@spacebluelily language
(also i love Camillo's weapon ^^)
(also i love Camillo's weapon ^^)
(also i love Camillo's weapon ^^)
Name: Ezra Angelos
Nicknames: Ra (only for people he's close to.)
Gender: Male, he/him
Age: 17
Appearance: Ezra is described as scrawny yet muscular. He has thin features, slender fingers and narrow everything. His eyes are slightly hooded and tilted at the end due to his half asian heritage. His face is thin with a strong slightly square jawline. He has a thin nose and prominent thick eyebrows that are rounded. His eyes are hazel, with more brown than green and his lips are also rounded, and only slightly full. He has a long, slightly pink scar on his face running from the bottom of his right ear to the right next to the corner of his mouth on the right side. He is pallid with faint freckles on his shoulders that tend to become more distinguishable during the summer, when he is out in the sun. Ezra's hair is set in loose curls that surround his head in a soft of hallow, when the front is down, it stops just above his eyebrows. He has the ends of his hair all the way around dyed in an ombre of pastel pink (on hair that hangs across forehead), pastel blue (right side of head), pastel green (back of head) and pastel purple (left side of head).
Personality: Ezra is observant and bubbly. He tends to have moments when he goes from chatty to sitting and listening very intently. He is patient with other people and even himself and cares more for others than himself or his own feelings. He loves to watch things, even if people tell him it's creepy. He loves to dance and even did competitive dance when he was younger.
Likes / Dislikes: Likes: dancing, making art, hanging out with people he gets along with.
Dislikes: road trips, the thought of killing animals
Godly Parent: Aphrodite
Backstory: Ezra was a social butterfly when he was younger, but then realised many abnormal things were happening to him, such as the elderly lady at the grocery store that tried to drown him at the butcher's counter in the bin full of ice, the strange man who tried to get Ezra in his car when he was walking home from school one day, or even the older kid that lived in the neighborhood somewhere that threw a decent sized rock at Ezra and gave him a scar on his left knee and a concussion.
When he was thirteen he started to get bullied for his femininity, something he had never paid attention to before. When he was a freshman (14) he tried to kill himself, when he got home from the hospital he had a huge fight with his father, who claimed he could no longer support Ezra and his "tiring ways". He then kicked Ezra out and gave him a long letter of five pages, explaining the fact that Ezra was a demigod. He then was given directions to Camp Half Blood.
Ezra spent a long time wandering, almost dying of dehydration, starvation or just almost dying. He constantly had a mindset that he deserved whatever came to him and finally, he made it to Camp Half Blood.
He arrived just shortly after his 15th birthday and was accepted, something that had never happened before, it was only after he saved a younger camper from drowning that he was claimed by his goddess of a mother, Aphrodite.
Weapons: A tiny clay made teacup, painted pastel pink and red that transforms into a large switchblade, also pastel pink, with the handle being red, with hello kitty stickers all over the blade.
Ezra does not consider himself a "good" person, he simply feels that he is in the world because of the fact that choices were made.
he has a hard time believing in true love and does not consider himself close to anyone at camp, romantically nor in a friendly way.
(ah no poor ezra :( right, since we got our last player I'm gonna close this and post a starter soon )
(also what is up with siblings losing their twins??)
(i want to do something with the necklace of harmonia. the last mention of it in the myths was after it was stolen by the tyrant Phayllus. so perhaps, the necklace has resurfaced and they have to retrieve it before it causes any more damage?)
Coral stood out on the porch of her cabin, leaning against the wooden rails and looking out into the sky as dusk fell over the camp. It felt weird being capable to stand peacefully under the night sky without having to check behind her ever so often. Even though the war had ended, she was still alert. She feared that Gaia hadn't been truly defeated. That if she hadn't been fast enough – no, she would not think about that. Not today, not anytime soon. She needed a distraction. And luckily for her, someone was walking in front of her cabin, heading in the direction of the dining pavilion. It must be dinner time.
"Heading out to dinner?" she called out, as she pushed herself away from the wooden rails.
Ezra looked up, jumping slightly as he had been staring at the ground as he walked.
He looked around and finally spotted a girl leaning against the railing of the cabin to his right.
"Yeah," he answered, rubbing a hand to his eyes. "I'm a little late though, I was busy working on a project. I just hope there's some left."
Camillo tugged at his gloves subconsciously as he walked, his eyes darting back and forth in case anything jumped out at him. He was fully aware that the camp was perfectly safe, but despite the fact that the war was over, he was still jumpy, even over the smallest things. His siblings have tried to be helpful, attempting to get Cam involved with more activities with them, like helping the younger campers with archery lessons, but even that didn't do anything to ease the guilt he felt. So many demigods died during the war, and no matter what he did during the fighting, it wasn't enough. The same thing happened during the Titan War, too. But he needed to move on, to focus on the present instead of the past. His crow, Orpheus, kept pecking at him consistently to stop moping around the Apollo cabin this evening and to get some food for the both of them.
Reluctantly, Cam had gotten up, and now he was on his way to the dining pavillion.
He heard some voices coming from nearby and he soon saw two people near one of the cabins. He quickly looked away and picked up his pace, not entirely in the mood to socialize with other people; he had lived this long without having friends or talking much to others, and he didn't see how or why that would change.
Verison walked towards the dining pavilion, a sense of unease still weighing on him. The battle had left him with a bad feeling leading to a few sleepless nights. He sighed quietly to himself. He needed to get his minds off things. Dinner would probably help with that. He waved to the fellow campers as he passed them on the way, but a bit too tired to actually initiate any kind of conversation.
Coral nodded, knowing how it felt when you were working on a project. She was tempted to ask Ezra about his project but decided against it. The boy was already late enough as it is, she didn't want to make him even later. "Ah, well, I'm sure there'll be enough left," she responded with a slight smile. She watched as some campers passed the cabin, with one even waving at them. She had thought of completely skipping dinner, but she knew her presence was required. And she knew there would be consequences if she didn't show up. "You better hurry, or your cabinmates might eat it all," she said with a grin.
Ezra gave her a small smile.
"I'll wait for you, if your going." He said kindly. "I know how it is to walk to diner alone, it isn't fun, though I don't mind it."
Cam made it to the pavillion, where he saw Orpheus already near the Apollo table, waiting for him to arrive. The crow spotted him and flew over to him, landing on his shoulder and pecked him in a passive-aggressive manner.
"I know, I'm sorry," Cam whispered, stroking the bird's feathers fondly. "I'll get you something to eat."
Orpheus stared directly at him, giving him a judgemental look that made Camillo roll his eyes playfully, a small smile appearing on his face momentarily.
Cam sat down at the end of the table and food immediately appeared on his plate. Orpheus went straight to eating the grapes on the plate, giving a quick caw of satisfaction before diving in. Camillo smiled fondly and took the grapes off of the plate and placed them on the table, getting up so he could scrape part of his food into the fire.
Coral looked surprised at the offer and nodded after a few moments. She might as well go to the pavilion before her father sent one of her siblings to get her. "Well, um, thanks. I appreciate it." And she did, she really did. "Then, I suppose we better get going, huh?" She walked off the porch, putting her hands in her pocket as she did so, and then walked alongside Ezra. She stayed quiet as they walked, her mind thinking of various excuses she could use if she was questioned about why she was late. When they reached the entrance of the pavilion, she stopped in her place and turned to face Ezra. "Thanks for um, letting me…" she trailed off, trying to think of the correct word. "¿Cual es la palabra otra vez?…Caminar…hm…oh right, walk! Thank you for letting me walk with you. That was kind of you."
(translates to "what's the word again?")
Ezra gave a curt nod while smiling.
"No problem," he said. "Us loners have to stick together, you know?"
He looked around.
"Do you want to eat together, too?" He asked kindly.
Coral stood there dumbly, perhaps even more surprised than when Ezra had offered to walk with her. She stayed quiet, trying to formulate a coherent sentence, so she wouldn't embarrass herself. "That would be nice…but I don't want to be a bother."
Ezra gave a mischievous smile.
"I don't think it would," he insisted. "So what do you say, are we eating together?"
Coral let out a laugh and smiled. If Ezra was insisting then surely it wouldn't hurt to eat with someone else than her siblings. "Okay, okay. Lead the way, then!"
(i know I'm not giving the rest of y'all something to work with and it might seem that it turned into a 1x1 but I promise y'all the fun is just about to start! so just bear with me a tad bit longer!)
Ezra gave her a playful salute.
He began to army stomp towards the pavilion.
"I think we can sit at this table." Ezra said pointing to a table that had only a few stragglers sitting at it, all sitting very far apart, most likely loners like himself that did not feel like sitting with their siblings.
Coral nodded, ignoring the stares and murmurs that came from some of the campers. Mostly the visiting Roman demigods. As she got closer, two plates and two glass goblets appeared on the table, ready to be filled. She picked one of them, placed some stuff she knew she liked and headed towards the fire in the center. She dropped a couple of strawberries into the fire and murmured Dionysus. As she made her way back to the table, she noticed Rachel and Percy heading toward the pavilion, and from what she could see of their facial expressions, Coral deduced that they were laughing. She didn't notice that moments after she had sat down to eat, Rachel had collapsed to the ground, her eyes glowing and green smoke coming out of her body.
Ezra, on the other hand did see, and gently nudged Coral with his elbow and motioned to Rachel.
"Looks like there's going to be another prophecy." He whispered. "Do you think it'll be a good one?"
Camillo had finished giving his food offering to Apollo, and as he was walking back to his table, he noticed Rachel on the ground, in prophecy-mode, with a concerned Percy kneeling next to her.
Cam forced himself to keep walking back to his table, his mind racing with worry. The last time a prophecy happened, the casualties were so bad that everyone was still recovering from them. Couldn't his dad just give the Oracle a break for once?
Orpheus had flown over to sit on his Cam's shoulder again, sensing that his companion was stressed.
"If this leads to another war, I will personally go up to Olympus just to strangle you, Apollo," he muttered under his breath as he passed by a couple of people who were also looking at Rachel.
(I am so so so so so so so so so sorry for not responding any sooner)
"Wha what do–" she paused midsentence as she turned to look where Ezra was motioning. Their resident oracle was in prophecy mode, and Percy was kneeling beside her. Couldn't Apollo give the oracle a break? Wasn't it enough that the second great prophecy had come true mere months ago?
"It better, or else I might just have to strangle our dear sun god," she replied, glancing towards the Apollo table, where her brother Antonio was sitting. He was clenching his hands so hard, that she thought that any harder, he might end up drawing blood.
Chiron trotted towards Rachel with a concerned expression, with the god of wine behind him. By the time the two arrived, Rachel was no longer emitting smoke and was now lying on the ground in a semi-conscious state. The three were talking, no, more like arguing. Chiron and Dionysus shifted from English to Greek while Percy stood there, a little confused. The only word Coral could hear from their conversation was the word cursed.
(and so, the fun begins mwahaha)
Ezra watched as if he were somewhere else, his eyes going blurry and his body still and slightly numb.
He just wanted to live his life, and the last time this happened people were hurt and even killed.
(i will respond today or tomorrow, i am working hard to make the prophecy for this quest to at least make sense lol)
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