forum The saddest thing you've given your characters to deal with.
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@Cackla-the-Phantasma group

So. I have this character. Her name is Seraphine. She died in a war, but ended up being shifted into a new universe. Same war, same death, another shift. War after war after war she fought, always dying buy she slowly realized things were changing with each new iteration, but that only meant a slightly worse death each timeline.

She went through this for thousands of years, and by the time the loop was over, she was broken, killing indiscrimanately. She was rehabilitated by a kind old lady, but when that lady was brutally murdered her mind completely snapped. Now she just wanders the earth, weeping as she murders anybody she finds in her path. No happy ending. No relief. Just broken.

That's her story so far.

Holy hell, this sounds horrifying.
Yeah, I can see why she weeps.

Out of all the ones I’ve seen, this takes the cake in temporal horror.

@toxinz group

my main character has to watch his boyfriend, the one person he for sure cannot save, die right after they thought they got their happy ending. He can't save him, but obviously he tries as his lover is begging to live. The person at fault rn is either gonna be Salems (mc) father or his bfs sister; i haven't quite decided yet on that part.

Also Salems been so desperate to be a good person this whole, to save everyone he can, even if it kills him. which also backfires on him horribly, damn near everything he loves is torn away from him at one point or another