forum Amamota rp with @Naize_lupin
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

people_alt 59 followers


You seem to enjoy college AUs, so that makes sense just given what you like to write. With that, a starter! :D

Rantaro was sitting in a mostly empty classroom. He had gone to class rather early that day so he could easily find a place to sit. He preferred to get to class early as it was, as it was just better for him to get there before most of the students were crowding the halls and trying to get to class. It was an average day for him.

On that day, he was also waiting for another student. He was waiting for his friend, Kaito, to show up. He enjoyed talking to Kaito almost every day, and they had grown rather close after a while. He had developed feelings for his best friend over time, but he was unsure when to confess those feelings directly. He just spent his time talking to Kaito as normal, like any other day.


Rantaro sighed softly and picked the other up. "I feel like this is necessary. You're unsteady. Please just let me take you back to my dorm and then get some sleep, okay? You'll be alright…" he assured the other softly. "I promise…"


"You're still arguing despite how tired you are, but you are giving in, so there's progress. Just focus on sleeping. I'll be right here, so you don't need to worry," Rantaro spoke softly, hoping that Kaito would listen to him.


Rantaro smiled softly as the other cuddled up to him. "We're almost there. Just try to sleep, 'kay? I will be by your side the entire time. As long as you sleep, things will be okay."