forum Describe one of your characters and I'll pair them with one of mine (Closed)
Started by @sheabutter group

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@sheabutter group


Done and done! Theo has been paired with David (who is not from the same fantasy story as everyone else). David has messy black hair, brown eyes, and copper-colored skin. He's a bit of a genius (scratch that–a lot of a genius) and tries his best to make friends but he's not exactly the best at it.

I imagine they meet at school.

Theo adjusted his backpack and glanced around the hallway before his gaze rested on his sister, who was still talking to her friends. He huffed.

"Cleo," he growled. "Can you wrap it up? I want to go home."

Cleo waved him away, closing in around her group of friends as one pulled out some book or something. Theo didn't care enough to look. He turned away, observing the hallway once more. His eyes flitted back and forth between the other students, not paying attention to what was right in front of him until it was crashing into him.

He stumbled back. "What–"

"Sorry! So sorry, I didn't see you there, it won't happen again, I promise." The boy who had run into him was on the floor, scrambling to pick up the dozens of jars and bottles that had fallen out of his satchel. "So sorry," he repeated, shoving the items into the bag.

"Can't cower there!" a voice from behind the other boy called. "We can see you and you're paying for what you did."

The kid yelped and dropped his jars. A few of them shattered, but it seemed the boy couldn't care any less. He hid behind Theo, trembling. "Help me? Please?"

A large, stocky senior was making his way through the crowd, headed straight for the two students.

"What the hell did you do to piss off Matt?" Theo asked. The kid behind him shook his head.

"Best if you didn't ask," he whispered back. Theo rolled his eyes but stood firm as Matt approached them.

"Got a problem here, Matthew?" he asked. The senior growled.

"Outta my way, Kim. This is between me and the kid."

Theo shook his head. "No thanks. I'm actually quite comfortable where I am."

Matt picked up the satchel that the boy had left on the ground and grinned wickedly. "Well, alright then. Have a nice day. Both of you." He slammed the bag back on the ground and Theo heard the shattering of glass and the boy behind him gasping. "Later." The senior stalked away, leaving the two boys alone.

Theo let out a soft breath of relief and turned to the kid. "You okay?"

The boy looked terrified as he walked over to his satchel. "Yeah…thanks…" He opened the bag and his face fell. "Well that's two weeks of sleepless nights gone," he muttered. Theo frowned.

"What was in those jars?"

The boy looked up as he adjusted the strap of his bag. "Um…just some…science things…chemistry…that sort of stuff." He cleared his throat. "For an experiment."

"Well…I could help you redo them? If you want, of course. I'm not the best at chemistry."

"I'd like that, actually." The boy smiled and Theo found himself smiling back. "I'm David, by the way." The boy stuck out his hand for Theo to shake, which he did.


David adjusted the strap of his bag. "If you're not busy now…I think the lab is open, if you wanna help me get started."

"Yeah. Yeah, okay." Theo turned back to his sister. "Just come find me in the chemistry lab when you're done here." Cleo turned and gave him a knowing smile and a nod.

David grabbed Theo's hand, seemingly without thinking, and pulled him through the hallways. "So here's the experiment…"

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group


Done and done! Theo has been paired with David (who is not from the same fantasy story as everyone else). David has messy black hair, brown eyes, and copper-colored skin. He's a bit of a genius (scratch that–a lot of a genius) and tries his best to make friends but he's not exactly the best at it.

I imagine they meet at school.

Theo adjusted his backpack and glanced around the hallway before his gaze rested on his sister, who was still talking to her friends. He huffed.

"Cleo," he growled. "Can you wrap it up? I want to go home."

Cleo waved him away, closing in around her group of friends as one pulled out some book or something. Theo didn't care enough to look. He turned away, observing the hallway once more. His eyes flitted back and forth between the other students, not paying attention to what was right in front of him until it was crashing into him.

He stumbled back. "What–"

"Sorry! So sorry, I didn't see you there, it won't happen again, I promise." The boy who had run into him was on the floor, scrambling to pick up the dozens of jars and bottles that had fallen out of his satchel. "So sorry," he repeated, shoving the items into the bag.

"Can't cower there!" a voice from behind the other boy called. "We can see you and you're paying for what you did."

The kid yelped and dropped his jars. A few of them shattered, but it seemed the boy couldn't care any less. He hid behind Theo, trembling. "Help me? Please?"

A large, stocky senior was making his way through the crowd, headed straight for the two students.

"What the hell did you do to piss off Matt?" Theo asked. The kid behind him shook his head.

"Best if you didn't ask," he whispered back. Theo rolled his eyes but stood firm as Matt approached them.

"Got a problem here, Matthew?" he asked. The senior growled.

"Outta my way, Kim. This is between me and the kid."

Theo shook his head. "No thanks. I'm actually quite comfortable where I am."

Matt picked up the satchel that the boy had left on the ground and grinned wickedly. "Well, alright then. Have a nice day. Both of you." He slammed the bag back on the ground and Theo heard the shattering of glass and the boy behind him gasping. "Later." The senior stalked away, leaving the two boys alone.

Theo let out a soft breath of relief and turned to the kid. "You okay?"

The boy looked terrified as he walked over to his satchel. "Yeah…thanks…" He opened the bag and his face fell. "Well that's two weeks of sleepless nights gone," he muttered. Theo frowned.

"What was in those jars?"

The boy looked up as he adjusted the strap of his bag. "Um…just some…science things…chemistry…that sort of stuff." He cleared his throat. "For an experiment."

"Well…I could help you redo them? If you want, of course. I'm not the best at chemistry."

"I'd like that, actually." The boy smiled and Theo found himself smiling back. "I'm David, by the way." The boy stuck out his hand for Theo to shake, which he did.


David adjusted the strap of his bag. "If you're not busy now…I think the lab is open, if you wanna help me get started."

"Yeah. Yeah, okay." Theo turned back to his sister. "Just come find me in the chemistry lab when you're done here." Cleo turned and gave him a knowing smile and a nod.

David grabbed Theo's hand, seemingly without thinking, and pulled him through the hallways. "So here's the experiment…"

Thank you =)

@sheabutter group

Paint Mossrot/L'Ura: (Mossrot is his birth name, L'Ura was the family he was adopted into. Currently, he's inclined to introduce himself as Mossrot)

Alrighty! I pair Paint with Sir Peter Deximenis! Peter has dark brown skin, brown eyes, and long black hair that's usually in dreadlocks. He is fiercely loyal and protective of his friends, but when he's off duty, he's very carefree and likes to have fun. And is a very big flirt.

I imagine they meet at a ball…

Paint stood in the corner of the ballroom, watching the rest of the crowd at the ball. Flowing gowns and gloved hands, suits with sparkling medallions on them. The king sat on a throne at the end of the ballroom, watching his son dance with a prince from a different kingdom.

Paint's lips quirked up slightly as he took a sip of wine from his glass.

"I hope you're enjoying the ball," a new voice murmured. Paint turned to come face-to-face with a boy about his own age, but perhaps slightly taller.

"I am indeed, thank you." Paint smiled, only half-faking it. It wasn't entirely a lie, he was having some fun, but there hadn't been anything interesting going on. At least, until the boy. "I'm Paint Mossrot."

The other boy smiled and took Paint's hand. "And I am asking you to dance with me," he answered. Paint laughed.

"You waste no time, do you?" He set his glass on the nearby table. "Fine. One dance."

"One dance is more than enough." The boy led Paint away from his corner and towards the center of the room. Paint smiled, letting the stranger lead him through the dance. The tiefling smiled.

"Handsome, kind, a good dancer…where have you been every time I've ever needed a date to a party?"

The boy laughed softly. "I'm flattered. To be honest, I've been wondering the same thing about you. I could have been much more popular at events with you on my arm."

Paint flushed, trying to think of some other way to flirt with the boy, but nothing came to mind. The dance ended soon after and the boy stepped away. "I have to go now, but I pray you'll be staying here for at least a few more days."

"If it's you asking, I'll stay forever," Paint returned, grinning. "Thank you for the dance…"

"Peter. It was a pleasure, Paint. I'll see you some other time." Peter lifted Paint's hand to his lips before disappearing into the crowd. Paint laughed and returned to his corner.

"Some other time," he agreed.

ScootLeGoose group

Okay Okay- I got one- Take my boi Antonio >:)

(hi i'm sorry but it doesn't seem to be working for me, it says it's not public access)

Hmmm- That's weird- It won't allow me to make it public- I am sorry for the inconvenience :(
I'll try and figure it out :3


Ohh, this sounds super interesting! I have this OC I am currently working on, and this could be such a great way to develop them more.

So this guy's name is Angga, he is a Southeast Asian with glasses and dimples. He has light brown skin and soft, raven black hair, and brown eyes. Many say he looks quite pretty- but who knows. He has a delicate nose and while he doesn't really care about his hair much, it is quite tidy but at the end of the day, it usually gets really messy and he doesn't give a crap about it.

Like the majority of Southeast Asians, he isn't as tall as the average boy at his age, only reaching about 5'5. His skin is pretty clear, with barely visible acne. Has round glasses that he wears sometimes and brings 24/7.

About his personality- phew- this is tough. So is he. He is complicated, to say the least. With the behavior of a typical grade-obsessed perfectionist, he doesn't have that many friends. He is quiet and serious but tender around the edges once you get to know him. A very closed person, not the type to overshare, and very honest. Despite having all the traits of an anxious person, he is unexpectedly not a socially awkward person. He's pretty good at talking, though most of the time he doesn't want to.

Even though he is strong-headed and opinionated, he is gullible and easily manipulated- probably caused by his desperation of wanting someone-something- or an identity to cling to. Like I said in the past paragraph, he is a perfectionist, and very ambitious. He can't handle failures and loses well, and can get pretty messed up and devastated by something as small as not being fast enough to answer a question in class, or a teacher critiquing his work. Buried in his self, he is a naturally artistic and soft person. Some people mistake him as brutal, but in all honesty, he's just honest. He doesn't have time to crap about your things.

Even though this doesn't seem like one, he is actually part of a fantasy story but with no magical abilities. Later in the story, he kinda notices how his friend, the other main character (who used to be an enemy and a competitive rival) stares at him longingly, and even though he's confused about his feelings, he lets his guard down- just for him, though.

Other notes = he is a student in an elite, international English boarding school. And he's a pretty chill guy, but too honest and snappy at times. He has good intentions, though.


This is so awesome! I read a few of the stories you already made and you're a really good writer. I would love it if you did this with my character, Azriel.

She has Egyptian features due to her heritage, medium-dark brown skin and black hair with electric blue ends that reaches her mid-back. She's 14 years old and 5'5 with a brown left eye and a cloudy grey right one (she's blind in that eye because of a fight she got into with a kid in juvie that resulted in a knife to the face). Strong but skinny because she doesn't get enough food.
She lives life to the fullest and only does things she wants to do, which is kind of a good/bad thing. She's VERY independent and doesn't take anyone else's crap, and she angers easily.
She is very uncompassionate and doesn't show affection, but that doesn't mean she doesn't care. She's also asexual and aromantic.

I look forward to seeing what you'll write for her. :)) thank you!

@sheabutter group

I keep seeing this, and it always catches my interest. If you have enough time, I would love if you could maybe match Jax :3

I pair Jax with Rome DeCatólico. Rome has deep tan skin, messy black hair, and brown eyes. He's a mindreader but doesn't like to use his powers without permission. He can be a bit irrational and act before he thinks, but it doesn't usually get in his way if there are others there to calm him. He used to only have his best interests in mind until he met Jordan and the rest of his friends.

I imagined the two the two in my universe and just sort of assigned Jax a power but here they are, meeting :)

Jax sat at the table, frowning and watching the person across from him warily. "Why am I here?" he asked finally. The person shrugged.

"You tell me."

Jax held up the note that had been slipped under his apartment door earlier that evening. The paper said nothing but an address. 383 Pendulum Street. "I'm here because of this. Why I've been told to come here is the real question."

"I'll explain, but first I'm gonna need a name."

"Not if you won't give me yours," Jax bit back. The boy in front of him laughed without humor and sat in the chair across from him, picking up a pen as he did.

"Fair enough. Look, we know you have powers. We could use your help."

"We?" Jax glanced around the room, not seeing anyone else. "The hell do you mean by we?"

"The 7th Circle of Hell. I know you know of us. How'd you like to join us? Make use of your life and your power, do some good in the world." The boy leaned back in his chair and clicked the pen several times. Jax frowned, folding his arms.

"Why should I? What's in it for me?"

The boy stopped clicking his pen. "A home. Safety of a group. Companionship. The promise of a meal every day and a steady job."

"Protection from the preoba?" Jax asked. He'd had a few too many run-ins with the preoba, or witch-hunters, and he'd rather not deal with them at all. The boy across from him nodded.

"That too."

"And what would I be doing?"

"Well, your power–metal manipulation, right?"

"Trajectory manipulation," Jax growled. "Strong difference."

"Right. So trajectory manipulation. Quite helpful for the jobs we do. Bullets, throwing stars…"

"Knives?" Jax suggested. The boy grinned.

"Think fast." He threw the pen at Jax's face. Jax flung out his hand and directed the pen away from him and back towards the other, who caught it. "Impressive," he mused. Jax huffed.

"Never do that again," he muttered. He tapped his fingers on the table, thinking. "Okay. I'll do it as long as the answers to these two questions are to my satisfaction."

The boy gestured for him to go on.

"One: are there a lot of you?"

"Depends on how many is a lot. There's about fifteen altogether."

Jax considered it a moment. "Alright. And two: do you have any fire manipulators?"

The boy shook his head. "We have a water manipulator, a healer, two telepaths, a Zoolinguist–that's someone who can talk to animals–two shapeshifters, one with super-strength, a teleporter, one who can control weather, an Electrician, a speedster, a plant manipulator, an Illusionist, and me, a mind reader."

Jax ticked them off on his fingers and nodded. "Alright. Final question: is what you guys do here illegal?"


"I'm in." Jax stuck out his hand. "Jax Ashvale."

The boy shook his hand with a wide smile. "Rome. Welcome to the team."

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

I keep seeing this, and it always catches my interest. If you have enough time, I would love if you could maybe match Jax :3

I pair Jax with Rome DeCatólico. Rome has deep tan skin, messy black hair, and brown eyes. He's a mindreader but doesn't like to use his powers without permission. He can be a bit irrational and act before he thinks, but it doesn't usually get in his way if there are others there to calm him. He used to only have his best interests in mind until he met Jordan and the rest of his friends.

I imagined the two the two in my universe and just sort of assigned Jax a power but here they are, meeting :)

Jax sat at the table, frowning and watching the person across from him warily. "Why am I here?" he asked finally. The person shrugged.

"You tell me."

Jax held up the note that had been slipped under his apartment door earlier that evening. The paper said nothing but an address. 383 Pendulum Street. "I'm here because of this. Why I've been told to come here is the real question."

"I'll explain, but first I'm gonna need a name."

"Not if you won't give me yours," Jax bit back. The boy in front of him laughed without humor and sat in the chair across from him, picking up a pen as he did.

"Fair enough. Look, we know you have powers. We could use your help."

"We?" Jax glanced around the room, not seeing anyone else. "The hell do you mean by we?"

"The 7th Circle of Hell. I know you know of us. How'd you like to join us? Make use of your life and your power, do some good in the world." The boy leaned back in his chair and clicked the pen several times. Jax frowned, folding his arms.

"Why should I? What's in it for me?"

The boy stopped clicking his pen. "A home. Safety of a group. Companionship. The promise of a meal every day and a steady job."

"Protection from the preoba?" Jax asked. He'd had a few too many run-ins with the preoba, or witch-hunters, and he'd rather not deal with them at all. The boy across from him nodded.

"That too."

"And what would I be doing?"

"Well, your power–metal manipulation, right?"

"Trajectory manipulation," Jax growled. "Strong difference."

"Right. So trajectory manipulation. Quite helpful for the jobs we do. Bullets, throwing stars…"

"Knives?" Jax suggested. The boy grinned.

"Think fast." He threw the pen at Jax's face. Jax flung out his hand and directed the pen away from him and back towards the other, who caught it. "Impressive," he mused. Jax huffed.

"Never do that again," he muttered. He tapped his fingers on the table, thinking. "Okay. I'll do it as long as the answers to these two questions are to my satisfaction."

The boy gestured for him to go on.

"One: are there a lot of you?"

"Depends on how many is a lot. There's about fifteen altogether."

Jax considered it a moment. "Alright. And two: do you have any fire manipulators?"

The boy shook his head. "We have a water manipulator, a healer, two telepaths, a Zoolinguist–that's someone who can talk to animals–two shapeshifters, one with super-strength, a teleporter, one who can control weather, an Electrician, a speedster, a plant manipulator, an Illusionist, and me, a mind reader."

Jax ticked them off on his fingers and nodded. "Alright. Final question: is what you guys do here illegal?"


"I'm in." Jax stuck out his hand. "Jax Ashvale."

The boy shook his hand with a wide smile. "Rome. Welcome to the team."

Omg! This is wonderful! Thank you! I love the way you captured Jax's personality and skepticism. Trajectory manipulation fits him well. I like the idea of Jax asking if what their doing is illegal. Jax would definitely ask about protection. He's at risk of being hunted and killed by demons in my universe. I feel like he fits well with Rome. Thank you again!


Paint Mossrot/L'Ura: (Mossrot is his birth name, L'Ura was the family he was adopted into. Currently, he's inclined to introduce himself as Mossrot)

Alrighty! I pair Paint with Sir Peter Deximenis! Peter has dark brown skin, brown eyes, and long black hair that's usually in dreadlocks. He is fiercely loyal and protective of his friends, but when he's off duty, he's very carefree and likes to have fun. And is a very big flirt.

I imagine they meet at a ball…

Paint stood in the corner of the ballroom, watching the rest of the crowd at the ball. Flowing gowns and gloved hands, suits with sparkling medallions on them. The king sat on a throne at the end of the ballroom, watching his son dance with a prince from a different kingdom.

Paint's lips quirked up slightly as he took a sip of wine from his glass.

"I hope you're enjoying the ball," a new voice murmured. Paint turned to come face-to-face with a boy about his own age, but perhaps slightly taller.

"I am indeed, thank you." Paint smiled, only half-faking it. It wasn't entirely a lie, he was having some fun, but there hadn't been anything interesting going on. At least, until the boy. "I'm Paint Mossrot."

The other boy smiled and took Paint's hand. "And I am asking you to dance with me," he answered. Paint laughed.

"You waste no time, do you?" He set his glass on the nearby table. "Fine. One dance."

"One dance is more than enough." The boy led Paint away from his corner and towards the center of the room. Paint smiled, letting the stranger lead him through the dance. The tiefling smiled.

"Handsome, kind, a good dancer…where have you been every time I've ever needed a date to a party?"

The boy laughed softly. "I'm flattered. To be honest, I've been wondering the same thing about you. I could have been much more popular at events with you on my arm."

Paint flushed, trying to think of some other way to flirt with the boy, but nothing came to mind. The dance ended soon after and the boy stepped away. "I have to go now, but I pray you'll be staying here for at least a few more days."

"If it's you asking, I'll stay forever," Paint returned, grinning. "Thank you for the dance…"

"Peter. It was a pleasure, Paint. I'll see you some other time." Peter lifted Paint's hand to his lips before disappearing into the crowd. Paint laughed and returned to his corner.

"Some other time," he agreed.

:D :D :D I love it, that was awesome! omg how did you write them so smooth I wish I could flirt like that wft xDD Thank-you for writing this! They had such a great dynamic, and I an confirm, Paint would have LOVED this :D

@sheabutter group

Paint flushed, trying to think of some other way to flirt with the boy, but nothing came to mind. The dance ended soon after and the boy stepped away. "I have to go now, but I pray you'll be staying here for at least a few more
:D :D :D I love it, that was awesome! omg how did you write them so smooth I wish I could flirt like that wft xDD Thank-you for writing this! They had such a great dynamic, and I an confirm, Paint would have LOVED this :D

Thanks! I'm pretty proud of this one myself so I'm glad you like it :)


Gonna give you three choices:

Brandee is a pre-law dropout who now lives her dream as a mechanic and sometime charter pilot. If she can drive it, she can fix it; and the list of things that she can drive is a long one. She is inquisitive, outgoing, and a bit irascible. She is tiny and wiry (5' and ninety pounds soaking wet), with golden-beige skin, wedge-cut bottle-blond hair showing rusty black roots, and hooded amber eyes. Her arms are tattoed from knuckle to shoulder with a brightly-hued "odd harmony of engine components, grasping tentacles, interlocking gears, and elaborate fireworks;" she has "erl" and labret piercings, as well as several more in each ear and eyebrow. The index and middle fingers of her left hand are visibly misshapen and crooked from an old injury.

CJ is an ex-sailor, a paramedic, and something of a benevolent troll. He is short (5'7" in hiking boots, as he wryly puts it) and solidly built, with heavily-freckled golden-brown skin, dark eyes with long eyelashes, tightly-curled dark auburn hair in a close-cropped fade, and a neatly-trimmed scruff goatee. He kind of has a unibrow.

Kieron is a rookie security guard, an aspiring strength athlete, and an absolute darlin' who's easily bribed with food. He is closer to seven feet tall than to six and built like a professional strongman; his skin is bronze, his wavy black hair is approximately shoulder-length and usually worn in a topknot, his almond-shaped eyes are dark, and he wears closely-clipped and neatly-shaped sideburns.


Hey, I don't want to come off as rude or anything I'mjust genuinely curious who you'd pair her with…
i sent this same thing in Jan (?) and I don't think I got a response so here in case u missed it :)) tysm!

This is so awesome! I read a few of the stories you already made and you're a really good writer. I would love it if you did this with my character, Azriel.

She has Egyptian features due to her heritage, medium-dark brown skin and black hair with electric blue ends that reaches her mid-back. She's 14 years old and 5'5 with a brown left eye and a cloudy grey right one (she's blind in that eye because of a fight she got into with a kid in juvie that resulted in a knife to the face). Strong but skinny because she doesn't get enough food.
She lives life to the fullest and only does things she wants to do, which is kind of a good/bad thing. She's VERY independent and doesn't take anyone else's crap, and she angers easily.
She is very uncompassionate and doesn't show affection, but that doesn't mean she doesn't care. She's also asexual and aromantic.

I look forward to seeing what you'll write for her. :)) thank you!

@Tidermelon group

Aha… he’ll make a bit of an, ah, unconventional couple with your characters, but would you like to try your hand at Monyi? He’s a member of a quadruped species, the Clikor, but they’re as intelligent and well-educated as any old biped. :) (He’s straight, by the way; the Clikor haven’t quite grasped the concept of LGBTQ+ yet.)

@sheabutter group

Gonna give you three choices:

back on my bullshit with Branwen!! I can never resist a mechanic character, so she's paired with my mechanic, Ali'sen-Dera! Ali is of an alien race called the Tal'lesans–he's tall, with dark skin, bright gray eyes, and pointed ears. He's chaotic, sassy, and can hold a grudge for a while. Despite all of this, he's not one to leave someone alone in a fight and will often take on a job for little payment as long as it offers protection and a chance to fix things.

I imagine they meet while on base…

Branwen sighed, wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead and leaving a smudge of grease behind. "What is wrong with you?" she muttered angrily at the ship. The ship, a small Fighter that she had wedged herself under to fix, did not answer, save for a hiss of steam from the broken brake.

Branwen furrowed her brow as she tested the mechanism again. Steam hissed again and the brake squealed. "Oh, come on!" Branwen hit her wrench against the hard metal in her frustration, causing a hollow clanging sound. "You useless son of a–"

"Need help?"

Branwen jerked in surprise, hitting her head on the ship with another bang. "What?" she asked, scooching out from under the ship and rubbing her head. The person in front of her gave her a slight smirk and crouched down so they were level.

"I asked if you needed help." Their voice was soft and accented and carried a light, airy tone to it. Branwen let out an annoyed huff.

"No, actually, I'm fine. I've been a mechanic for years, I think I can handle a shot brake."

"I don't doubt that," the person said–Tal'lesan, now that Branwen was actually looking at them. Dark brown skin, bright eyes, and pointed ears with a single silver earring adorning them. They looked young, maybe about 19 years old, but it was only their face that gave that away. Everything else–their clothes, their stance, that holster hanging from their hip–were more suited for someone who'd been on their own for years.

Branwen narrowed her eyes. They looked like a cocky bastard, to put it in simpler terms. "If you didn't doubt me, then why did you ask?"

"I've worked on this Fighter before, with the pilot. Its brakes are a little different from others."

Branwen hummed, glancing back at the Fighter. "How so?" she asked finally.

"They're older," the Tal'lesan explained, "and technically belong on a Bruiser class, not a Fighter. So its brakes are actually wired–"

"–towards the cockpit," Branwen finished. She mentally facepalmed. Why didn't she catch that? "I've spent this whole time trying to rewire them toward the back!"

The Tal'lesan laughed softly. "I don't blame you. Captain Diato is weird with his ship parts. I'm pretty sure this ship isn't even the original ship anymore, it's entirely made up of scraps."

Branwen sighed. "Must not have been easy working on it," she said in an off-hand voice as she squeezed back under the ship and began fixing the wires she'd accidentally messed up.

"Okay, everything should be fine now," she said finally as she reemerged from under the Fighter. The Tal'lesan nodded.

"Even if it wasn't, I can't imagine Diato would notice a difference." They offered a hand out and Branwen let them pull her to her feet. "I'm Ali, by the way. He and him."

"Branwen. She and her. Thanks for your help."

Ali grinned. "No problem. Let me know if you end up working on Diato's ship anymore, I'll give you a hand." He gave her a single-fingered salute.

"Will do." Branwen returned the gesture as Ali left before she turned, facing the Fighter again. "I'm gonna have a word with your pilot about your awful engineering," she said to the ship.

The ship didn't answer, save for a single hiss of steam from the recovering brakes.