forum Jurassic Park RP, anyone? (OPEN)
Started by @purpleowl25_pew_pew

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Name: Zoe Barnes
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Do they work at Jurassic World or are they a visitor or are they a dinosaur?: Worker
ONLY IF THEY WORK AT JURASSIC WORLD, What is their job?: Trainer
Looks: Has long black, wavy hair, fair-tone skin, blue eyes, slim, but has an athletic body build.
Background: Develop
Favorite Dinosaur: Velociraptor


Noice who wants to start? I think it'd work if I started or Laffette was like, looking over the egg and I go second? Since your character is a visitor, it's less likely they'd be there right away, but Laffette's character could like, bring out the lil dino child for viewing


Sheyla closed her eyes and grimaced as they swayed violently. She hated boats. But the choice of getting to Isla Nublar was either a boat, or a helicopter, and she hated helicopters. There was a loud thump, and the boat stopped moving. Sheyla stood up and grabbed her glittery pink suitcase off of the seat next to her. She followed all the other people leaving. As she stepped onto the dock, she looked at all the other people boarding the boat. They looked exhilarated and a bit sad to be leaving, like someone would be after leaving Disneyland. At the end of the dock was a huge banner, reading 'WELCOME TO JURASSIC WORLD'

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I think the dino should hatch and then I can have my character talk.


The large velociraptor egg that had been expected to hatch 'soon' for a while now finally started moving. Small cracks appeared on the shell of the egg, and they gradually grew longer and louder as the egg shattered. Once the egg was broken, a small dinosaur was left in the midst of the debris, blinking in the light.

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( No, I'm pretty sure the scientist wouldn't do that. Just hatch the dinosaur so my character can talk.)

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Zoe watched as her "new dinosaur" was hatching. Scientist busied around doing their research on the amazing event that was happening while Zoe stood there awestruck. "Wow." She breathed as she stepped closer. "Hey there buddy."


Sheyla looked around the hallway she was in, and checked her texts from her Uncle John. She appeared to be lost. A sudden cracking noise from behind her made her jump. Sheyla turned around and looked into the window behind her.


The velociraptor squeaked, standing up on wobbly legs and starting towards Zoe curiously. He cocked his head to the side, sniffing her hand before flopping his head down on top of it.


The window opened into a lab, where Sheyla could see a bunch of scientists bustling about. In the middle, on a table, was a clutch of dinosaur eggs. There was one that appeared to be hatching. It looked like a tiny velociraptor. Sheyla watched as a woman with long, dark hair reached over to the baby. Sheyla smiled. It was so cute!


The velociraptor's head shot up at the noise and he jumped off the table, shattering part of the glass door as he ran out into the enclosure. He tried to jump at the girl, but bumped into the bulletproof glass.

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Zoe caught the raptor and held it to her chest."Watch it kid." She warned before turning away.