@Althalosian-is-the-father book
Nmere: “What?”
Nmere: “What?”
Midnight: Nothing… it's just going to be a long trip…
Kilandre: Right…
Camari: Okay, excuse me, but who the fuck are you people.
Luna: Language, Ari.
Camari: Well, I don't know who they are.
Alton: You can find out who people are without cussing.
Camari: But it gets my point across better.
Luna: face in hands Juro por Dios que necesitamos encontrarle un terapeuta. No sé si puedo manejarla más.
Aquaramis: Uh…
Midnight: I'm blaming mister pain-loving-god…
Camari: Right, but I still don't know who you people are.
Luna: Jayden, come control your girlfriend.
Jayden: She's not my girlfriend.
Luna: Just come control her
Soáki: "I'm getting really tired of asking this; but who are you and how did you get here?"
Krystal: We are never going to go home at this rate…
Nmere: "We only have passage for the ones before."
Soák: "And I'm not bargaining again."
Kilandre: smile The worlds are chaotic today
Soáki: "Perhaps there are movements of the universe too large for us to comprehend."
Arandor: Probably!
Aquaramis: In other words, once we get Kilandre and Arandor home we need to figure out how to help these guys…
Arandor: Oh…
Camari: Well, I'm from this place where we have this leader and she sucks ass.
Luna: She's a tyrant.
Camari: Yeah, that. Anyway, we were just getting ready to stab her and now we're here.
Will: I thought I got to stab her?
Alissa: She told me I could.
Jayden: Camari gets to stab her because Addilyn put her through the most.
Cecily: Yeah, but she mentally abused you for three years, Jayden, you should stab her.
James: How about no one stabs her and we just put her in jail?
Camari, Will, Cecily, Piper, Angel, Jayden, Luna, Alton, Alissa, Carter, Scarlet, the whole country of Ecra and Shay: No
Alton: Okay, back on topic.
Alissa: We also have powers.
James: Yeah, and there's that.
Kilandre: You are truthful but, why?
Aquaramis: Gee… you are just going to stab her? Why not just make her suffer the same way she made all you guys suffer. That's what I'm going to do to Simeon. Grins evilly
Midnight just stares at Aquaramis
Scarlet: See that guy gets it. We should make her suffer.
Octavia: There is no point in that. We need her gone so that her supporters will give up.
Camari: True, but we also need answers.
Jayden: no. We can get answers after she's gone.
Scarlet: You guys aren't any fun.
Soáki: sharply “Revenge is no business of fun.”
Kilandre: Supporters? I believe if you only dispose of the leader the supporter will not make your life easy
Nmere: Smirking faintly “Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.”
Kilandre: Perhaps, but it will depend on their political structure
Octavia: Her supporters are only still around because she is. If she is gone, the supporters will give up on their cause.
James: We don't know that for sure. They do have a point. They could kill us.
Octavia: They're under her control. If she's gone, they will follow the next leader. They are only scared of change.
Kilandre: Perhaps
Soáki: “Good luck with that.”
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