@V01DtheFae group
"um…Ellie your scaring me i-i just woke up do you really think this is good for me?" Miko said trying to stop Ellie.
"um…Ellie your scaring me i-i just woke up do you really think this is good for me?" Miko said trying to stop Ellie.
Ellie opened the front door and welcomed them into a one room house.
Arien looked at the house.
"Are you sure this is safe?"
"Trust me, my house is safe," Ellie ginned at her.
Arien stepped in.
Miko looked around any bats (Miko has a HUGE fear of bats)
"Welcome to my world," Ellie said with open arms and walking towards the couch.
"Miko there are no bats. I promise," Ellie smiled
Arien hesitantly sat on a chair.
"O-ok that's good" a small shiver ran down Miko's spine "It's still really creepy in here though"
"HEY!" Ellie yelled offended
Arien reached up to touch the halo of fire around his head. When his fingers touched it, it flowed down to his hand.
"Cool," Ellie whispered looking at Arien.
Arien smiled.
"I'm not even sure how I did that."
Miko looks at Arien with an impressed look and tries to out do him by setting her entire arms on fire
"and it's controlled" she smirked (miko is really competitive)
Adrien smiled. He could be competitive too.
He stood up, and, with a practiced grace he didn't know he had, he danced with the fire.
It twirled around him, brighter and brighter, as he spun and swung his arms around with perfect grace.
"is it really safe to do this in a house Arien?" miko asked mischievously smirking
A flicker of flame shot out and flicked Miko on the nose. Like everything else the flame was touching, it caused no harm.
Evie collapsed to the ground and coughed. Now alone, Jocelyn released her voice.
Would you just give in? You're making this so hard.
"No," Evie retorted.
If you just hold still… Purple smoke surrounded Evie. She trembled, still trying to fight off the evil side of her. However, Jocelyn emerged from the smoke, a wicked smirk on her lips. "Where are you?" she murmured, heading off in the direction she'd seen them go.
miko smiles and lets her fire consume her entire body "let's play noob"
Arien smiled.
"You're on."
miko does a flip into a cartwheel and shoots a burst of flame at him
Arien lept out of the way, his flame wrapping around the projectile.
"nice dodge Arien" miko laughed
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