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Started by @saor_illust school

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@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Yeah, that would be pretty cool." Emrys agreed. "I've never really met anyone with my magic. Well, there was this one girl, but I don't know if she actually had it." She shrugged.

"Does anyone have any questions about this class? Anything you want to ask me?" Dr. Waylin asked, perching on the top of his desk. He surveyed the class, looking for raised hands.

@saor_illust school

"I doubt there's anyone like me, but it would be pretty cool to meet someone who shares ablities with me," Loren chimed in. She looked down at the syllabus, seeing if there were any materials she needed for the class.


"I'm sure with all the magic users in the world there has to be someone with magics close to yours."
Fudge, she thinks. I have almost none of this stuff. I should have known I would've needed goggles.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Alright, class, since everyone seems to have read and understood everything on this paper perfectly, I think we'll start class." Dr. Waylin glanced at the clock. "Does anyone have a good icebreaker activity for the class?"

"Oh, he'd better not call on me…" Emrys said, looking intently at the table.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"I can see that we're very enthusiastic about this…" Dr. Waylin scanned the room, his eyes finally landing on Loren. "What do you think we should do," he glanced at something on his desk, "Loren?"

"Yikes," Emrys muttered to Zuri. "He knows our names. How does he know our names? It's the first day!"

@saor_illust school

"Um… how about no icebreakers?" she suggested boldly, or with as much boldness she could summon. Then downcasting her eyes, nervously, she whispered to Emrys and Zuri, "Do you think he's going to take my suggestion?"

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"I don't know," Emrys replied, her eyes flicking between the table and Dr. Waylin.

"No icebreakers?" Dr. Waylin raised his eyebrow. "Interesting choice. But I'm afraid we can't do that." He tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Why doesn't everyone tell the class what powers you have? We'll need to know that." His gaze moved to Emrys. "Why don't you start, and we'll go in a circle?"

"Um…" Emrys looked up, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose with one finger. "I… say things and they happen. Within reason." Dr. Waylin nodded and looked at Loren expectantly.

@saor_illust school

"I, um," she decided it would be easier just to show Dr. Waylin. I push thoughts into others heads, she thought. And soon enough, as if she was speaking into a microphone and inside his head was the speaker, the words came through. but only Dr. Waylin could hear the words.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Hmm," Dr. Waylin pursed his lips. "Very interesting. Telepathy, I'm guessing?" He looks up at the ceiling. "I've always thought telepathy was an interesting power to have." He looks back at Loren. "Sadly, it's not one I was given."

Emrys sighed and folded up the syllabus. Ice-breakers were the worst, and even though Dr. Waylin looked pretty awesome, he was… just not interesting. Hopefully, the class would be more fun once they actually started to do stuff.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Next?" Dr. Waylin looked to the next person.

"I wonder what he does," Emrys wondered, looking at Loren. "Probably something stupid, like…" She paused. "The ability to speak to flys or something." Emrys giggled.


Zuri snickers in sleep position then puts on a poker face to look up at him.
When it was her turn she looks him dead in the eyes and simply shares, “I have the siren song and some of its… aquatic attributes.”
This was pretty boring. Ice-breakers? What kind of teacher even is this guy? Hopefully he’ll loosen up or something through the rest of the year.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Alright, then." Dr. Waylin looked at the clock. "We only have a few more minutes left, so use that time to talk amongst yourselves. And try to have everything in the materials list by the end of the week."

"Wonderful." Emrys sighed and stuffed the folder syllabus into her backpack. "The next class has to be awesome, or I'm going to lose my mind."

@saor_illust school

"I know, none of the teachers have been super interesting so far," Lore stood up, still holding all the loose sheets she'd been handed over the course of the day so far.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Yeah…" Emrys glanced at the papers in Loren's hands and grinned. "You probably want to find a place for those. Don't want to lose them. Dr. Waylin might set his fly army on you!" She laughs and pulls her phone from her pocket. "Huh, my next class is something called… Combat and Control? Are we actually going to do magic in the magic school?" She gasps, her eyes wide and glittering with humor.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"I'd be down with it." Emrys shrugged. "Tell you what, if we actually have to fight, I'll try to volunteer in your place." She smiles at Loren. "Maybe-" The bell interrupts Emrys, causing the rest of the class to jump up and flood out of the room. Emrys rolls her eyes and looks at her phone again. "Looks like 'Combat and Control' is in a different building called… The Arena? That's not ominous at all."

@saor_illust school

"WHa-? What kind of name is that? We really are going to have to fight each other, aren't we." (sorry for the short reply, i gtg now, changing periods)

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

(It's fine, I understand completely!)
"Apparently. You'd think they'd make up better names for buildings where classes are going to be held for, you know, us." Emrys shook her head and slung her backpack over her shoulder. "We'd best be going, or we're going to be late. With the building being named like that, I don't think I want to meet the teacher."