(I ship that too! Yay! LGTBQ+ stuff! I love this stuff, okay?)
(I ship that too! Yay! LGTBQ+ stuff! I love this stuff, okay?)
(Looks like my character is gonna have a sibling.)
(Marc and Nath are like. . .perferct for each other. And so is Juleka and Rose.)
(:D Also I think I'm going with Ziggy, is that okay?)
(Yep, that's completely fine!)
(I was making a chibi comic of the two for pride month, and then life popped up… I have the storyboard done and planned out, and one sketch, but it's too late to continue now seeing how far my art has come since then. Also, I wasn't sure if you shipped, but since you two, my favorite gay couple is getting a child! Seriously though, I thought that Marc and Nath belonged together since the beginning.)
(Honestly, same. If anyone says that Marc and Nath don't belong together . . well, I'm going to fight them. Might lose the fight, but I'll do anything to defend both my LGBTQ+ ships and my straight ships.)
I'm just going to post my character because I made her a while ago for a Miraculous next gen RP that GhostSpider (now goes by Iron_Soldier) created some months ago. Since she'll probably have a sibling, I might change some things. We'll see how it goes.
Name: Rebecca Couffaine-Lavillant
Nicknames: Becky, Becca
Parents: Juleka Couffaine & Rose Lavillant
Age (15-17): 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Appearance: Wavy medium length sandy blonde hair with purple highlights. Her hair is styled in a medieval updo with a purple headband. Whenever she gets tired of her usual hairstyle she changes her hair to a side bun hairstyle. Whenever her hair gets cut, she likes it when it’s as short as how Rose’s was. She has these beautiful hazel eyes that make her look like the most innocent human in the world. She has pale-ish skin with a bit of freckle on her face.
Personality: So, she’s very outgoing and isn’t afraid to say her ideas out loud. There are times where she’ll be super duper shy, which at times surprises her friends and family. She’s Intelligent, has creative thinking, she’s a bit sadistic, and is self-confident at times.
Likes: She, of course, likes her family and friends. She loves the color purple and thinks that purple is a more mysterious and cooler color than black. She likes any type of fluffy animals. She also loves music, nature, drawing, and gummy bears.
Dislikes: She hates spoiled brats, people who abuse animals. She despises Spiders and absolutely hates it when one of her musical instruments get broken.
Background: She lives with her moms in a house not so far from the Dupain-Cheng Bakery. She lived a pretty calm life with her moms until she got her miraculous. She tries to live a calm life whenever she can. Her uncle introduced her to the world of music and well, she fell in love with it. She at times switched from instrumental music to Vocal Music.
Other: She wears a purple, blue, and pink loom bracelet that was gifted by her moms. Whenever it doesn’t fit her anymore she and her moms make another one together.
Kwami: Barkk
Miraculous: A black collar necklace with an open end.
Activated: A black collar necklace with an open end. The tips of the edges are shaped like gray dog heads, with two rounded light brown bead-like objects next to one. At the front of the jewelry, there are five light larger brown bead-like objects. (Sine all the miraculous in the miraculous box are activated.)
Hidden: A purple collar necklace with an open end. The tips of the edges are shaped like gray dog heads, with two rounded light pink bead-like objects next to one. At the front of the jewelry, there are five light larger pink bead-like objects.
Name: Inu
Weapon: Staff/Katana/Whip/Bow and Arrow/Sling
Rebecca’s weapon changes every time she transforms. One day she could be using a Staff and the other day she could be using a Sling. She doesn’t get to choose the weapon of her choice, so she learned to use whatever weapon she gets and not complain about it. She at times doesn’t need weapons since she’s a black belt in karate.
Ability: Drill-Drive
Transforming words: “Barkk, Let’s Fetch!”/ “Barkk, Drop It.”
Appearance: Rebecca’s suit takes after Barkk appearance. The majority of it is a light brown with white. The suit is white from the elbows of the arms all the way to the fingers. The white starts from the bottom of the neck and ends all the way to its legs. Her mask is light brown and the middle is white. [Of course, a dog-themed superhero suit isn’t complete if it doesn’t have ears or a tail.] Her ears are light brown and her tail is light brown with white.
Other than the suit, Rebecca doesn’t change much. Her hair doesn’t change that much. It’s still wavy medium length sandy blonde hair, but now she has blue highlights instead of purple. Her hair is styled in two buns on the bottom. There are times where her hair isn’t in two buns and when it’s not it’s in a Half Down with Crown Braid. Her eyes change from hazel to blue-green and her teeth turn a bit sharp.
Other: N/A
(Yes. I would do anything to defend my ships. I found those two perfect from the moment that they met, and it's why "Reverser" is one of my favorite episodes. It introduced a character that I love and made me ship something so adorable. The chibi comic was a tribute to their comics in the series, but of their love story. Haha.)
(AW. Sounds quite cute. Reverser is and will stay one of my favorite episodes because they introduced Marc and made me ship something super adorable.)
(I actually had them writing a comic for their series when they realized their feelings in the chibi comic. I love those two. They are two of my favorite characters and nothing will change that. Also, I love your OC!)
(Thanks! Yes, Marc and Nath shall forever be two of our favorite characters.)
(Yes. I loved Marc from the moment he was introduced, same with Nath. With Marc, I feel a slight connection with the whole being an introverted author who isn't always confident in their work thing, just looking for someone to appreciate it. That makes me love him more, though. Nath is also a character that can remind me of myself, clearly being a caring person, also seeming to be introverted, creative, and I love him. The two remind me of my artist and author sides split into two very loveable people who shall be loved no matter what. Simply, I love them.)
(I'm sorry this is taking me so long, I may be doing some research for this -n-)
(It's fine! I'm working on character design and need to research a couple of things myself.)
(So, I made the character, but I can't think of a name or Miraculous for him…
Simply, he's a bit on the shorter side, has brown hair fading into a red, and some dark blue highlights, and has brown eyes. He is on the paler side and also has some light freckles. For personality, he's a really caring boy, always wanting to help people and see them smile. It's hard when he is known to be really shy most of the time, but he finds ways. He has both of his dads' talents and their creativity, usually using that to help make others happy through drawing a scene or something. He's also loyal to his friends and would do anything for them.
Other things are a work in progress, but that's him so far. Name ideas? I'm horrible with names…)
(Well, you can search up boy names and choose the one you like.)
(I'm sorry this is taking me so long, I may be doing some research for this -n-)
(It's completely fine. Take all the time you need.)
(I was considering that but I occasionally get indecisive. I do have a name generator, though with multiple language roots as options seeing as my OCs span different countries of origin. I'll see what I can come up with, but I may ask about this if that fails. I'll keep you all updated!)
(Update: His name is Lucas.)
(I like that name. Now, back to questioning what MIraculous to use…)
(I wanna join but I know jack squat about That show. Watched like season 1)
(Oof. You can join if you want, seeing as you have watched season 1. Since this is taking place in the future, you don't really need to know much.)
(Oh. Ok!)
(Could you tell me which miraculous you want?)
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