forum Facts about the creatures in your world!
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

I myself have a lot of creatures in my world - so I thought that I’d create a discussion to share facts in!

Feel free to use this for your creature-fact sharing needs.

@Mojack group

Water Reapers originated from before the events of the Wasteland; they used to be able to come onto land as well, but post-events they are unable to come onto the land anymore, unless in certain cases.

While not a fact about a singular creature, the creatures of the Wastelands share many mechanical and biological parts due to experimentation by the Rockies - and being released into the Wastelands.

The Kinzon (also named razor backs) cannot stand up straight because of the way their body is built.

Deleted user

Heh. I've been waiting for this discussion.

Feuersichehns (tiny orange lizards) can breathe fire if they're in a life or death situation. (It tires them out though-)

Certain ri'jhans (they look like Chinese dragons, but HUGE) have no bones. They're made out of uh, star dust-

Bluqets (large bunnies with bigger ears and sharp teeth) can breathe underwater

Fiqans (creatures born from lava (don't ask the science behind it)) can be sent straight into a burning hot sun and return and be fine. But the second it gets even a little bit cold, it will solidify and it can't be brought back.

@Mojack group

Skieters (also called as Eye Devils) are mostly mechanized. They used to be solely water creatures but were valued due to their intelligence. They are some of the most feared creatures on the wasteland, because they are so hard to kill. Some of the only creatures able to kill them quickly are Wastelandiles, (also called Diles) and Worms.

Deleted user

There's a certain animal (shapeshifter) that looks like a plant that has berries. If something eats the berries, that animal will turn into whatever the predator was. They will have full access to their memories too-

@Mojack group

Screks have the ability to change their form slightly (by form, I just mean their skin) so they turn into a walking disaster. By this, I refer to that some of their scales become long, sharp spikes, and others become ‘armour’ especially around the vulnerable parts of their body, like the face, eyes, etc.

Deleted user

A Cloaker soldier-to-be will bathe in the blood of Hellions on their graduation ceremony



You can normally tell what Mythical Blood someone is depending on their attitude and how they look, but you should always ask because they will get SUPER offended if you guess wrong.
Ex. If you call a Gnome Blood a Dwarf Blood you will most likely get attacked.


The Enchiridion of Velisco's (though it's technically an item, it has souls within it making it also a living being) pages is made out of human skin, it's cover made out of human bones, and is written in human blood

Deleted user

The most dangerous looking beast on Rigon is actually quite friendly if treated well and is like a rather nice cow.

Sounds like me

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The Enchiridion of Velisco's (though it's technically an item, it has souls within it making it also a living being) pages is made out of human skin, it's cover made out of human bones, and is written in human blood

As they say, metal.

Deleted user

Weijins are basically women that drowned and were impregnated by the Kraken
Forturas will lure any royalty to their death and then drink their blood. Once they've done that, they can use the royal's power. Making it 50,000,000 times more dangerous-


Weijins are basically women that drowned and were impregnated by the Kraken
Forturas will lure any royalty to their death and then drink their blood. Once they've done that, they can use the royal's power. Making it 50,000,000 times more dangerous-

That's um….lovely

Deleted user

Weijins are basically women that drowned and were impregnated by the Kraken
Forturas will lure any royalty to their death and then drink their blood. Once they've done that, they can use the royal's power. Making it 50,000,000 times more dangerous-

That's um….lovely
