@Pickles group
(I'll be on and off until about midnight today) Danny followed Endie and Anna, not nearly as scared as he probably should be.
(I'll be on and off until about midnight today) Danny followed Endie and Anna, not nearly as scared as he probably should be.
Enderstorm began moving again, this time avoiding the scent of air.
Tristan put his headphones over his ears and smiled as the music played
(I'm finally back my sister was trying to get school done on it)
Anna kept following as closely as she could, pulling Lacie and Tristan. She couldn't see her own hand in front of her, only a faint glow from Tess behind her that could barely touch the walls next to her. It was just enough to keep her from walking into a wall, though.
(Finally turned in my English. 30 minutes to spare!)
"So, I feel like I need to talk to get our minds off of the situation at hand. Anyone have questions that will take a while to answer for me?"
"If a cow has eleven children and four of them have two children each but three die, and then two are adopted, but one is sold, how many are left?" Anna gave a small laugh, her own mind realizing how hyper she was, but not good hyper, the scared hyper you get when you think you're going to be killed in a small tunnel underground in magic darkness.
"Cats or dogs?"
Enderstorm led the group through the maze much more slowly now. Eventually, they came to a crossroads with a vent in the ceiling and marks on all the passages.
“Well, we are officially lost.” She sat down, getting tired of the cramped tunnel. Her wings twitched, itching to be stretched out and to fly. Blue blood began leaking from her eyes, and she reached a claw up to wipe it away. She stared at her claw in horror as more blood leaked from her eyes.
“Oh no. No no no. Not here! No no no! This bad!” She began shuddering in pain slightly. She backed away a little from the group as she shuddered, pain coursing through her veins.
“We need to get out, now.”
"Endie, what's going on?" Anna let go of Tristan and Lacie and ran over to Endie. "I have gauze?"
Enderstorm shook her head.
“I’m not wounded. I have this stupid disease-“ she paused momentarily, spitting out blood and a few sparks of flame.
“I’m about to have a bleeding fit. Not good. I need out!”
"How bad are these bleeding fits?" Anna looked around nervously. "If they're really bad, we need to stay calm, pick a direction, and go for it."
"Cats for the win. Uh…" Tess tilted her head as she turned over Anna's question. "Mental math is my mortal enemy. Gimme a sec." She counted on her fingers and drew math problems in the air using her fire. "Ummm, I gonna go with 18 cows are left."
“I bleed out of every pore in my body. I scream and thrash. I sometimes breath fire uncontrollably. It could happen any minute. I need out!” A wild look entered her eyes and she crouched down, breathing heavily against the pain.
"Great," Tess mumbled. "Now we have a bleeding guide."
"Ok. so you and Tess go right, we go left. We'll split up and see what happens from there?"
"Fine with me."
Enderstorm stayed where she was, blue blood leaking out of her nose and ears. Her eyes where wide and didn’t seem to take in anything.
"Ok, Tristan and Danny you're up with heightened senses and earth powers." She pulled all three of them down a different tunnel, away from the blood.
Tess watched Enderstorm, feeling bad. She crouched down and handed her an ambrosia cube. "It might not stop it, but it could help with the pain, maybe. I'll go on my own so you don't have to move."
Suddenly, Enderstorm gave a loud roar and began sweating blood. She thrashed around and screamed constantly, blood completely covering her body.
Anna slowed down once they were separated by a stretch of tunnel. She turned and tried to see Lacie, Tristan and Danny. It was too dark, so she settled for making sure all four of them were connected with hands.
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