forum Rating your characters except it’s really honest and unnecessarily violent
Started by @Goosey group

people_alt 88 followers

@threesacult group



Looks like how Vanilla tastes. Loses points for having Lemon Boy on his playlist.
Should of went to art school instead.
The fact that he is left handed makes me want to punch him in the throat, but he's a Capricorn so he would probably kill me instantly.
Doesn't surprise me at all that this guy is colorblind. He is just weak, and refuses to see colors like the rest of us. Pick a struggle.
Changing his alignment to neutral evil for the Lemon Boy thing.
Wakes up CHOOSING violence

pretty cool guy though

JFDKSJFJ, accurate – thank you for this it was hilarious

@Goosey group



To start off, I would totally clown on her by spelling supercalifragilisticexpialidocious out loud to her face.
probably an anti-vaccier due to the herbal healing thing.
dresses like shes living in the 1800th century.
outta pocket for keeping her Grandma's diary.
I could probably tell her that phone is spelled like 'fone' and she'd believe me.

I just want to smack her once, and that is it.

@ToWorldsUnknown group



Liking the background and notes. .7 added for being a Taurus, looses rating for owing a cat. Looks like a theatre kid.
Would probably push me off a cliff while my back was turned. Somehow the after product of a mix between Clone High Vincent Van Gogh and Jason Dean from Heathers.
Probably has listend to “Crush Culture” on repeat at least once.
He radiates sadness.

You are really good at this. And he would push you only off a cliff, but only if push comes to shove (pun intended).

@Goosey group


6.5/10 for Juniper

I could easily snap him in half over my knee. The only person ever to get a sun burn from a flash light.
Has absolutely no ass. Just looks like he eats cats. Would probably sit on a cactus and enjoy it.
I just want to give him two smacks on the face for being a twink.


automatically looses a point for having the name "Dick". Body is probably shaped like an upside down dorrito. Looks like he sings P!ATD songs. Doesn't deserve a dog. The person who gave the first flash light sun burn.
Would love to shove him in a pit of red dye so that his skin in stained.

@trainwreck404 group


6.5/10 for Juniper

I could easily snap him in half over my knee. The only person ever to get a sun burn from a flash light.
Has absolutely no ass. Just looks like he eats cats. Would probably sit on a cactus and enjoy it.
I just want to give him two smacks on the face for being a twink.


automatically looses a point for having the name "Dick". Body is probably shaped like an upside down dorrito. Looks like he sings P!ATD songs. Doesn't deserve a dog. The person who gave the first flash light sun burn.
Would love to shove him in a pit of red dye so that his skin in stained.

i love everything about this. thank you.

@Goosey group



lmao, imagine being stuck in a mirror. Rip to them, but i would just pull myself out because i'm built different.
Short clown. Gains a point for being a pisces in pain. Needs to get some shoes and a wardrobe change.
Pretty good overall but needs to grow a back bone.

@Goosey group



why he smile like that. needs to get a new mom like, my god, let your kid live his own life.
…this guy knits? If he was the guy to come and collect my taxes I would first, knock him in the nuts and then 2, kiss him. loses a point for disliking magic.
tea is good. this man is just weak. gives off very strict teacher vibes. ( and if he was my teacher i would stick pencils in his ceiling just to clown him.)
Hes okay.

@Goosey group



she has no right almost being the same age as me while also being old enough to be my grandma.
this is a huge b*tch tf
she needs to get a hair cut. if she smirked at me I would count it as assault,. this girls really a pyromaniac huh…Im not surprised.
I would not eat her food. She would probably kill me.
Chaotic Neutral < Chaotic Evil

@Goosey group


2.3/10 ( only because there wasn't that much to work with.)

I would break the jar she made in 12th grade.
I bet she likes to eat squids while they are still alive and swish them around in her mouth with soy sauce.
Does this woman deserve rights? idk.

@Goosey group



looks like the off brand version of Shaun from the good doctor with those eye brows. They are very bushy.
If he hesitates i will exterminate him. not questions asked.
I feel like he doesn't know how to spell. Like, just in general.
He's okay, but he looks like one of those kids at school that don't to anyone. He gives off Clone high vincent van gogh vibes.

@Goosey group



is her spirit animal a bee or somethin?
Ah a virgo i see?…Not a very good one though.
I would humble her to the MAX if I met her. Be like " oh, you're the super cool person thats super strong and stuff, right? Can you please give my number to your brother?". Just to mess with her.
If she lies to me, I'll kill her. If she roasts me, I'll kill her.
She should of drowned.