forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@soupnana group

hi my lovelies. i am losing my mind currently due to common sense and my own rebellious heart clashing at the moment, and from that came a little piece based off those feelings and me being cast as the doctor in my school play. to say the least, i’m losing my sanity by the minute and i need more sleep


Ohh bean - I suggest adding Biscoff cookies to that Treatment list - and also music because music really helped me get through my depression -

Deleted user

Trying to make characters fit into an environment… even if it is a simple background…

Deleted user

I’m new here, I’m queer, and I feel like showing off some concepts for a comic of mine I’m working on. First is a title page and the next is a litol creature sketch I just felt like making.

Deleted user

@Soup_Nana_and_co THANK YOU!!!! I love all the things and characters you draw too! (also, I feel so proud that somebody said that about my babies!!!)
@Siberse Not sure if it would help (specially since I don't know if youtube is blocked for your school chromebook) but I made a little speedpaint, just skip to the end if you are able to see it

Deleted user

I’m new here, I’m queer, and I feel like showing off some concepts for a comic of mine I’m working on. First is a title page and the next is a litol creature sketch I just felt like making.

It looks so cute (loving the Frankenstein's monster aesthetic)

Deleted user

Yeah! It’s a diesel/steampunk rewrite of the story where I take the classics and kinda adapt them to this universe I’ve made, it’s cool.

Deleted user

Sounds really interesting! (and that explain why the girl gave me Mary Shelley vibes)

Deleted user

Oh wow
I uh… I watched the whole video
(I draw in a cartoony/anime style, but I cannot compare to your art xD I still need experience drawing hair, clothing, and in general male proportions.)

@Katastrophic group

Lovely art everyone!
I have no 'art' at the moment as I catch up on projects, but here's some process pics of my paper quilling assignment. As you can see, I made the project bigger than the reference image so enjoy sorry for the glue and paper bits everywhere, my whole desk is such a mess now

Deleted user

@Siberse Don't worry about that! AND TYSM, you just gotta practice, even if it is meant to be small simple things, don't compare yourself, I'm sure your art is pretty good
@Katastrophe It looks pretty good!!! I don't know crap about paper quilling but I'd say it's looking good so far even is it is a little bigger than the reference