@ElderGod-kirky group
(I do the same thing)
(I do the same thing)
(I'm actually still in pajamas too just doing school in bed… One downfall is weekend school though I'm so behind… I procrastinated too far and now it's all catch up work)
(gasp Mother Hen doesn't do her work!?)
(I know it's my darkest secret but I'm weeks behind… it's set up so I have to do a chapter a week and I just missed like five of them total I still don't remember how it happened.)
(Le gasp)
(It's ok I don't do anything on the weekends but stay up until like 1 am doing homework on Sunday)
(Dang. I procrastinate but not that much)
(I don't do that because if I don't get enough sleep on sunday night it ruins my whole week and I need my sleeeeeeeep I'm supposed to be studying for a geography test right now so I should go do that I'll be back when I finish taking it)
(This conversation randomly reminded me of something: I'm willingly going to a summer program where I'll be running a "business" with around 16 other people–more than likely strangers, mind you–for a whole week 3 hours away from my parents, working all day with a small break for socialization, there are more social events I have to attend, and awards will be handed out on the last day so I have to dress up. Did I forget to mention I'll be with a lot of strangers, not just my group? What about the fact that the dorms AREN'T AIR CONDITIONED? Why did I do this to myself…?)
(I never get enough sleep. I go to bed around 11:30 pm and wake up every morning at 5:00 am for school)
(Ooo that's bad. I might go to the culinary camp, but of course, I want to convince a friend to come with me)
(My friends are going–a whopping two of them–but right now one of them refuses to talk to me and the other is kinda unsure if we're on good terms. Also, we're going to be roommates, but it's highly unlikely we'll be in the same group)
(that sounds somewhat fun but also terrifying but you just have to be yourself and it'll be fabulous I'm doing volunteer training summer camp and my skill level is going to be way beneath everybody else's so I might not even pass the training but you never know and I survived geography so anything is possible)
(I want to learn to cook so I don't have to rely on recipes all the time)
(Why is it that whenever the chat descends into talking about school I have no idea what to talk about and just stalk the conversation?)
(Talk about your current subject or something)
(lol. I do that sometimes, too)
(Thing is, I’m homeschooled, so school is a lot less interesting to talk about. Anyway, imma go RP a bratty winged human. Bye for now!)
(Bye have fun!)
(We can start the story again since the school problems are complicated)
(have fun!)
(Yay! School problems!)
(I finally finished my resume)
(good job would I hire you instantly if I owned a company and saw it?)
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