forum Hi people. Wanna do a Marauders Era Rp? (CLOSED)
Started by @CWTurtleOfFreedom

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@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

Jay was a bit anxious about the fact that their common room was underwater. After all, he couldn't swim and he didn't know how secure this place really was. He shied away from the unfamiliar people, looking around nervously and hoping that he wouldn't be hated for being in Slytherin. He was told that every bad witch and wizard came from Slytherin, but he really didn't think he was that evil… Jay jumped as a voice came seemingly out of nowhere. "Er, n-no. Everything's fine. Just… looking around." He smiled weakly.

"Sorry if I scared you." Melanthea apologizes, "Most people say I tend to come out of nowhere. I've scared more than one teacher that way."


Name: Valerie Evans (possibly distantly related to Lily, considering muggkebkrns had to have a witch or wizard on their line at some point)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Appearance: Long black hair and dark eyes, pale skin, really embodies the emo look
Personality: develop
House: Slytherin
Backstory: to be revealed
Other: she’s an orphan and her parents were blood traitors, so probably not well liked by the majority


“Yeah,” Cato sighed. “Same as usual. I just can’t shake the feeling that he’s… different, in a way.” He turned his head to look at his girlfriend. “You doing ok?”


//y e a p

“That’s good. I’m good,” Cato said, a light blush rising to his cheeks. “And I guess I could. But… I mean…” He met her eyes and sighed. “Yeah, i guess I should.”


//if they get married, neither will have to change their last name

“You want to go right now or wait for the third year to finish?” She asked, sitting down on the edge of a nearby armchair.


//tru :D

“Well, I should probably wait. He looks like a kid that doesn’t like too many people,” Cato said, moving over to stand next to Val. “So once the third year finishes, I guess.”


"It's… no problem. I'm just nervous, I suppose. I-I'm muggleborn, so all this magic stuff is pretty unfamiliar to me. When I got my letter, though, it seemed too good to be true." Jay laughed halfheartedly, his bruises stinging beneath his robes. He was glad that the uniform was long enough to conceal them.


//keyword being if
one might die

She held her arms out for a hug. “You think his parents…” She hated being that person who generalized Slytherins, but there were plenty of pure blood extremists in the house. “Or is he just shy?”


(What if Jay's a parselmouth and he has no idea? Like, he would just go out in the backyard and talk to snakes and think nothing of it. And then he finds a snake and starts talking to it and everyone's like woah bro wot u doin??)


"Oh, no! I didn't mean that it's still not!" Jay said hurriedly. "It is! It's just… a bit overwhelming, I suppose. It's certainly a lot to take in, especially since I never knew anything about magic before."


//she’d be illegal and li isn’t that fondness of delinquents, I think
Also it’s really difficult and most adult wizards can’t do i it th
thE marauders did because they were stupidly smart but


//keyword being if
one might die

She held her arms out for a hug. “You think his parents…” She hated being that person who generalized Slytherins, but there were plenty of pure blood extremists in the house. “Or is he just shy?”

//yesss aNgSt

“Dunno,” Cato shrugged slightly, putting an arm around Val’s shoulders and putting his chin gently on her head. “I’m hoping for shy… but there is always the one family.”


//she’d be illegal and li isn’t that fondness of delinquents, I think
Also it’s really difficult and most adult wizards can’t do i it th
thE marauders did because they were stupidly smart but

//yeah ima have to agree with Luce… I’m ok with mild delinquents but idk man thats a bit much especially for 3rd yr

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

"Heh." Melanthea lets out a small laugh, "I can't imagine what my life would be like without any magic. I'm only half, and my Father practically lives of it. I don't think he could've survived if he was a muggle. Then again, he would have been brought up differently. Sorry, I talk too much." A small blush creeps up her face. "I'm Melanthea." She says, sticking out her hand.