forum Hi people. Wanna do a Marauders Era Rp? (CLOSED)
Started by @CWTurtleOfFreedom

people_alt 7 followers


(His parents are pureblood or muggleborn? Or abusive? Two of those three are true lol)

//I’m confused now i thought his parents are muggles


She tilted backward to lay across he chair and pulled him down to sit. “So we don’t tip the chair and cause a commotion,” she explained, entertwining their hands.


(Like your people are talking and said "You think his parents…" but didn't finish and I'm confused)

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

//she’d be illegal and li isn’t that fondness of delinquents, I think
Also it’s really difficult and most adult wizards can’t do i it th
thE marauders did because they were stupidly smart but

//yeah ima have to agree with Luce… I’m ok with mild delinquents but idk man thats a bit much especially for 3rd yr

(What's the thing called when you can change your appearance? Can I be that?)


(Like your people are talking and said "You think his parents…" but didn't finish and I'm confused)

//oh Luce meant like ‘pure blood extremist’


//she’d be illegal and li isn’t that fondness of delinquents, I think
Also it’s really difficult and most adult wizards can’t do i it th
thE marauders did because they were stupidly smart but

//yeah ima have to agree with Luce… I’m ok with mild delinquents but idk man thats a bit much especially for 3rd yr

(What's the thing called when you can change your appearance? Can I be that?)

//metamorphagus? I’m still going to have to say no, its just a bit op, especially since Tonks is there rn


Jay shied away from her hand at first, but then realized he was supposed to shake it and did so. He really didn't like physical contact, as his experiences with his parents had taught him that it was bad. "I-I'm Jay. Jay Curtis. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I-I mean… nice to meet you! Sorry! I talk sort of… weird, when I'm nervous."


//yes entertaining hands is fun

“Probably wise,” Cato agreed with a slight smile.

//lmao I fixed it
and yeah, she was implying possible abuse

Valerie glanced across at the first year again. “Here’s to hoping, then,” she said, casually flipping off someone who passed by and muttered blood traitor under their breath.


"Um, n-not you in particular of course." A pink tint rose to Jay's cheeks and he looked away. "Honestly, people in general sorta scare me… I'm not very good at keeping up a conversation… And of course you're not stupid! I-I didn't mean it like that! I meant that I sort of… talk like old books sometimes when I'm at a loss for words."


Valerie glanced across at the first year again. “Here’s to hoping, then,” she said, casually flipping off someone who passed by and muttered blood traitor under their breath.

“Hoping is good,” Cato nodded, noticing the kid who’d walked by and said ‘blood traitor’ and glaring at him as he walked away. “Especially in the case of crazy wizards.”

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

"Um, n-not you in particular of course." A pink tint rose to Jay's cheeks and he looked away. "Honestly, people in general sorta scare me… I'm not very good at keeping up a conversation… And of course you're not stupid! I-I didn't mean it like that! I meant that I sort of… talk like old books sometimes when I'm at a loss for words."

"Sorry, that seemed, really harsh." Melanthea apologizes, "I get pretty defensive, pretty fast. Let's start over. I'm Melanthea Grey. How do you like the common room?"


“Yeah,” Cato sighed. “Sadly. I wish I could do… something,” he muttered, frustrated. “Anything, really, just to give you a moment’s peace. When its not them, its… well, you know.”


//when u don’t know but I know ur character is supposed to

“Hey,” she said gently, sitting up slightly to face him. “I’m okay. You kinda get used to it after six years, you don’t need to worry.” She paused. “Don’t beat up someone for it and land yourself in detention,” she added as an afterthought.


Jay watched her leave, confused. He retreated a little more into a corner, staring around the huge common room. He could still hear the sound of the lake reminding him constantly that he was underwater and, therefore, constantly in danger. He felt his back bump against the walls of his corner and winced slightly, rubbing a concealed bruise on his arm.

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

Rushing over to the corner where the wail was, Melanthea sees a little girl with brown pigtails sitting on the floor sobbing. "Hey, what's wrong?" Melanthea asks. The girl hardly looked up.
"My best friend since we were seven called me evil!" She wails.
"Shhh." Melantha shushes her, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder and rubbing it gently. The girl flinched at first but soon let her continue.
"What's your name?" Melanthea asks. The girl finally looks up.
"Isidora." She tells her.
"And what's your friend's name and house?" Melanthea continues asking questions.
"Gryffindor, Euadne Markseen." Is her muffled reply as she hides her head between her knees.
"Ugh, Markseen, I know the name," Melanthea mutters. "Hey, how would you like some cookies?" She asks Isidora. The girl yanks her head up.
"Cookies?" She asks, wiping her eyes.