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@requiemisback language

ok so i finally learned how to properly upload images without using quora links

Deleted user

This is a type of pistol found in my world. Created by a character who was catapulted from our world to another dimension.


Is that a double-barreled gun? It looks like there are also two triggers though it looks like you would need two hands, one to hold the gun and another to pull the trigger.

Deleted user

Sorry, it took so long to reply.
The pistol is based on the Saxon Double Barrel Wheel-Lock.
It's a big handgun (although, in my story, I made it a bit smaller) and is really expensive to make because, yes, it is a double-barrel, but also because it has two completely independent separate actions, meaning, the gun has two locks combined into one firing mechanism, and that each barrel could be ignited separately. Wheellock guns were actually the first self-igniting firearms, which meant that they could be fired efficiently with one hand.


While this isn't what most of you guys are used to, I recently got into Warhammer 40k and bought the big-ass Indomitus Box that rang in 9th Edition. I'm really proud of my most recent mini, a Primaris Chaplain for my Salamanders army! The picture's a bit fuzzy, but I'm very happy with how this turned out.

@Katastrophic group

Lovely work everyone!
I have some more designs cause sea shanties have taken over my life
I guess adoptables are a thing so imma try that? I dunno but it would be an excuse to draw even more

@soupnana group

There once was a ship that put to sea
And the name of that ship was the Billy o' Tea
The winds blew hard, her bow dipped down
Blow, me bully boys, blow (huh)
Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing' is done
We'll take our leave and go

I love those characters they look amazing and I love sea shanties as well!!! :D

@Katastrophic group

There once was a ship that put to sea
And the name of that ship was the Billy o' Tea
The winds blew hard, her bow dipped down
Blow, me bully boys, blow (huh)
Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing' is done
We'll take our leave and go

I love those characters they look amazing and I love sea shanties as well!!! :D

how’d you know the song I was listening to???

thanks lol!