@lxvender_darling language
Alex: :D Oh hell yeah!
Alex: :D Oh hell yeah!
Vozreal: -drinks a beer- PARTY ON BITCHES!!
Alex: -doWnS oNe in 3.5 seconds-
Xavi: -walks out slowly-
Vozreal: -downs three in the same amount of time-
Alex: >:O- -downs 5 in one time before coughing- AcK-
Vozreal: Don't kill yourself!
Alex: @w@ I-I'm not gonna kill myself… -rolls backward and sneezes-
Vozreal: This shit ain't strong enough! -he gets a fuckton of Brewmeister-
Alex: ,-, Oh-
Vozreal: Let's. Get. Hammered.
Alex: -innocent being mind not capable of understanding that- Uh- Okay-
-Vozzie starts drinking 5 at a time-
Alex: -he only drinks one or two, before pausing and shuddering- Ack- Strong- Fuck-
Vozreal: WhY dO yOu HaVe fLuFfY eArS???
Alex: Wh- What?
Vozreal: happy birthday to me! -he is drunk asf rn-
Alex: -le drinks more- Whoa- -he falls backward, giggling like a retard, as Xavi walks in-
Xavi: ,-, are you okay-
Alex: Xaviiii~~~ Hiiii~~~
Xavi: ,-,"
Vozreal: Hey, Xavi!!
Xavi: -tries to run-
Alex: Nope~ -pulls him down as Xavi yelps-
Vozreal: How's it gOing??
Xavi: ;-; I wanna leave…
Alex: Mmm~ Nah~ -he hugs him, smirking-
Xavi: ;^;
(i have r e t u r n e d)
Koya has returned to the chat.
Koya: -hides away, not bothering to even say hello to the others- …
Vozreal: -drunk- HeLlO!!
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