forum For Geckofying, Kekofying and General Chaos
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

(At this point, it's not so much a question of bravery so much as "What the hell has this kid seen that could look creepier than those two?" lmao!)

Aiden: Chuckles Similar to my obsession with inks and tattoos.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

(Yeah, lmao!)

Nwalan: His eyes brighten. You have a massive collection of these ‘inks and tattoos’ that you have been collecting for millenia?

De Tearion: When I said obsession, I meant Nwalan’s life revolves around tapestries. He be naturally attuned to them, from what I understand.

Nwalan: We, Vanishers, indeed have natural obsessions. Mine is tapestries.

Deleted user

Aiden: Grins, then pulls off his shirt, revealing his heavily inked (and scarred, lol) skin. Yes, I do.

Deleted user

Aiden: Chuckles, then strips down further, unbothered by the rapidly cooling air. His legs are just as heavily inked as the rest of him. No gallery but mine body, Nwalan. And all the other art I've done is elsewhere, on live people. Very few of the ones that I tattoo die any time soon.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

(So, has Aiden adopted a sort of drāckonian accent, lol?)

Nwalan: Hmm… interesting. I have an entire gallery stashed in a pocket dimension. I have thousands of tapestries, and many other pieces of art.

De Tearion: Subtly shakes his head, bewildered. Why must some creatures mark their bodies?

Deleted user

(I think unconsciously, yeah, lol.)

Aiden: Grins at Nwalan Indeed? Might I see them some time? I have a desire to see the arts of other worlds. Turns to De Tearion The same reason why the bird must sing its bright melody: to attract the attention of the beautiful.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign


Nwalan: Grins. Anytime. A snap of the fingers be all I need to open the door.

De Tearion: Snorts. ‘To attract the beautiful’. I believe some humans say, ‘watch what you wish for’. A dark look enters his eyes, his gaze almost becoming a glare, before he composed himself again.

Deleted user

Aiden: Grins at Nwalan I shall remember that. Turns to De Tearion and snorts Some humans, yes. However, where I come from these tattoos are symbols of faith, of love, of commitment, and above all, of loyalty. Bravery is a lesser factor in choosing who you want to be with. If you are loyal, loving, and commited, noone cares if you run from a battle, so long as you do it with your partner. These symbols and markings only attract the ones I want to attract, for all others are too ashamed to stand up and face me.

Deleted user

Adam: Has wandered away and is messing around in the grass with a stick. Occasionally, clods of earth will fly up.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Nwalan: Grins.

De Tearion: His entire expression was intense and emotionless as he stared at Aiden.

Nwalan: Looks at De Tearion with concern. Calm, Ehumar. Other cultures are different from the forests.

De Tearion: Sighs, then nods at Nwalan, relaxing.

Deleted user

Aiden: Tilts his head curiously at De Tearion You do not appreciate mine marks, I see. No matter. They were never meant for you. Pulls his clothes back on Now then. I apologize for my forwardness there.

(Are there any honorifics the Goliathan use among themselves?)

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

De Tearion: I see no use for them. Goliathans judge others on strength and merit. Appearance be secondary. Yet, regardless of that, the bitches of my species are conniving, power-hungry… His somewhat calm expression started turning into rage as he spoke.

Nwalan: Steps in front of De Tearion, his hands raised to soothe De Tearion, though he clearly avoided touching the aggravated Goliathan. Ehumar. He be not from the forests. He has no context on your past or motives.

De Tearion: His stern gaze bores into Nwalan, but he sighs irritably and walks away.

Nwalan: Watches him go warily.

(What do you mean? Titles? Or things like Aiden’s markings?)

Deleted user

Adam: Looks confused A spoon? Why a spoon? And couldn't he eat as a spoon, since he'd be touching food? Why would he be unhappy about being a spoon? Spoons are cool!

Kek: Because the guy who turned him into one is obsessed with soup and spoons. KInd of. No, he couldn't. We don't eat normal food. We can, but it's like eating dirt. It does absolutely nothing.
Leo: whispers conspiratorially I think he misses being a spoon! 'Cause his room looks like a cupboard! And spoons go in cupboards!
Gino: Technically, any room looks like a cupboard if it's designed wrong enough.

Deleted user

De Tearion: I see no use for them. Goliathans judge others on strength and merit. Appearance be secondary. Yet, regardless of that, the bitches of my species are conniving, power-hungry… His somewhat calm expression started turning into rage as he spoke.

Nwalan: Steps in front of De Tearion, his hands raised to soothe De Tearion, though he clearly avoided touching the aggravated Goliathan. Ehumar. He be not from the forests. He has no context on your past or motives.

De Tearion: His stern gaze bores into Nwalan, but he sighs irritably and walks away.

Nwalan: Watches him go warily.

(What do you mean? Titles? Or things like Aiden’s markings?)

Aiden: Chuckles Then I assume your race is one of warriors alone, rather than bards and legends like me. Looks around when De Tearion leaves, and sighs, looking at Nwalan Is he always so angry, or is it just mine markings that angered him so?

(Titles. For instance, Aiden's honorific prefix would be êíÿ, (ay-EE), as in êíÿ-Charles.)

Deleted user

(Still no reaction, huh? They really weren't kidding when they said you couldn't be fazed.)

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

De Tearion: As he leaves. Indeed.

Nwalan: Gets a strange look for a moment before composing himself. A combination of the two. Ehumar has had a… rough life. He despises the forests, and traditions, for good reason. Shakes head sorrowfully. He deserved far, far better than his own race gave him. Particularly from the females. Though, Goliathan females are vicious by nature.

(Ah, okay. Um… Goliathans are very militaristic, so there’s that. Everyone is ranked. The Goliathan leader is called the Chancellor [there’s only one. They lead the entire race, which is basically a big ass army]. Then there is the Second-In-Command, but I don’t have a true title for that one yet. Then, the Generals, leaders of each village/group/family [still in progress], and they’re basically the rank below the Second-In-Command. That’s honestly all I have so far)

(It confuses the shit out of me sometimes when you guys trade characters, lol)
(And it also sometimes takes me a minute to finish typing. And fucking slow internet doesn’t help either, eye roll)

Deleted user

Aiden: Nods at De Tearion, then turns back to Nwalan Ah. . . I see. I understand being shunned. My parents were from another continent, so I am Arcadian, with fully Deadlands blood. I was. . . scarred by some of the boys I hung out with. Both physically and mentally. Snorts at Nwalan's next words Females in general seem to be vicious. But they can also be kind, should they choose to be.

(Ah. . . so the answer is no, not really then?)
(That's kinda the point, but we're hoping to catch you truly off guard one of these days, lol.)

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Nwalan: Nods. Yet, he was not merely shunned. It was worse, far worse. Anyway… Snorts as well. True, yet the viciousness be much more common than kindness in Goliathan females.

(Lol. Only a couple. Though, in De Tearion’s case, he’s a former Chancellor)
(I see. Pointing finger in a goofy, dramatic way. I’ll be watching you guys)

Deleted user

Aiden: Sighs Would he appreciate you saying anything further? Chuckles I do not know. . . I have met some women that could give you such a tongue-lashing that you would be remiss to try whatever you did again. And would shove their foot so far up your ass you could taste their stiletto heels.

(Oh, yeah, right. Lol, I keep "finding stuff out" about your characters.)
(Raises hands innocently I have done nothing. Yet. It's Balance you should look out for.)

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Nwalan: No, yet ‘tis also a discussion that I am reluctant to discuss by default. It be personal to both of us. Shrugs. If one displeases enough Goliathan females, they will all either disregard you completely, or kill you. Ehumar had the former, merely because he had no desire to bed any of them at the time.

(Well… I hope Balance is aware that I don’t like pranks. Trading characters and confusing me is no big deal. Pranking me… is another story)

Deleted user

(They have been made aware of this fact, yes. As a matter of fact, I let them know after it had happened. So, no need to worry about that with you. Quite a distinct emphasis on you, lol.)