forum Show off Your Art!!!
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people_alt 207 followers

Deleted user

Hey,it´s looking pretty good, I love the pixels and the little snakes

Deleted user

Does anyone else have the issue where they cannot draw their OCs for the life of them, or is that just me?

Deleted user

Oh thank god. Because I can draw anything else, but as soon as I start doing an OC i'm suddenly a 2 year old struggling with lines.
Not to mention it won't turn out like how they are in my head. WTF

@Knight-Shives group

I once posted a very cartoony picture of my OC because I can't draw. I posted it on a discord server. Someone took it onto themself to improve it… They definitely improved it

Deleted user

Why do I relate to that problem su much (like seriously, I try to draw them the way they look on my head and the result is never what I imagined…)


so yesterday krita crashed on me and deleted 4 hours of painting
joke's on me because I vindictively reworked it today, but only for 2 and half hours


sorry!! I think I just fixed that

It does, I think, but I guess this was a bigger crash? It froze up for an hour the last time I tried to save my thing, and then after reopening it all the auto saves and previous versions were gone

@soupnana group

Hello everyone I am back from my long (and probably annoying for some of you) disappearance. (If you were involved with the Caraval animation thing I am sorry)
And I just dropped in to say that I kinda wanna slap y'all for being so incredibly talented. ILY guys!