Started by @BookAddict

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“Okay, long story short, they’re dead.” Because of me. “Now go on, go kiss your girlfriend and make it official.” She turned and left quickly.


Arianna smiled like an idiot, a blush creeping up her cheeks. It happened. Well the confession was in a cell, at least it was a nice cell. It’s pretty clean actually…


Sage ran after Valerie and tapped her on the shoulder, his face burning a little from the embarrassing question he was about to ask.


\ lol sage is gonna ask valerie for tips on kissing cos he's so clueless \

(Whelp this is gonna be awkward.)

\ XD. perfect for sage then \


She seemed confused for a moment before grinning. “Stop stressing, Sage,” she said gently, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Just go talk to her, let it happen on it’s own. Besides, she could use the company. Her trial’s not for another few hours.”


"Yeah but I don't know what to do… I don't know how to… kiss someone?" Sage cringed as he admitted this. You're such a loser.


Footsteps. Arianna perked up, who is it? Arianna sighed inaudibly, it was a guard.
“I never thought I’d see you in a cell.” The guard said, with a surprised look on his face.
“Same.” Arianna sighed.
“So… you stabbed Alexander?”
No, I didn't. You can get that blade dusted for fingerprints, I didn’t touch that blade.” Arianna stated, glaring through the bars.


"I guess…" Sage conceded. "So I just have to… wing it!?"
This was a completely foreign concept to Sage, who liked to know exactly what was happening, all the time.


Sage sighed. "Okaaay. Thanks anyway." He went off to get out of his pajamas before the whole camp woke up. He'd see if he was allowed to visit Ari after that.