@Cadeverek group
ok, I have a bunch so lets gooo
local golden child is so fucking oblivious to her bro being abused by their dad she kills a dude, is now wanted and escapes with her bro, who abandons her to go to the army and party, get wasted, drugged up and fuck, literally and figuratively. Meanwhile she gets captured by a trainwreck of a hypocrite who kills everyday and goes to the church to ask for forgiveness, and her bro in the army is so love-starved he thinks he loves his best friend and uh-oh, wacky hyjinks occur! Also he beheads his dad, fun stuff
local chubby I.T. guy gets a new job, starts dating this piece of shit who is constantly horny and uses him as a sex toy as well as making more jokes about his size than a 2000s teen drama mean girl to the point he develops an ED and almost kills himself (fun stuff)!! All that could be avoided if said I.T. guy wasn't so damn oblivious to his roommate who had a crush on him since the beginning and kept being friendzoned HARD lol at least they get together at the end because I'm a bad writer (and I said so)
local cryptic entity is immortal but also intangible so they just wander around trying to cause mischief so he can be seen by someone but it's literally invisible to like…. 95% of the population so they just kinda teleport aimlessly and talk to a sentient yet semi-unresponsive statue
local day elf is neglected by her family but befriends a night elf (woah day vs night oooo so taboo [insert deep commentary on racism here] I know I know I'm a great writer) who has a fuck of a narcissistic mother, so, as absolute Hipsters™ they go around trying to find vinyl and tapes to find out how the human race went big Oof. Ends up with them yelling at the night elf's racist mom who married, had a kid and divorced for money cos' she a real gold digger
local almost 8ft. tall 16 year old has this real-world disease that makes him literally a giant and gets relentlessly bullied at school. also his childhood best friend dates him for pity at some point and his mom dies. That's pretty much it but he's a very femme lookin' emo who likes music and I wrote it when I was literally 11-13 so reduce ur expectations. Also he has an animation meme youtube channel-
local catholic metalhead gets girlfriend, gets used and cheated on by gf, gf breaks up and he's devastated and uses study, dreams and driving at night while listening to qUiRkY music as escapism. Focus on the overwhelming guilt of the lingering feeling that something isn't quite the same in the relationship, add artistic renditions of suicidal tendencies, sprinkle some "this-was-a-very-personal-vent-universe-I-used-to-cope-with-pre-and-during-quarantine-events" kind of edgy all throughout and ya good 2 go
local transfem and transmasc teens run away to live a quiet life in a far-away foresty small town as escapism from their home in another far-away foresty small town where they're the black sheep for being trans
I don't remember if I have other ones bc there are so many i forgor 💀