@Althalosian-is-the-father book
Nmere: “Impressive. I guess he’s been through a lot today.”
Nmere: “Impressive. I guess he’s been through a lot today.”
Mizu: "You never know."
Nmere: “Trust me. He has.”
Mizu: "see I just go here so I wouldn't know"
Kilándrè: …Of course
Nmere: “I’m going to get some sleep before the day begins.” He surrounds himself with glowing lights and closes his eyes.
Mizu: "Does he always do that?"
Krystal: So we aren't going to find an inn or… well… okay…
Zenua: You going to be okay?
Krystal: I don't think Abomination can do anything to me while I'm over here… And to answer you question, I have no idea. He is a god and I guess he can do what he wants.
Kilándrè: smirk
Mizu: -_-
Kilándrè: eyebrow raise
Mizu: "what are you doing?"
Kilándrè: Nothing in particular
Mizu: 'if you say so."
Kilándrè: half-smile What are you anyway?
Mizu:" A half elf"
Lia'al: Wait… are half elves really a thing?
Zenua: In theory… at least, in our world.
Mizu: "They are in my world"
(Just so you know, I’ll be passed out till morning.)
Bre- hello I’m new🙃
Bre- hello I’m new🙃
(Please find a way you could have come here. Example, Time travel gone wrong.)
Kilándrè: Something…big must have happened…
Yeah…it was
Kilándrè: eyebrow raise
Arandor: What does that mean?
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