@nebula__ group
Koya: -doesn't respond, knowing that the drunken slur he just heard could mean trouble-
Koya: -doesn't respond, knowing that the drunken slur he just heard could mean trouble-
Allison: He's a lovable goofball when drunk, don't be afraid.
Koya: -nods and comes out of hiding, sitting where he sat previously before he randomly dissapeared- s-sorry, i just get nervous when people are drunk, since my father was always– you know… drunk.
Allison: It's okay… i understand
Koya: -calms down, opens his sketchbook, and begins drawing something, looking up at Vozreal from time to time, most likely drawing him in his drunken state- …
Allison: What are you drawing?
Koya: -squeaks and closes his sketchbook- n-nothing,,,
Allison: I wanna see!
Koya: -frantically hides his sketchbook in his sling-over bag- n-nO you don't,,,
Allison: Please?
Koya: -shakes his head back and forth-
Allison: -she gives him her irresistible puppy eyes-
Koya: -whines and pulls out the sketchbook, flipping to the drawing he was just working on- f-fine, here you go… -it was a drawing of Vozreal in the midst of his drunken demeanor, since Koya kind of thought it would be funny to draw it-
Allison: That's funny!
Koya: t-thanks… -giggles faintly, a smile replacing the frown he had on his face-
Allison: -chuckles- prime blackmail material
Koya: -begins to look rather confused- wait what do you mean by that—
Allison: He always claims to never get drunk, but now I have proof!!
Koya: o-oh- okay then,,, lemme finish it real quick and then I'll give it to you for,,, that -finishes the drawing then tears the page neatly out of the sketchbook, then hands it to Allison-
Alex: ovo YOUR BACKK???????
Xavi: ;-; Run while you have the chance-
(wHy dId LIkE, 7 mEsSAgEs aPpeAr-)
Koya: -waves and smiles at Alex- y-yeah-
(XD idk)
Allison: Thanks, Koya!
Alex: -le hugs Koya, happily- :3 HiiIIiiiI-
Xavi: -r u n s-
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