@nebula__ group
Koya: -looks over at Allison, still smiling- no problem ^^;
Koya: -looks over at Allison, still smiling- no problem ^^;
Alex: -still hugging-
Ally: ,^,
Koya: -hugs Alex back, giggling yet again, but loud enough to hear this time-
Alex: :00 did you just-
Alex: AWWWW-
Koya: -pouts- whatever you're t-thinking, i didn't-
Alex: YoUr gIgGlE iS sO cUTe~~~
Koya: -blushes heavily- n-no it's noT–
Alex: YeS it IsS- -huffs-
Koya: n-no it's nOt,,,
Alex: -looks up at him and pouts like a two-year-old- Yes. It. Is!
Allison: I agree
Koya: -whines but then gives up- f-fine, you w-w-win-
Alex: -smiles- YAY! -le hugs the poor being-
Koya: -hugs back- UwU
Alex: u.u
Koya: -just sits there, still hugging Alex because why not,,,-
(Wait- question- how tall is Koya-?)
(also sorry if i take a hwile to reply to stuff, I'm making something for a friend of mine from school owo)
(;w; Alex is 5'0, thats the tallest he can form and the smallest is 1'0- and its oki-)
(okay- and ty for understanding–)
(Allison is 5'6", and Vozreal, the tall fecker that he is, is 7'4")
(;-; goddamn-)
(wOw vozreal is really frickin tall)
(He's my tall fecker tho)
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