forum Jurassic Park RP, anyone? (OPEN)
Started by @purpleowl25_pew_pew

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Zoe inspected the camera. "You naughtly thing." She lightly scolded before she pulled out a treat. "Want it?"


What is it? It smells like food. Thunder went back over and examined the treat before eating it. Seems foodish enough.

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Zoe sighed while the bigger raptors played tag with Thunder.


Thunder ran ahead of Shadow and Alphina as fast as he could, but the others were gaining on him. Fast as he was, his legs simply weren't long enough to keep ahead.

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(True.) Zoe decided to give the bigger raptors a treat today. She clicked for them to come while she gave a command. A wild pig was now running around the enclosure


What is that? Thunder saw the pig and dashed after it. It was fast, but he was gradually gaining on it. However, he was getting a bit exhausted from running so much earlier and stumbled a bit.

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"Aww." Zoe helped Thunder back up as thw adults made their kill. "You'll be able to do it some day buddy." She encouraged.


Thunder was breathing heavily, presumably trying to catch his breath. He watched Shadow and Alphina taking down the pig from afar, standing beside Zoe.

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(I feel like hes going to be annoyed because we did 3 pages without him.)


(shrug none of it was too incredibly important, and they can always come along and start beating on the glass of THIS enclosure lmao)


(First of all, I'm a girl. And second of all, she was trying to get their attention because there was a baby velociraptor loose in the lab next door. She was banging on the glass to get their attention!)


(can I be a mentally frigged up raptor that's kinda like Ed (« the hyena) from the Lion King he's like… a doofus that thinks that he's the bomb and walks around trying to chase people and eat stuff but his depth perception is off so he'll constantly trip on things and run into trees and stuff? He's small and skinny because he sucks at hunting but is somehow smart enough to get the scraps off other dinosaurs? Can you guys take pity on him and like develop some sort of ~friendship~ and he like… helps you and stuff? XD Kinda like a mentally disturbed Blue from Jurassic World? Except y'all name him "Jeff"? Like he's just the comedic relief. He comes in at kinda the right moments and they're just like "GODDANG IT IT'S FLIP FLAPPIN JEFF AGAIN!" "WE CAN'T GET RID OF THIS GUY, SO WE MINUS WELL KEEP HIM." XD)


Name: (Undecided until they become friends but when they become friends it's:) Jeff
Age: 4
Gender: Male
Do they work at Jurassic World or are they a visitor or are they a dinosaur?: They are a dinosaur.
ONLY IF THEY WORK AT JURASSIC WORLD, What is their job?: To eat things.
Looks: Velociraptor, bright green (because they effed up his chemical makeup)
Background: He was born there, lived there his entire life, is a completely loser. He's like the end pieces on a loaf of bread, they're like butt cheeks. No one really enjoys those end pieces (aka the butt cheeks of the loaf of bread). He's like butt cheek of the loaf of bread. He's the butt cheek of Velociraptors.
Favorite Dinosaur: Velociraptors.
MBTI Type: Velociraptors (?)

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(Zoe is the mother of all raptors, come child.)


(What if Jeff becomes like, Thunder's derpy older brother? And Jeff grows in character because he now has a young'un to take care of and be overly protective of)