forum Bread Cult (Pastries and other stuff like that welcome.)
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@shining-just-for-you language

Luckless: Vanya's last name is Black because tehre's a colour called vantablack that sounds insanely cool. So she's Vanya Black. WHich is close enough.
Vanya: glares at Luckless I'm named after a COLOUR?
Luckless: An insanely cool colour!
Vanya: Aight, that makes it better.

Deleted user

Alice: Laughs I'm named after a character in a book, I believe.

Meep: Yup. How'd you know? You don't even have Alice in Wonderland in your dimension.

Alice: Shrugs

@shining-just-for-you language

Vanya: Still better than being named after a colour, unless the character dies. Or is evil. Or just sucks.
Lachlan: Books books books in wonderland! The ocean is wonderland! Alice needs to come in teh ocean wodnerland!

Deleted user

Shde: Laughs Yeah, you get used to it. We had a sea titan here a few minutes ago, but he left left left.

Alice: Walks over to Nyra and examines her. Interesting… are you a dragon?

Deleted user

Alice and Shade: Giggle Ah…

Alice: Really? What are you then?

Shade: Goes over to Lachlan.

Deleted user

Meep: An Umbreon? Are you a shiny?

Alice: Shrugs That- I- okay. Pokémon. Fair enough.

Shade: Shrugs and grabs a piece of toast.


Nyra: turns to Meep Uh, no. Not a shiny. I'm just a… I guess the word would be variant? Yeah, that.
(She pretty much looks like a purple, sparkly cat)

Deleted user

Odelia: cocks head to the side Variant? Is that math? I hate math. stomps foot, icebergs appear in the ocean NO MATH.


Nyra: eyes widen No! No, it's not math. It just means… a different version of something. looks around warily Should I be concerned about this?

Deleted user

Meep: Oh, so like Galarian, or Alolan?

Shade and Alice: Both shrug, then grin at the icebergs.


Nyra: Uh, I'm not sure. I don't think it's really a regional thing in my case…
(I literally just made her up one day cause I was bored, and was like 'hey, why not purple and sparkles?')

Deleted user

Meep: Ah… to Pastel Fair enough, then.

Alice: Grins Am I allowed to pet you?

Shade: Chuckles

Deleted user

Alice: Starts stroking Nyra's soft fur, and grins wider. You're so soft-

Meep: Doesn't get out much, does she? DId she teach herself English like Meowth?


(Yeah, I have to drag her when I wanna go somewhere. And yeah, she pretty much taught herself.)
Nyra: secretly loving the pets Well, not entirely by myself. I had a friend who helped a bit.

Deleted user

Meep: Honestly, I know some people exactly like Nyra. And that's amazing- weird fact, Jessie and James are 15, canoniclly-

Alice: Laughs Really? Could I meet this friend?

Deleted user

Meep: Yup! James doesn't even have a drivers license yet :/

Alice: Her eyes become distant. I understand that…