forum For Geckofying, Kekofying and General Chaos
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

(Don't worry about it. I learned my lesson, lol. Balance learned their lesson too, I'll have you know. And yeah, they still plan on figuring just how badly they can fuck up the site's users, lol. Don't worry, it's going well.)

Deleted user

(Lol, I think we all made sure they knew. You yelled at them, at length, over a Zoom call, as I recall.)

Deleted user

(Yeah, Meep has a vicious tongue, you know. Never get on their bad side. Balance was wincing the entire time Meep was going off on them.)

Deleted user

(Embarrased chuckle It wasn't that bad. I don't think, at least.)

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

(Oof, lol. I understand that. I’ve been called ‘vicious’ and a ‘savage’ because of my temper and blunt, harsh tongue, lol)
(I know that feeling too, lmao! I cause chaos/mayhem without even trying or wanting to)

Deleted user

(And besides, I wasn't even that loud, lol.)
(Yeah, we both need to remember not to start any arguments, lol. We'll end up turning into On'nyosh, the both of us.)
(Lol, yeah. I'm glad someone knows.)

Deleted user

(Winces Yeah, it was painful to listen to, to say the least. I'm still wincing at the memory.)
(And On'nyosh is in no way mild, I'll have you know. Neither is meep, and neither are you, Anastasia, lol.)

Deleted user

(Oh, hey Balance!)
(Lol, I've seen it whenever one of us mentions it to you. You turn all brooding and silent.)
(To Anasatasia There were some graphic threats in there, too. Shudders And most of it was, let us say, explicit descriptions of. . . ah. . . delicate topics.)

Deleted user

(Lol, hey. Wait, you literally saw me today! Why are you saying "hello" again, lmao?)
(I do not!)
(I look horrified Oh, Jesus, Sam. Never mention those again. It was bad enough hearing them the first time.)
(Good, lol. Because we are done talking about that!)

Deleted user

(Oh, c'mon! I didn't even say the worst shit that passed through my mind. Consider yourself lucky that I said what I did, instead of some of the other shit I literally couldn't say, lmao!)

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

(Anyway. Shall we get back to the chat)

Nwalan: No, yet ‘tis also a discussion that I am reluctant to discuss by default. It be personal to both of us. Shrugs. If one displeases enough Goliathan females, they will all either disregard you completely, or kill you. Ehumar had the former, merely because he had no desire to bed any of them at the time.

Deleted user

(Ooh, that's sounds promising, Meep. Tell me in PMs, lol. I hope, for Balance's sake, that you never get truly pissed, lol.)

Aiden: Nods Then I suggest we speak no further of him. Including speaking of topics closely related to De Tearion's past. Sighs

Deleted user

Aiden: Chuckles My "collection", as you put it, is a mixture of runes, art and prophesies. I have symbols depicting aspects of everyone I'll meet and have met, symbols of strength and courage, though neither of those are much needed, depictions of the gods, lines of prose and poems, and yes, even images from some of the various weavings and tapestries of mine home.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Nwalan: Is completely fascinated as Aiden explains. Interesting. Most of my collection be historical or mythological. Tapestries of ancient deeds or godly events. Pottery painted with tales of warring demons. Carvings depicting great individuals or creatures. And… even a few swords that were of such artistic nature that they could not be used in battle. Now, I admit, I stole many of my pieces, but most of my gallery was gifted to me in some way. There are not many that I know that care as much as I about art.

Deleted user

Aiden: Grins Might we go and see just what you have collected? These artifacts may have some importance to Arcadia.

Deleted user

Aiden: Chuckles I shall tell you if you do. Steps through the portal.

Deleted user

Aiden: Looks about, then chuckles. He examines the closest tapestries with a critical eye, checking for any signs of wear and tear. This place is pristine. I like that.