forum Jurassic Park RP, anyone? (OPEN)
Started by @purpleowl25_pew_pew

people_alt 5 followers


(purple's not here rn but I'd say go ahead and make a template. I mean, it says OPEN in big letters so I assume it's okay??)

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(You see I don't kbow if I want security to deal with her or for Zoe to just ignore her for amusement and if she talks to her we're just going to have a problem.)


(Yeah idk maybe she'd go up, stare at Sheyla for a second, and then just walk away again lol. Then Thunder would probs get bored of this game bc he's hungry and Zoe has food)

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"Look Thunder, you need to drink this." She said gently and shook the bottle.


Thunder looked up at the noise, glancing back at Sheyla before running over to Zoe. It wasn't like he could do much more to help her anyways, considering Zoe seemed pretty insistent on ignoring Sheyla.

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"There we go." She cooed and put the bottle inside Thunder's mouth before carrying him to his enclosure.


(Is she still gonna bring him to meet his 'relatives'?)
He finished the bottle quickly and lay down in the enclosure, looking around contentedly. The enclosure was quite large, which was good, and it had a large sheet of strong glass as the front wall so visitors could look at him.

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(Yes.) Out of the bushes, two more velociraptors came out to greet the new comer.


(Or maybe there could be like, an educational tour or smthn. You know how at zoos there'll be a person who tells you all about the bear or the tiger while they feed them like, "Oh yeah it eats about three times its weight in meat a day" and stuff along those lines. Babies are always peoples' favorites, so they're often on display)


Thunder stood up to go to the other velociraptors. They were much larger than he was, but he didn't seem too concerned about that. His tail swayed calmly, and he seemed cheerful enough.

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The other velociraptors went up to greet Zoe before studying the newcomer. Who are you? They asked in a series up growls and shrieks while Zoe recorded.


Thunder squeaked a response. I'm new, the human calls me 'Thunder'. What does it call you? He was craning his neck to look up at the others.