yawned as she allowed herself to drift back into sleep - there was no harm in getting a few more minutes of rest before her alarm went off again.
Ziggy dragged herself from the comfort of her makeshift bed in the nightstand drawer a moment later, listening to make sure no-one was coming to the door before she floated over to the lump on Juliette's bed and patted the top. "Juliette? I think it's time to get up now." She said quietly. Juliette only curled up more, and Ziggy hummed in thought before grabbing the blanket and pulling it all the way off of the bed.
Juliette groped around for it for a few seconds before looking and seeing that it was far from her reach, and only then did she sit up. "Okay, okay, I'm awake." She yawned and stretched her arms above her head, then practically shook her whole body like a dog to rid herself of sleepy feelings. "Good morning, Ziggy!"
"Good morning, Juliette!"
Mullo hid snuggly in Aurelie's shirt, something they had done ever since being paired by Ladybug. Aurelie popped her head into her parents' room, both of who sat up groggily.
"Do you want me to make breakfast?" She asked, then went to do it when they both nodded. She knew that they were tired, as they'd gotten home late after one of Marinette's fashion shows.
"What are you gonna make for breakfast?" Mullo asked as Aurelie moved around the kitchen.
"Bacon, some eggs, maybe some leftovers croissants from the bakery."
"Should you wake Noah up?"
"Oh, right. Gotta get him to daycare."
She left the bacon and eggs to cook before going into Noah's room, waking him up and getting him ready. She picked him up and began to walk into the kitchen/dining room, fixing Noah into his high-chair and discovering Oscar already in there.
Juliette hummed a song as she freshened up, Ziggy happily humming along with her. Her favorite shirt was in the laundry, so she instead went with a lavender blouse and a pair of jeans with purple butterflies embroidered on the left leg. Ziggy excitedly brought out an animal-themed charm bracelet, which she'd gotten to pick out when they went shopping a few days ago, and Juliette slid it onto her wrist.
She checked her phone for the time and blew a raspberry when she saw that it was almost time to leave.
Rebbeca took a quick shower and changed into a white shirt that said Girl Power in red and baggy jeans. She grabbed her backpack and went downstairs and grabbed a Hot Pocket.
"Is that all you're going to eat?" Barkk said as Rebbeca put her breakfast in the microwave.
"I don't have time to eat an actual breakfast, so this should suffice."
She took out the Hot Pocket out of the microwave and took a bite. "Juliette, come on. it's time to leave!" She yelled from the stairs.
"Okay, okay!" Juliette yelled back as she made sure Ziggy was comfortable in her backpack. Once it was zipped up and over her shoulders, she grabbed a small stuffed sheep from her dresser and rushed out of the room. She skipped down the steps and landed on the last one with her arms out, smiling brightly at Rebecca. "Good morning!"
After about 10 minutes, everything was good. Noah was ready, and the three siblings had all had breakfast. Aurelie popped her head into her parents' room.
"Maman. Papa. I'm taking Noah to daycare and then Oscar to school. Breakfast is in the microwave to keep it warm. See you this afternoon."
She walked back out and then got Oscar's attention. Time to go to school. You're coming with me to drop Noah off.
Do I have to?
Yes, you do. Now come on.
Aurelie picked Noah up and then walked out to her car, having passed her driving tests easily. Noah was strapped in and Oscar was in the front next to her.
Text Becca and ask if she and Julie want a lift. We can get them before dropping Noah off.
"Good morning, Juliette!" Rebbeca responded with a smile. She looked at the stuffed sheep. "It looks so fluffy. Anyways, we should get going, school starts in about. ." She took out her phone and looked at the time. "In about thirty minutes." She put it away and quickly ran upstairs to say goodbye to her parents. She quickly ran down the stairs and exited the house.
"Our music teacher said our school was chosen to perform for the Music Festival that's coming and I'm so excited! I can't believe we're going to be able to perform for Paris!" Rebbeca said happily. She was practically jumping up and down like a little kid.
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