forum Hi people. Wanna do a Marauders Era Rp? (CLOSED)
Started by @CWTurtleOfFreedom

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(I'm Jay. He's 11. Muggleborn. Abused. In need of fren but has trust issues. Literally never touch him without warning or he will flip)


(Btw earning his trust might be difficult but totally worth it. Show smol snek child the ins and outs of bein a Slytherin :D)


//ok ima start now and we will go slow

Cato watched the first years as they were led into the Slytherin common room for the first time, most awed and a bit scared by the watery appearance and undertones of green lighting. He noticed one kid who looked a bit more cautious then the rest, standing away from people. (Jay)


Jay was a bit anxious about the fact that their common room was underwater. After all, he couldn't swim and he didn't know how secure this place really was. He shied away from the unfamiliar people, looking around nervously and hoping that he wouldn't be hated for being in Slytherin. He was told that every bad witch and wizard came from Slytherin, but he really didn't think he was that evil… Jay jumped as a voice came seemingly out of nowhere. "Er, n-no. Everything's fine. Just… looking around." He smiled weakly.


Melanthea noticed one of the boys standing apart from everyone else as the first years came in. Slowing gliding through the shadows, she slips up to him. "Something wrong?" She asks.

//thats a bit upfront but um ok

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

Melanthea noticed one of the boys standing apart from everyone else as the first years came in. Slowing gliding through the shadows, she slips up to him. "Something wrong?" She asks.

//thats a bit upfront but um ok

(I'm always upfront. My character gets to the point if she wants to know something.)


Melanthea noticed one of the boys standing apart from everyone else as the first years came in. Slowing gliding through the shadows, she slips up to him. "Something wrong?" She asks.

//thats a bit upfront but um ok

(I'm always upfront. My character gets to the point if she wants to know something.)

//ok sure whatevs :)


Cato saw a third year approach the boy… he looked nervous, and jumped slightly when she spoke to him. Just let him be. You’ll have time to meet kids later…. especially when they ‘accidentally’ intrude on your dorm…