forum Monsters? These are my children -Ben (o/o with lisapickle)
Started by @chickenfrogman group

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@chickenfrogman group

Violet covers her own mouth momentarily, before taking Cage's bag from his hand and shoving it in the trunk. "They're sleeping. Be quiet." She whispers to Cage and Miki.
Cage smiles. "Aww they're cute!" He whispers, squishing his own cheeks. He climbs into the seat in front of them, buckling.


"I got Gabriel some snacks." Miki stage whispered as she climbed in. She sat beside Cage, forgetting that the front seat was empty with the other three squished in the back.
Silver nodded and lay her head back down in Gabe's shoulder, her eyes drifting closed.
"They're so weird but they're so adorable when they're not fighting." Miki whispered to Cage.

@chickenfrogman group

Cage giggles quietly. "Let's keep them." He whispers.
Violet buckles in the drivers seat, glancing back at her kids before starting the car and heading out of the parking lot.
Cage pulls out his phone. "Can I invite Robby for supper now?"
Vi nods. "Yes, go ahead."

Gabriel quietly sighs, rubbing Kissa's back rhythmically while he sleeps.


"Well it would be sorta awkward to not keep them by now." Miki laughed. She leaned against Cage's shoulder to shamelessly watch him text Robby. "What's her number? Can I tell her hi?"

Silver dozed off, not quite fully asleep; just conscious enough to enjoy feeling the other two so close to her.

@chickenfrogman group

Cage smiles. "Sure, here." He hands her the phone. "She wont mind."

Gabriel opens his eyes to watch as the world skids by out the window. He blinks slowly and rubs Silver's back, keeping her close and in a tight embrace.


"WAT really??" Miki gasped. She whipped out her phone and copied Robby's number. "Oh my word what should I say??" She started typing hi Robby! This is Miki. I'm Cage's sister…friend…person…thing. "Man, what am I even to you, Cage?"

Silver hummed happily and rubbed her face into his shirt.

@chickenfrogman group

Cage shrugs, taking his phone back. "Tell her you're my friend. Maybe send a photo of us so she believes you, haha."

A few minutes pass and Violet pulls the car into the driveway, shutting it off and climbing out to grab the groceries.


Miki laughed. "Oh good idea." She edited her text so it just said 'friend' and hit send. "Oh my word why am I so nervous." Miki wrapped her arm around Cage's shoulders and snapped a picture, sending it to Robby with the word proof.

She climbed out of the car and helped Violet grab the bags. She was almost to the door when she stopped and looked back. "Are they gonna come in or…?"

@chickenfrogman group

Cage smiles big for the picture, then climbs out, grabbing his sushi and walking inside quickly, humming Christmas songs.
Violet waves a hand. "No, no. They're fine. Leave them be. They usually behave."


"Okay." Miki bounded into the house and set her bags down, picking up her phone to text Robby again.
"You sure I won't, like, scare her away or anything, Cage?"

@chickenfrogman group

Cage works on getting everything into the fridge and freezer. "Oh yeah, you're fine. Miki," He turns around to look at her. "I'm her boyfriend. You're definitely safe."

Violet picks up a few things, walking them to the bathroom and putting them on the shelf. She walks back to the kitchen, putting a few things into their cabinets. "Ah, Miki? Will you get the laundry from Cage's room and my room and throw it in? I was going to switch it before I left but didn't get the chance."


"Yupyup!" She raced up the stairs and grabbed all the dirty laundry she could find in everyone's rooms. She paused in Ben's room, surprised that there was nothing, even in the hamper, but shrugged and went to Vi's room

And found all of Ben's clothes.

On Violet's bathroom floor.

Slowly she gathered up all the dirty clothes and brought them down to the laundry room and returned to the kitchen. She pulled out her phone and wrote,


vi and ben married

And texted it to Cage.

@chickenfrogman group

Cage checks his phone. He goes to squeal, but stops himself.
Imma have fun.
He texts back: No?
But right after sending it, giggles and sends another


For 0.3 seconds Miki's heart left her body through her shoes, but then it came back in full force.



also yo that was the best joke but you ruined it dork

@chickenfrogman group

Cage bursts out in laughter across the room, but instead of speaking he returns to his phone and write up a text.
I KNOW I KNOW SO SAD I RUINED IT. They got married the day before yesterday. Violet told everyone I thought. You might've been asleep of in the bathroom when she told Sil.

@chickenfrogman group

Cage giggles, biting one of his nails while he texts back.
All they did was sign papers and say vows. OH I WONDER IF THEY TOOK SECRET PHOTOS

Violet walks back into the room, pausing to raise an eyebrow at them.
What on earth? These kids.
She shakes her head with a smile.

@chickenfrogman group

Cage nods, sending one last text.
He would for Vi.

Violet looks over them one more time, before turning around and putting a few more things away.
"Ben will be home soon and he has a few things you can help carry in Cage."
Cage nods, walking to Miki. "Will do, Vi."

@chickenfrogman group

Violet goes to answer, but purses her lips, pausing. "I- I don't think so. I don't think he's ever made ice cream. Hmmn."
Cage grabs a desert book. "I'll check this one!"

Ben pulls up into the drive way, two large bags strapped onto the back of his motorcycle. He climbs out and takes his helmet off, staring into the backseat of the car with his brow furrowed.
He walks to the window and leans down, peering in.
Why are they just napping in here???
He opens the door, standing still and staring.
What is going on???


"Oh, I think Ben is home." Miki said, hearing the motorcycle. "Where did he go?"

Silver felt the door open and shifted, slowly squinting her eyes open. "Mmmm, hi Behn." She gave him a sleepy smile.

@chickenfrogman group

"The clothing store over the opposite way of my job. Kissa, Gabriel and Silver needed coats. Specifically custom coats." Violet answers.
Cage bounces up, still looking at the recipes. "Okay, let me finish this and I'll help."

Ben stares. "What the hell, Silver?" He snaps, startling Gabriel who slowly opens his eyes, then quickly disappears. "You can't just- What do you think you're doing?"

@chickenfrogman group

Ben looks disgusted, then growls. "Get off of him. Sil. Do I need to ground you or something? I'm serious!" He leans in, slipping an arm around her to pull her out. "You can't just snuggle random guys!" He pulls on her, "Gabriel, this is so not cool."